Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: Legends Never Die

Sara despite being in a different cell from Kiina and Berix, she knew what they were taking about, from her seemingly countless times watching the movie.

But she didn't feel good with being in a cell by herself, especially since she had grown to Berix as a mother figure and wanted to make sure he was safe but the added of wondering if she had manged to get through to Kiina of Berix's reason of stealing and the two to become friends or even aquatints.

Sara rolled her fingertips across her legs as she sat in her cell, waiting for Mata Nui to come save them like it was in the movie before. She heard the Skrall and Bone Hunter's members begin to rial up as the Vorox's did so also, struggling against their chains that restrained them against their initial guard posts to the village.

Sara stood up on her feet, peeking through the cell bars seeing just who she was expecting. "MATA NUI!" Sara yelled in joy as she saw him walking up to the arena. But her blue eyes then suddenly widened seeing someone else with him that wasn't just Click-

"ACKAR!" Sara screamed in joy and happiness seeing the Fire Glatorian walking alongside Mata Nui with his own weapon in hand.

"ACKAR!" He heard Sara yell his name, in more joy than she had yelled Mata Nui's name. He took notice of her in the cell in the center of the arena.

Seeing she was still thankfully alive, much to his needed relief. Ackar and Mata Nui made it into the arena seeing Tuma, ready to fight the two.

Tuma grinned darkly at the two who stood before him, "I'll be proud to beat you both, and rip that mask from your face, and end the organic right in front of your eyes!" Tuma yelled, thinking he was going to win the fight.

Ackar growled in anger at the threat towards Sara, gripping his blades handle in his hand tighter, Tuma began to gloat of himself into the crowd. Ackar looked at Mata Nui who looked back at him, they both nodded at each other as they took turns at charging at Tuma while he was gloating of himself into crowd.

Which both of them kept getting knocked back by the cocky Glatorian. But instead-
They seemed to be observing him.

Sara was growing anxious as the fight went down, worried for not only Mata Nui, but Ackar as well. She bit her lower lip, really wishing her charm bracelet was on her wrist at the moment, since whenever she was nervous, she had grown a bad habit to fiddling with the charm bracelet. But knew she couldn't since it had fell off her wrist when she was kidnapped.

"DID THESE TWO, PATHETIC WEAKLINGS BELIEVED THEY COULD POSSIBLY TAKE DOWN, THE MIGHTY TUMA?!" Tuma yelled into the 'crowd'. Sara's Blue eyes widened with realization at what she knew was about to happen of remembering the movie.

"Be careful, arrogance can topple giants!" Mata Nui warned Tuma from behind his battle mask. Ackar then quickly got back on his feet and rushed at Tuma as he struck the weak spot in his armor after dodging his attack with his blade, making Tuma topple over a bit at the hit that had actually hurt him.

"Trust me!" Mata Nui said as he got back on his own feet as well, and began charging at Tuma himself. "I know!" He admitted as he took a hit at Tuma at his armors weak spot himself.

Sara was filled with joy and much needed relief seeing Ackar and Mata Nui beginning to win the fight. Cupping her hands around her mouth, "KICK THIS COCKY SUN OF A BITCH INTO THE DIRT YOU GUYS!" Sara screamed as she cheered Ackar and Mata Nui from where she was held in her cell.

Ackar grinned hearing Sara cheering him on, and fought with me strength and resilience than before as she cheered the two on.."I don't get it!" Tuma yelled in disbelief as his strength was leaving him from the blows Ackar and Mata Nui we're dealing on him. "I AM THE MIGHTY TUMA!" He yelled as he seethed with rage.

Mata Nui had his Vorox stinger blade knocked from his hand by Tuma, distracting him momentarily, "WATCH OUT!" Ackar yelled as he blocked Tuma's attack with his own blade, Mata Nui quickly doing the same to help aid his friend against the attack with the weapon version of Click.

Tuma breathed heavily as he struggled to push through Ackar and Mata Nui's weapons that blocked his attack to them. Their attacks taking their major tole on him.

