─Chapter Fourteen

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Fourteen: Doubts and Meetings

It was a beautiful moonlit night. The dark skies were void of wispy clouds and a chill breeze made the atmosphere pleasant.

Dragonfly opened her brown eyes when the sound of footsteps approached her. "Good evening, Shade."

"Good evening, Beauty Fly!" Shade greeted her with a wink. She smiled rather sweetly.

"If you insist of calling me Beauty Fly, perhaps it is time I fly to Blackburn alone," she threatened, her lips curling up into a smirk. Shade sweatdropped.

"Got a portkey," he said instead, grabbing her hand and taking out a golden coin. It glowed blue as he grinned at her. She frowned back and they were whisked away to Blackburn's place.

Their feet hit the hard floor with a thud, somehow causing Shade to trip on his own feet and fall down. Dragonfly leant him an helping hand and he took it gratefully.

"Good evening, Unspeakables." A deep voice greeted them as Shade got to his feet. A pair of dark eyes observed them keenly.

"Good evening, Blackburn."

"Is there something we must discuss?" Blackburn asked in a silent tone. Shade looked at Dragonfly who stepped up.

"I'm sure you know about the attack on Hogsmeade, sir. We found out that a man. . . or a woman, who goes by the pseudo name, Confusion, is the mastermind. They are apparently behind some student. . . or staff of Hogwarts but we must know who and why in order to protect them," she explained. Shade nodded in acknowledgement.

There was a tense silence as minutes passed. When the grandfather clock struck twelve, Blackburn spoke. "I believe it's not yet time for you both to know who it is and who they are after but I shall give you an hint: the most dangerous of the two is after a staff of Hogwarts."

Before Dragonfly could ask anymore questions, she felt herself be whisked away. She expected to land hard on her feet but when she hit something really soft, she opened her eyes.

She was on her bed in her dormitory. Alarmed, she looked down at herself only to sigh in relief. Her disguise was gone. That reminded her of another thing, rather a person – Shade.

Slowly she poked her head out of the canopy of her bed. The dormitory was empty besides the trunks of her dormmates. Surely she was thinking silly when she assumed Shade to have come in with her; boys could not come up to the girls' dormitories.

That raised another question: who was Shade under the mask?

She knew that she is not supposed to know his identity but he is obsessed with her even though he has only seen her eyes and the lower part of her face. The thought that someone even liked her that way made her feel different. It felt as if she was special too but she could just not place all her emotions. Surely she liked Harry, not Shade but being on the receiving end of Shade's submissive proposals made her mind feel restless.

Oh, what more troubles would Dragonfly bring her?


It was at two in the afternoon when Ginny finally had a free period. Taking this opportunity to feel at peace, the Gryffindor slipped out to the courtyards to spend the afternoon basking in the sun.

The sky was crystal blue and bright. A slow paced breeze was setting in as she walked around the fountain. A few students were playing gobblestones. She looked above at the dreamy clouds, thinking about when Harry was partnered with her for potions.

Harry was a true potions master; no wonder even Snape seemed to be impressed by him. Ginny really did nothing other than cut a few ingredients and read out the instructions. Harry truly was a cute partner. She let out another dreamy sigh when the thought processed.

Her daydream was broken like a glass shattered on the floor when she spotted the only dark thing on top of the numerous castletops, staring at the students below. With a serious brow, she got up and ran to find a safe place to transform.


"Are you kidding me, Shade?!" she chided when she reached the place where Shade was standing.

"Yes. How did you find me?"

Dragonfly rolled her eyes. "Using my eyesight of course!"

"Nice sass, Beauty Fly," he grinned before sobering up. "I've got a news."

"What is it?" Dragonfly asked, anticipation evident in her voice.

"As Blackburn said, there are two baddies here," he pointed out the obvious. "of which the baddest is after a staff of Hogwarts but did you know that it is a teacher he or she, seeks? Now, don't ask me how I know. I have my sources, you see."

Dragonfly looked surprised. So three people could be ruled out, she thought. She ignored how Shade had his sources to ask for such protected information.

"Which means, Filch, the caretaker, the house elves and Headmaster Dumbledore are ruled out," she breathed. Shade nodded. A burden had been lifted off of her shoulders when Shade told her the bad guys were not after the Headmaster. Protecting the Headmaster himself would have been the toughest task she would ever embark on.

However, the teachers of Hogwarts were huge in number.

Shade voiced out her thoughts. "But there arises the problem. There are so many teachers at Hogwarts. Which one to protect?"

Dragonfly sighed and rubbed her throbbing temples. "We should keep an eye at the mealtimes to see any suspicious activity. Other than that, we could protect the teacher who's class we are in at the moment."

"Do I know you?" Shade asked suddenly. Dragonfly looked at him quizzically. "You know, in real life. Without disguise."

"How am I supposed to know who you are?!" Dragonfly shot back.

"Right. I forgot we can not know the other's identities but what if we are in the same class and the same house? We won't be doing any job sitting in the same class and guarding the same teacher," Shade pointed out.

"We can't help it, can we?"

"No, I don't think so."

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Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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