Chapter 1 A glimpse of the tiger's power

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3rd pov
Here we are Union Academy a prestigious School known as the best in the world for training the strongest heros but this is not their story this is a story of the silent tiger Hiro Sonken son of Son Quan the white tiger of Gou and the second prince of the Son family. We see him with bruise and bandages on him being taken care of by three girls.

Barbara:You really need to stand up for yourself Hiro.

Hiro: Sorry it's just I don't like fighting that's all.

Hornet:so you're just going to let them bully you if your brother Son Saku was here he would most likely tell you to stand up for yourself just the same.

Mona: Hornet's right Hiro.

Hiro:But how I'm just a loser I'm not courageous like my father or brother.

Barbara:Yes you are Hiro I saw it when you came to save me from those thugs that day.

Hiro:Am I really

Hornet: You're a hand full you know that I guess I can't complain you always do pull through when we need you which is one of the reasons why we love you.

Mona:She right when ever I look at the stars your's so a tiger which represents courage.

Barbara:Hiro you're are courageous you're still willing to protect even if you're scared.

Hiro: Thanks girls I needed that.

Girls: we'll always be there for you Hiro we love you.

Hiro:Love you all too.
Time skip

Hiro's pov
We are currently in the combat class and Ms. Goodwitch is picking the fighters.

Gylanda: Issei who will your opponent be.

Issei:I chose the weakling Hiro.

Hiro:Do I really have to fight.

Gylanda:Yes your grades in combat class are low.

I step into the ring ready to fight but I don't want to fight.

Gylanda: begin

Issei then rushes at me and punchs me in the stomach and then blasts me away with a dragon shot.

Rias:Go Issei beat that loser.

He the takes his sword out but someone stop him it was Hornet.

Hornet:this fight is over I'm not letting you kill my boyfriend.

Issei: why are you even with him he's a loser and a coward.

Hornet:no he's not!!!

Issei: guess I have to teach you your place being a member of my harem.

He slash Hornet on the stomach I call out.

Hiro: Hornet!!!!!!

Issei: I'll have Asia heal her later after I'm done with you.

He swing his sword at me the only thing going through my is that he hurt Hornet my Hornet. I immediately block his sword with my own.

Me: that's it no more!!!

Me: That's enough!!! You attack and injured my Hornet and for that I can not for give you people like you who abuse their power and hurt the weak I'll wipe them all from the face of the planet.

Me:this world will never know peace not until all tyrants of your nature have been taken care of and that time is nooooowwww!!!!!

(Ignore the statue)

Me:Red Dragon Emperor Issei I will defeat you!!!!

And the the Headmasters came in stunned at what they were see.

Allmight:Mr. Son???

Serafall:Hiro calm down.

Ozpin:Yes please do calm down Sonken

Me:No!!! I had enough hurting me is one thing but Hornet is another! And you Issei let this pain be a lesson to never hurt those I love. "Wild Tiger Roar!!!!!"

And with that his armor was completely shattered.
Rias and her peerage: Issei!!!
I had no strength left and fell to the ground everything is going dark.

3rd pov
Sirzech: was that really Sonken his power was incredible I've never seen anything like it.

Ozpin:We have made a grave mistake this boy is the White Tiger Sovereign which is more powerful than the Red and White dragon emperors.

Barbara:Hiro Hornet hang in there Mona help me get them to the nurse's office.

Mona: Okay.

Jean: Ozpin explain why my sister's boyfriend went berserk and obliterated the Red dragon emperor.

Enterprise:And why my sister is hurt.
Time skip

Jean and Enterprise:You let Hiro be bullied by them and didn't do anything to help him!!!!!

Sirzech:we were hoping it would help awaken his true power.

Jean:Yeah at what cost he could have hurt people or himself in he's rampage luckily he was focused on Issei.

Enterprise:Son Quan is a very respected figure in azurlane.

Jean: Son Saku is respected by the Knights of Favonius.

Enterprise:Son Quan asked me to look after Hiro for him but you all hurt him when my back is turned as well as my sister!

Serafall:Enty we know this is bad but we can fix this and make it right.

Enterprise:No Serafall I disappointed in you most of all you call yourself a magical girl but you didn't help someone in need.

Jean: we'll let you off this time but if anything happens to Hiro or our sisters our alliance with Union Academy is over as well as the alliance with the Son clan.

The Headmasters went pale hearing this three of their most powerful allies could leave them because of this mistake they had to fix it no matter what.

Hiro's pov
Ugh my head what oh right I went berserk on the perv Hornet where's is she I see her laying peaceful next to me I cuddle up with her and fall asleep again.

The next day
Me: Mmmmm I feel much better now.
Hornet time to wake up.

Hornet: five more minutes.

Me: Hornet in the nurse's office so let's get up.

Hornet: Carry me.

Me:Huh? Okay.
With that I pick up Hornet and make my way to our dorm yes I share a dorm with three girls that are my girlfriends we haven't gone there yet I do love them with all my heart and wish to spend my life with them.

???hey Hiro

I look to see one of my friends Sora.

(Just imagine he has the kingdom key)

Sora:How you feeling buddy.

Me:much better than yesterday that's for sure.

Sora: glad to hear it so what you up to lately.

Me: nothing much just trying to be strong like my father and brother.

Sora:Hiro you are strong like them you just lack confidence that's all. Oh yeah I got something for you it's a gift your own keyblade.

Sora: it's said that this keyblade is on par with the he xblade and Ultima weapon.

Me: Wow thanks I don't know what to say.

Sora: Just keep your head up I gotta go the others need me for something see ya.

Me:yea see ya.

He left probably a mission he has.

???:there you are Hiro.
I turn you see who it is and to my surprise it's Anne Bonny and Mary Read two servants of Fujimaru Gadou.

Me:What do you two need.

Anne:oh nothing just here to see you that's all.

Mary:we heard about what you did to the perv impressive.

Me:um I guess let me get Hornet to bed she's still tired from yesterday.
Time skip

Anne: so you have any plans for today.

Me:no nothing in particular.

Anne:then why don't we hang out today.

Me:I don't know you two get in to trouble sometimes.

Anna:come Hiro please!!!!

Mary:prev stop trying to get close to Anne to feel on her.

Me: I'm not doing anything that's all her I'm still recovering from going berserk yesterday.

Mary: even though you still blushing mean you enjoying it.

Me:I can't deny it Anne is beautiful what is one to do when their being flirted with a woman like Anne.

Anne: Ah thanks I think you're cute Hiro what about Mary.

Me:well Mary is Cute and cool so awesome in battle being small like she is doesn't mean I don't like her if i could I'd date you both ops.

This caused both girls to blush Anne looked happy to hear it and Mary she was as red as an apple she was hiding her face in her jacket.

Anne: I know you like us both and I don't mind dating you either does Mary.

Me: Wait does that mean you two liked me .

Both girls nodded confirming my question.

Anne:so Hiro do you want to date us.

Me:yes but what about Fujimaru he's my friend and you're his servants.

Anne:We already told him about this he agreed.


Anne:yep now you have five girlfriends now your own harem I can't wait to see what happens next darling.

I decided to turn in for the my head is starting to hurt from all this I lay in my bed as Anne and Mary cuddle with me so how is my life going to be now after this.

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