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marianna pov

Im  so tired like so tired i could sleep for years right now but we left the hospital and me and Marcus went into my room and we went to sleep for a few .
Sos me and marcus woke up like 3 hours later and we went into a room were my brother Korea and my bad who was laying on the chair we had in there .
"So do we know who attack us or are they still questioning the man from the hospital ?" I ask my dad . He  looked at my brother and Korea they knew something that they wont tell me . "Tell me now !"I said to them my dad look at me like I was crazy but he sat up and started talking " its was king's family " he said I was furious, scared because I thought once I was done with him I was done with him for good ."look we got people looking for they at now so for right now we lay low no going to the stars at night for a bit unless you are with Marcus, your brother, or a guard understated? " he ask " yes but what about the house and when we go on deal ?" You and Korea aren't doing that for a while either " me and Korea both jumped up " WHAT"  "that's how get my money I can't stop that like what am I gonna do there got to be another way cuz I still help with the kids at the house and if I don't have money  they don't eat or clothes. " Korea said I agreed "that's all handle until we get  this handle I will being giving you money for yourself and the house will get there's from now on you need to keep your money cuz you not gonna be in this life forever and that's a promise" he said to all of us 
August POV
"Ok y'all leave real quick let me talk to Marcus real quick " I said he kiss my daughter and Jaden and Korea left  . " yes sir ?" He got respect " I got some question for you ok ?" I ask even thou he was gonna answer them either way " yes sir wassup " he said 
"What do you see in my daughter ?" I ask "pick your words wisely "I stated before letting him talk . " Marianna she god what is there to see in her she is smart ,beautiful, intelligent, sweet when she wanna be she like a little fire cracker because she always wanna fight people digger than her and she cute when she gets mad she ride for her family and friends ,she knows how to protect herself very well she dont need to depend on anyone in anyway which I love that about her , she is like a breath of fresh air when I met her. She makes me smile every time I see her it's like when she's mad I'm mad when she happy I'm happy when she tired I'm tired like she help me with stuff that I thought other would not understand " he said with all that this young man smile like he really loves my babygirl "I'm sorry that was a long answer " he said " nawl son you good " i said "i got another thou " will you protect my babygirl my only daughter with you life in any case of danger?" I ask looking him in his eyes sitting forward more than I was  " sir" he said before doing what I did "I will protect this girl with inch of me to make sure she is alive and safe because thats how much I love that girl you call your daughter." He said said "you see a future?" I do with her and this family of you allow me and if she allows me too I wanna see her as my wife and the mother of my kids and my only love until the day we both are 6ft under ." I was surprised with this man right here " I respect you for that you have earned it and I hope you don't lose it ."I said walking put the room with him behind me but was stopped by three body on the ground " tall some noisy mf move out my way I got some business to handle "I said laughing cuz they was all on top of marianna Marcus pulled her up .

Yea I like this young man for my babygirl

Hi everyone ik I been M.I.A but yall I'm back and better I'm gonna try to update as much as I can but I need feedback in the comments votes and all PM me for ideas for book 2 and the few chapters in this book love yall and thanks for the support

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