He let out a enraged yell as he managed to break free from their weapons block, but het didn't hit the two. The two had jumped over his attack, initially dodging it, before landing on the ground behind Tuma, and striking his weak spot in his armor with their weapons once, Mata Nui with the weapon version of Click and Ackar with his upgraded blade.

Tuma immediately fell to his knees, struggling to get back up, before falling on his front on the ground fully and unconscious. Now defeated.

Sara let out a breath in relief at the sight seeing Ackar and Mata Nui alright. "They did it!" She whisper shouted in pure joy, watching as Ackar handed Mata Nui Tuma's shield to show his victory against Tuma.

"I, Mata Nui and my friend Ackar, take Tuma's shield in proof of our victory!" Mata Nui yelled as he raised the said shield in the air as he stood tall and proud of his victory, Ackar the same as he stood by his friend. The crowd that was the Bone Hunter's and Skrall, began to boo in anger at the news. While Sara, Kiina and Berix were overjoyed.

Their victory was cut short-
A person slowly and boringly clapping was heard. "Impressive victory I must say." Said the familiar voice of-

Mata Nui, Ackar, Sara, Kiina and Berix shot their heads to the owner of the voice and clapping, in complete disbelief of who it was. "That was a joke." Metus said with a dark grin on his face. "Now drop your shield and your weapons." He said. The crowd began to rial up again. "That wasn't a joke." Metus said as his grin darkened.

"So you were the traitor." Mata Nui said as he threw Tuma's shield somewhere, Ackar the same with blade. Mata Nui had Click go back into his normal form as he rested his friend on the ground carefully as he said-

"Save yourself my friend." Mata Nui told Click once the bug bot was on the ground, Click looked back up at his friend before quickly digging under the ground.

What looked and apparently was Kiina's trident weapon was thrown, blade first into where Click was digging. "STUPID PEST!" Metus yelled as he threw Sara's rapier blade near that initial area as well.

Sara and Mata Nui growing shocked at the traitor in front of them of his actions. "YOU WERE THE TRAITOR?!" Sara yelled in anger as her face turned red with rage.

"Just call me." Metus trailed off as they looked at Sara in he cell, as the blonde woman gripped the rusty old cell bars in her hands. "A good Business Man." Metus said with a dark grin forming on his face again.

"YOUR SO GONNA GET IT!" Berix yelled from his and Kiina's cell. "THE GLATORIAN WILL PUNISH YOU FOR THIS!" Kiina yelled in agreement as her anger rose. "You two don't get it, do you?" Metus asked Kiina and Berix as he looked at them from where he stood.

"We're the only ones that know." Mata Nui said the sad truth as he gazed at his friends in their cell. Kiina gasped in shock, realizing it was true.

"Exactly." Metus said with a dark chuckle as he faced back to Mata Nui and Ackar, Ackar being more closer to his breaking point for his temper.

"END THESE TWO AND BRING ME THE GOLD ONE'S MASK INTACT!" Metus commanded the army he had made. The crowd began to rile up more, more than ready for a fight. Till they were then screaming in fear and terror.

"WHAT'S THE MATTER?!" Metus demanded his 'army'. Before gasping in shock and fear seeing what they were fleeing from.

Coming over the hill, was what appeared to be a titian like bot that began to swing its large arms at the Bone Hunter's and Skrall members. "RELEASE THE RECHED BEASTS!" Metus commanded them, "IF THAT THING CRUSHES THEM, THEN SO BE IT!" He yelled.

The two Vorox's looked at him in shock at his words, but that didn't go as he had hoped/planned. The Bone Hunter's and Skrall members continued to flee in terror as the two Vorox's were as well.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! DON'T JUST RUN, FIGHT!" Metus commanded/demanded them. Ackar quickly put his hand on Mata Nui's shoulder gaining the said Great Spirit's attention to him.

"Go get Kiina and Berix, I'll get Sara out of her cage!" Ackar told him. Mata Nui nodded at that, "Good luck." Mata Nui told him as he quickly rushed off to help Kiina and Berix. Ackar didn't know why he needed a good luck for, but Mata Nui had initially told him that in a hope that Ackar would have a good chance with Sara.

