Chapter 2 getting the tiger's attention

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3rd pov
It's been a week since the incident in the combat class many of Hiro's bullies stop bullying him in fear of meeting the same fate as Issei. Speak of which Rias has been bothering him to join her peerage but he declined. Many people are trying to get his attention.

Hiro's pov
Man everyone has been bothering me a lot lately it's kinda annoying even some of my ex's are bothering me now saying that they miss me but I know that's not the truth.

???:Hey Hiro!!!

Turn around to see one of my ex's.

Rin Tohsaka my ex girlfriend friend who cheated on me with her servant Archer she says I'm too weak and a coward.

Rin:Hello Hiro.

Me: Don't call me Hiro your lost the right to call me that my name is Sonken.

Rin:Hiro I just want to talk and start fixing our relationship.

Me: Rin listen there is no relationship you chose who you love you could have been real to me and said you didn't love me anymore it would have hurt but not as much as you cheating behind my back.

Rin: Hiro I really am sorry.

Me:No Rin I can see it in your eyes that this is not sincere at all just go back and stop lying to yourself and to me for your own sake not mine.

I begin to walk away to go meet my little harem I some how started.

Rin's pov
As Hiro was walking way I started to cry.

I called him a weakling and coward and yet now my heart hurts seeing him happy with those girls I wish I was a part of that. But I cheated on him it was made clearly that he was stronger than we thought he's so kind as to protect his girlfriends even if he was scared. I was there when he went berserk on Issei I could have sworn I saw the silhouette of a tiger above him he was as ferocious as a tiger in that moment. What was it that made me stop loving him was it because his timid and passive nature or was it because he never made me feel protected.

???:Rin are you okay?
I turn around to see the others.

Shirou:Rin you're crying what happened?

Me: it's just

Sakura: It's Hiro-senpai isn't it.

I nodded my head.

Luvia: So you regret cheating on darling right I can understand he did just prove everyone here wrong showing he wasn't as weak as everyone thought.

Me:why are you calling him darling!!!

Luvia: isn't it obvious I going to claim him as my husband I heard that the Son family is blessed by the White Tiger Sovereign which is more powerful than the Red And white dragon emperors. Hiro's father Son Quan was the one who used the tiger's power along with Son Saku. Imagine that me Mrs. Luvia Son wife to Hiro Sonken it's perfect.

Me:So you just want to marry him for his family name and power have you no shame.

Luvia: Shame you one to talk after you were caught cheat him behind his back I'm just going to help him become a true leader of the Son clan and besides he's actually cute. I'll admit I regret rejecting him for the way he is so I've decided to earn his affection and become apart of his family.

I never would've expect this Luvia of people who wants someone for something other than fame money or power but no I want him back I remember stole a kiss from him while he was sleeping next to the tree he usually naps at.

(Like that but it's Hiro and Rin instead)

I really miss his warmth when we would sleep together.

I really do miss him I iiiii (sobbing) I want him back I want my Hiro back I want to be in his arms again.

Archer:So you're finally regretting it good after you forced yourself on me like jezz woman tying me up like that I'm not into BDSM.

Me:I know an I'm sorry.

Archer it's not me who you should say sorry to it's Hiro.

Me: Thank you Archer for everything.

Archer: yea yea but it's best you wait until later to make up with him.


Hiro's pov
I'm just wandering around the school just in my own thoughts wonder what to do with my girlfriends when I heard a voice call out to me.

???:hey Hiro

It was my to childhood friends the Vermilion sisters Stella and Starla Vermilion along with my friend Ikki Kurogane.


Starla: (She's Stella's twin sister they wear uniforms to tell the difference between them when they were younger they would swap places with each other to prank their parents like the"Parent Trap" and for others who know of the anime Ikki and Stella are not together but Starla everything happens the same Stella was attending business at home so Starla was at Union first and got into the whole incident with Ikki)

Ikki:(another friend to Hiro and Starla's fiance he helps Hiro with improving his swordmanship)

Stella:Hey Hiro how you.

Me: I'm doing fine how are you three.

Ikki: We're okay but we came to see you we heard what happened at combat class the other day.

Me: I'm doing fine since then I'm just wondering what to do with my harem I wanna spend my time with them.

Starla: So you've gotten yourself a harem. Well Stella you better do something quickly or you might just lose your chance to marry Hiro like you said when we were little.

Stella: Starla don't say that I don't like him.

Me:oh ii I see.


Stella:wwwwwait Hiro I do love you

Stella:One-chan look what you made me do!

Starla:just shut up and kiss him

Me: Wow that was amazing.

Stella:I love you my silent tiger

Me:I love you too my crimson princess.

???:well dad did say you two were going to get together one day

Me:Son Saku!!! You're here when did you get here?

Son Saku:I just got here a few minutes ago so how have you been doing little brother.

Me: I've been doing okay lately.

Son Saku: That's good to hear but I got a call from Enterprise that you've been bullied is this true Sonken.

Me:Yea but it's been settling down ever since the incident in the combat class.

Son Saku:Yes I've heard you used our families power to defeat the red dragon emperor I'm proud of you Sonken.

Me:But I went berserk though.

Son Saku: That maybe true but you fought for Hornet to protect her that little brother is why I am proud of you only wanted to protect someone who you love that there is true courage and father would be proud.

Me: Thanks big brother I need to hear that.

Ikki:You see Hiro your brother agrees you strong.

Starla:If that was the case you wouldn't have Hornet and the others as girlfriends they believe in you like we all do.

Stella:Yea I'm happy to be apart of your harem it's way better than being hit on by the perverted dragon emperor you're compassionate and don't like to fight but you're willing to protect the people who you love I wouldn't want to be with anyone else.

???:She right you know it's why some girls are drawn to you you don't care about their body but them as a person.

Son Saku: Well if it isn't the shepherds great tactician Robin how are you doing.

Robin: I'm doing fine thanks for asking Son Saku.

Me:So Robin what are you up to.

Robin: well I just came to see if you were okay after you know.

Me: Yeah I'm doing fine after that but I'm still working on trying to tap into that power I did that day.

Robin: that's good to hear but what's up with you and Stella.

Me:Well she's my girlfriend now I a harem of 6 girls I never thought I'd be loved like this but I'm happy none the less to be with them maybe that why I felt stronger that day I wanted nothing more than to protect Hornet.

Robin: Maybe so but you counted wrong it's 7 not 6.

Before I knew it Robin had kissed me.

Robin:I always liked you Hiro you're always so compassionated to others even your bullies you're willing to give chances to even villains.

Son Saku:Since when did my brother become a ladies man.

Oh boi so this is my life now

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