─Chapter Thirteen

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Story: The Titans of Secrets
Chapter Thirteen: The Aftermath

Pieces of brash rained down and the boy did not deter from the spot. Dragonfly immediately dived down, shielding herself from the crashing debris. She could hear Shade shout an incantation which slowed down the building's collapse.

Her feet touched the ground, hard, but she immediately ran to the red haired boy and pushed him aside. Just as she was about to get out of the way, a chunk of solid stone fell down, missing her head by an inch as she dived out of the way.

"MOVE DRAGONFLY!" Shade shouted from above as his spell weakened. Dragonfly tried standing up but found that her ankle had been twisted. She looked up with fearful eyes as the leftovers of the started inching closer. She shut her eyes tightly, regretting the day she said yes to Blackburn.

All of a sudden, she felt a heady feeling. Thinking she was probably in afterlife, she kept her eyes shut, fearing for the worst. A pair of strong arms grabbed her shoulder and waist and she was hoisted up.

Wondering why Merlin knows which deity would carry her, she opened her eyes and froze: she was on the rooftop, in Shade's arms. He looked down at her with pained green eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly. She nodded vigorously.

"Thank you very much but can you please let me down now?" she replied. He slowly placed her on the rooftop and sat down beside her. "Where is Ron?"

"Ron?" Shade asked, looking perplexed.

"The teen who was standing under the building like a daft dimbo!" Dragonfly screamed.

"Oh right. He's being tended to by err his girlfriend," Shade explained, scratching the back of his hooded neck nervously. Dragonfly let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, her brother was alright. "What do we do now?" Shade interrupted her relief.

"For what?" Dragonfly asked foolishly. Shade smirked.

"Are you thinking about thanking me in any special way?" he asked, grinning. Dragonfly rolled her eyes and pushed him away.


"Confused about what?" Shade asked, perplexed.

"I'm talking about the guy who attacked this place! Confusion!" Dragonfly snorted.

"Oh, right. We haven't got a clue about who he is. I s'pose we must meet Blackburn. What do you think?" he suggested. Dragonfly shrugged.

"I reckon yes. We could do that. We must start somewhere, after all. But for now, we must get back lest our friends get suspicious."

"True but can you make it?" Shade asked. Dragonfly pumped up her arms.

"Of course I can, Shady. I am the leader, after all."

Shade could not do anything other than admire her with a smile.


Ginny limped to the Three Broomsticks only to find it a mess. The ceiling was partially ruined and the other pieces were held back by a shield spell. Dust flew everywhere and Ginny blinked rapidly to avoid them getting into her eyes. A small, straight and partially bright sunlight streaked through the shattered windows. Taking slow and careful steps to avoid hitting her feet with the debris, she walked unsteadily to her friends who were grouped together.

Hermione had several fresh wounds but she was scolding a zoned out Ron, who had equally bleeding bruises. Gilligan was sitting on a destroyed lump of brash, looking depressed. Harry was sitting on the other side of Ron, trying to get him out of his reverie. His shirt was wet and red from the fight. It sent her chills down her spine.

Ginny slowly approached them. "Ron?"

Ron did not look up. In fact, he made no move that he heard her. Hermione harrumphed and sat up.

"I have no idea what's wrong with him! He was standing beneath a collapsing building and a hooded figure saved him. From that time, he's been like this!" she exclaimed in agony. Ginny hugged her brother tightly and after a few minutes, he responded. She pulled back and looked him in the eye; the brilliant blue eyes of her father's.

"Ron, what happened there? Beneath the building," she asked gently.

Ron paled considerably and his eyes scrutinized her. Then he spoke in a deep voice. "A voice. . . It kept calling me. . . telling me that I would be more loved if I joined its side. . . I - I tried so hard to snap out of its persuasion. . ."

Everyone besides Gilligan gasped. Hermione even started sobbing.

"Ron, you know very well that we love you so much," Ginny said. "Mum, dad, all of our brothers, me, Hermione, Nev, Luna, Harry and Gil! We love you so very much Ron! Never be insecure of it."

Ron started shaking in sobs. Hermione could not take it anymore. She pushed Ginny aside and hugged him fiercely. Harry gently patted Ron's back.

"We must leave," Gilligan spoke, interrupting the buzz of voices. "We must leave before more enemies show up."

"You are right," Harry said, standing up. A fresh buzz of whispers followed him as he walked to what was left of the entrance. "Everyone, keep calm! Those injured will be helped by their friends. I'll send a word to the Headmaster although I'm sure it already reached him. Madam Rosmerta, we must move the debris to make way for the students when the carriages arrive." Rosmerta nodded. "Good. Sixth and seventh years ago are fine, get working on moving the debris! Fifth years who know healing spells can help the injured ones! Others, give a warm shoulder to assure the frightened ones.

"Do not worry! We'll be fine!" Harry exclaimed. Shouts of approval was heard and everyone got to work.

The non-injured sixth and seventh years started moving the debris as the fifth years who knew healing worked on the injured students. The ones who did not know healing spells comforted the frightening third and fourth years. Harry walked to his friends.

"There is no way we can send an owl. I'm going to Hogwarts to let the Headmaster know," he said. Hermione shook her head.

"Harry, you can't! It's too dangerous! They might be after you!"

"If they are after me, let them fight me! I'll deal with them," Harry replied in a tone which took no nonsense. "Gil, handle everything here." Gilligan frowned in response but Harry did not seem to notice as he rushed outside before anyone could stop him.

Ginny bit her lip in anxiety. If she wanted to, she could follow him as Dragonfly but what excuse would she give a very suspicious Hermione? She sighed before limping to a couple of injured people and healing them.


The carriages pulled by invisible creatures arrived soon and seven students were clamped together to save time. Ginny and her group of friends shared their carriage with a group of frightened Hufflepuffs.

As soon as they reached the castle, they had to undergo vigorous checkouts to make sure that they were not carrying any armament besides their wand.

Upon being checked, Ginny found herself squeezed by Luna. The latter had decided to stay back with Neville in order to finish her homework and when news arrived that Hogsmeade was attacked, the otherwise dreamy girl could not help but worry. She

"Ginny! Hospital Wing, now!" Hermione ordered as she dragged a pale Ron to the hospital ward. Ginny shook her head stubbornly.

"I'm not going anywhere without seeing Harry safe!" The words stumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them. Hermione sighed.

"I'm safe and sound. Thank you, Ginny."

Ginny wheeled around to see a ruffled looking Harry; nevertheless, he gave her a small smile. Ginny's face broke into an awkward yet relieved smile and the silence continued until Gilligan cleared his throat rather loudly.

"C'mon Ginny. Let's get you to the hospital wing."

And so, she was taken to the hospital wing despite her pleads to let her go. The nurse, Poppy Pomphrey fixed her twisted ankle in a heartbeat and sent her to the common room.

Although she sat in the merry company of her relieved friends, she could not help but ponder on the question running through hers, as well as Shade's mind: who is Confusion?

And now I pose that question to you guys. Who do you think Confusion is?

Whoever he/she is, is probably causing you guys confusion, lol.

Your thoughts on this chapter? Comment!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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