Ackar quickly rushed off to Sara's cell as he grabbed his blade off the ground along with Sara's rapier blade as he rushed to free her. "SARA!" Ackar yelled as he made a B-line to her cell.

Sara's blue eyes widened seeing him running to her cell as fast as he could.
"ACKAR!" She yelled in joy seeing him. Ackar made it to her cell and aimed his blade at it.

"Try to stand back!" Ackar ordered her as his blade set itself ablaze.
Sara nodded seeing what plan he had, she immediately did so the best she could and ducked down as she did. Ackar shot the short stream of fire at the rusted cell bars which broke them from holding Sara inside.

"I believe a was princess required of rescuing." Ackar said a bit slyly once he made his sword stop shooting fire as Sara lifted her head up as she stood up and looked at him. "Am I not correct-WOAH!" He said as he then was cut off as Sara jumped at him, hugging him tightly as her face was buried in the crook of his neck.

Ackar laughed a bit at that as he hugged her back, burying his face in her golden blonde locks. "Thank you." Sara managed to croke out, her eyes were flooded with tears of relief. Ackar chuckled softly at that as he pulled Sara back a bit and wiped her tears away with his thumb before they could fall.

"I also believe, this." Ackar said as he pulled out something from his side bag, and handing it to Sara. "Is yours?" He asked as Sara gasped in shock seeing it was her charm bracelet. She was about to take it from his hand, before looking up as her hand was hovering above his, looking into his own blue eyes. Seeing a soft smile was on his face at her.

Sara took her bracelet back from him as she slipped it back on her face, Ackar then suddenly grabbed Sara's shoulders making her freeze as Ackar quickly captured her lips as his.

Sara's blue eyes were wide in shock at his actions before she slowly melted into the kiss, enjoying every second of it, even more so since it was her first kiss she ever had.

Sadly for the two, they had to break their kiss, "We're continuing this once this hell is over." Ackar told her, Sara smiled with a nod. "Right." She said as the two rushed to where Mata Nui, Kiina and Berix were at.


"BERIX! KIINA!" Sara yelled when she saw the two in her sights, "SARA!" Berix yelled as he saw the organic woman and booked it to her.

He nearly knocked her off her own feet as he tackled her in a tighter hug, making Sara laugh, "Good to see your alright bud." She told him as she hugged him back and patted his head.

"You alright too Kiina?" Sara asked as Kiina and Mata Nui walked up to them. "I'm better now that I have this back." Kiina said as she motioned to her weapon she was glad she had gotten back. Sara laughed a bit at that news. "I'm glad you are." She replied in a amused tone.

Berix suddenly clutched Sara's Kimono a bit gaining her attention along with the others as he yelled, "What is that?!" He had yelled as he pointed to the titan over the hill still 'attacking' the Skrall and Bone Hunter members.

"I believe we are witnessing the true power of Unity." Mata Nui said, being able to hear a bit of joy in his voice. The creature gave one last roar before it began to fall into he ground showing it was made of the same Scarabax Beetles that Click was. "And Loyalty." He added when the six were able to see the Glatorian from the united villages come over the hill, ready to end it all.


The six were currently on a hill as they prepared themselves for the final fight. Ackar had his fire blade out, Sara had her rapier blade out, Mata Nui with his Vorox stinger Blade, Kiina had her trident weapon out, as Berix sadly had nothing.

"Here." Mata Nui suddenly said to Berix as he handed him Tuma's shield, gaining Berix's attention, as Sara smiled at Berix's expression on his face. "Take this." Mata Nui told Berix.

The smaller and younger bot took the shield in his hands, still in awe, "Woah, no ones actually given me anything before." Berix said in shocked disbelief. "Can I keep it?" Berix asked hopefully. "Only if you survive." Kiina said in a, god hopefully joking manner, making Berix actually scared at her words.

"I'm just kidding." Kiina reassured him. "Just stay close to us." She told him which he quickly nodded, "Is everyone ready?" Mata Nui asked them all. "Wait, were missing a member of the team." Kiina said as she looked around a bit.

That said member was none other than Click, thankfully unscathed from Metus' attempts to hurt him with both Kiina and Sara's weapons from before. He climbed up the rock and onto Kiina's weapon as she held it out for him to climb on. She moved the weapon to Mata Nui which the said Great Spirit held his out his hand to his friend. Once in distance, Click jumped onto Mata Nui's palm and began to turn into his weapon form.

Once Click was completely transformed, Mata Nui looked at the others. "Now we are ready." He said as he put his battle mask up over his mouth..The four, not including Berix gave out 'battle cries' as they jumped into the action.

"W-Wait for me!" Berix yelled as he jumped down after them with terrified screams in fear.


Song: Cosmic Mystery Girl; Blue Cat/Yuni/Cure Cosmo Song from Star Twinkle PreCure

Sara sung as she fought against the army members with the others., "There's got to be like, FIFTEEN OF THEM!" Gresh yelled as he knocked back some enemies away from him, "But who's counting ?" He asked jokingly as he then knocked them back further from his with his weapons powers, sending them away with a vortex of Wind.

"MORE LIKE TWENTY!" Kiina yelled as she kicked a few away, then knocked more back with her own weapon before initially shoot a whirlpool of Water at her opponent.

Ackar let out a 'war cry' as he shot a stream of Fire at them, Sara helping him out by using her weapon and her own abilities as an aid to strengthen his Fire powers which made an aura like wave of fire come from around her and Ackar which hit the enemies they fought.

"Let it be a hundred! For we fight with honor and for purpose!" Mata Nui said as he fought off some Skrall and Bone Hunter's members near him. He then took off noticing a certain traitor trying to escape. Sara had finished her song and quickly went to another one to sing to help her and the others out.

Song: Legends Never Die feat: AGAINST THE CURRENT from League of Legends

Sara kept her singing strong as she continued to fight and dodge enemy attacks at her with her dancing from her concerts she had burned into her head from countless hours of rehearsals.

It wasn't going good for them sadly as they soon found themselves cornered against a rock wall. "THERE'S JUST TO MANY OF THEM!" Kiina yelled as she shot more water at Enemies, making them fall down but get right back up to charge at them again.

"WE CAN DO THIS!" Mata Nui as he had finally returned from dealing with Metus. "TOGETHER, FOR UNITY!" He yelled as he raised his Vorox stinger Blade in the air.

"FOR UNITY!" The others, including Sara yelled as they raised their weapons in the air as well. "Now with our powers combined, we can END THIS." Mata Nui said as he rested his Vorox Stinger Blade down, followed by Ackar's Fire Blade, Kiina's Water Trident, Gresh's Wind Blades, and soon followed by Sara's rapier blade as she began to sing a verse in the song she was singing before, but her voice was booming loudly of a beautiful echo.

[Sara's Singing]
When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts
And avenge defeat
Before it all starts, they suffer through harm
Just to touch a dream
Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
Legends never die

Initially singing the last three words, their weapons Toa powers had charged and fired at the oncoming army, sending them flying back by the force of all their power combined.

Life, Creation, Fire, Water, Air, and Music

The dust cleared and revealed the six, ready to continue fighting as they stood in stances with their weapons in hand, now seeing what thy were capable of, the Skrall and Bone Hunter members fled, signaling them all they had won.

The six Glatorian erupted into a cheers in victory and joy. Gresh threw his hand up in the air as he cheered, which Kiina tackled his side in a hug which he hugged her back immediately.

Sara was laughing in pure joy as she saw the two and how she felt so happy and relieved that they did it all and survived.

"Thank you my friend." Mata Nui thanked Click as he held his weapon version of him in his hands, Click turned back into his normal self, appearing on Mata Nui's shoulder again. Ackar walked up to the two, "And here I thought Scarabax Beetles were just annoying pests." Ackar admitted to the two. Click yelled at him through his clicks and wirres.
Ackar laughed at that, "My mistake Click, I'll never underestimate you again." Ackar said as he bowed apologetically to the Scarabax Beetle.

'Damn right you won't.' Sara thought to herself. "Wait..." Kiina said as she had just realized something, gaining their attentions, "WHERE'S BERIX?!" She yelled in fear. Sara immediately felt her heart stop at that moment, her face draining from color in fear.

"BERIX?!" Sara yelled his name in fear as she looked around the battle field. "BERIX?!" Kiina screamed his name as well. But no reply.

Sara clutched the front of her kimono along with her chest in fear of the worst. Kiina let out a frustrated scream. "THIS IS MY FAULT! I SAID I WOULD PROTECT HIM AND I-"

Kiina was cut off from ranting at herself when the sound of something or someONE was heard. Berix was heard crying for help as he was buried under some rocks, sticking his arm and hand out from under it, hoping the others would help him.

"BERIX!!" Sara and Kiina screamed as Kiina rushed to help him out of the debris. She grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the rubble, seeing he as still alive.

"YOU JERK!" Kiina yelled making him scared for the worst, which didn't happen but something rather surprising to the others happened instead.

Kiina pulled Berix into a bone crushing hug in her chest. "Don't ever do that again." She mumbled out in relief. Much to say for Berix of it-
"I liked it better when you hated me..." Berix admitted as he wanted to get away from her crushing hug.

Which Kiina in return hugged him tighter making a crunching and breaking sound come from Berix's person. "Please help me!" Berix called out to the others as they began to laugh at the sight.

Sara held her hands over her mouth as she laughed, wanting to hug Berix herself but had a feeling when Kiina got done hugging him, he wouldn't want another hug for a while.

Sara's laughter came to a complete halt as she looked at Ackar, who was laughing at the situation of Berix and Kiina. Sara twiddled her thumbs a bit as she debated her thought of her actions in her head.

Gresh took notice of her nervousness as she stared at Ackar. "Uh Sara, why are you nervous and staring at Ackar like that?" He asked her gaining the others attention to her and Ackar, which made Kiina let go of Berix-much to his initial relief-as Ackar looked at Sara seeing Gresh was saying the truth of his question to the blonde.

"Are you o-"."SCREW IT!" Sara yelled as she then grabbed the front of Ackar's chest plate, pulling him down to her hight level and smashing her lips against his into a passionate kiss.

Ackar froze at her actions, as the others were a different story, Mata Nui smiled at the two, Gresh and Berix were cheering the two, as Kiina-

"TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH SARA!" She yelled, ruining the moment between the two. Sara immediately pulled back away from the kiss as Ackar didn't had a chance to realize to kiss back.

"OH YOU'RE THE ONE TALKING KIINA WHEN YOU HAVEN'T DONE SO TO GRESH!" Sara yelled at Kiina, her face in a bright pink blush in both embarrassment and fluster.

Kiina gasped as she was flabbergasted as the others, besides Ackar-who was still in a shock from Sara's actions-burst out into their own laughter at that news, well, Gresh was in his own flustered nature. "SARA YOU'RE SO GONNA GET IT!" Kiina yelled as she began to chase the blonde organic female, which Sara ran away as she laughed her head off.

"BLACK MAIL AT IT'S FINEST BOYS!" Sara yelled through her laughter as she ran away from Kiina. Ackar, finally snapped out of his shock as he smiled amusedly at Sara's actions. He could now easily see why he had fallen for her.

How kind and caring she like was back in Tajun at how she treated Berix. How hard headed and determined she was like when it came to helping him with his wound despite his protests against so. How in his eyes, she was a perfect masterpiece.

Sara came running to him after ducking Kiina tackling her and began to try to climb Ackar like he was a tree. "I would've climbed on Mata Nui since he's fucking seven foot tall, but one he doesn't need to be in that situation again with Kiina and two, I'm not risking hurting Click!" Sara said as she struggled to get to ok Ackar's shoulders.

Kiina huffed at that, the others in their own laughter. Sara suddenly gave Ackar a peck on the lips making him freeze a bit. "Hey," Sara began making him look up slightly as she hung her head upsidedown from sitting on his shoulders finally managing to get on there, "You were the one who said we'll continue that after this hell is delt with." Sara told him, a slight grin spreading across her face.

Ackar laughed lightly at that, "Okay I did." He said as the two kissed again despite their awkward current position.

I finally found the missing piece I've been looking for all my life, it's you.

Even some happy endings, must come to an end.


Chapter Nine


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