Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Rewrite The Stars

Mata Nui gazed at the horizon as he watched the now united villages bring their villages together, he remembered noticing how Ackar's anger grew at the news of Sara being kidnapped by the Skrall and Bone Hunter's. He never in his entire time on the planet-given it hasn't been that long-had seen his friend in such anger as he was at that news.

He let out a sigh as he listened to the breeze the blew around him and across the barren landscape of Bara Magna. "Hey." He heard Ackar say in a hoarse voice.

Mata Nui looked over his shoulder seeing him walking towards him, his anger had dwindled away but still burned strong, not showing any signs of going out until Sara was back and safe again. Ackar stood next to Mata Nui as he had a map in hand.

Ackar opened the map as his eyes began to trail for the location he was looking for. "My guess they would be..." he trailed off, till he had found it. "There." Ackar said as he pointed at a landmark on the map. "In the BoneHunters village." He told him as he allowed Mata Nui to study the map a bit.

"Are you sure you wanna do this alone?" He asked Mata Nui as he gave Mata Nui the map so he could use it to get there. "I am sure." The Great Spirit replied as he watched the villagers continue to bring their villages together.

Ackar almost threw a successful punch at Mata Nui-
Which the Great Spirit managed to catch his fist and stop the attack from hitting him.

Having a smile on his face at his success at stopping an oncoming attack as Ackar laughed in joy. "You learned well my friend." Ackar praised him as Mata Nui let his fist go as the Glatorian withdrew his hand back.

"I had a good teacher." Mata Nui said as he rested a hand on Ackar's shoulder. Now noticing Ackar's forced smile.

Mata Nui grew concerned as he withdrew his hand back. "I am guessing you are worried about Sara still." Mata Nui said to Ackar as he focused his gaze to his friend.

Ackar let out a heavy and stressed filled sigh as he closed his eyes. "Is it that obvious?" He managed to joke a bit in an attempt to lighten the mood a bit despite the anger he still had, but not just at the ones that took Sara.

He sighed again as he went into his side bag again and pulled something out of it-

Sara's Charm bracelet. He held the cherished item to Sara in his palm as he gazed at it. His thumb grazing over the engraved words on the Charm itself.

"All this time since back in Volcanous, I've been struggling to figure out what I've been feeling inside of me when it comes to Sara's presence." Ackar began to explain, gaining Mata Nui and Klick's attention to him, along with Gresh's as he watched the two from afar against the cliffs wall as he stayed silent.

"Being so worried over her back in the canyon, all these thoughts I never had before but of her in my head, and my anger I had when finding out she had been captured by our own enemy." Ackar continued. "I now know what this feeling I have towards her is now." Ackar said as he trailed off with a sigh.

"I'm in love with her." Ackar admitted, feeling some weight on his chest leave, despite one feeling leaving.

"But I'm worried that I may be to late to tell her it now, with whatever the Bone Hunter's and Skrall could've done to her already, she could already be gone now...." he trailed off again. "Without me knowing if she ever feels the same way or not, she could be dead now because I couldn't keep a watch on her and keep her from getting kidnapped." Ackar finished as he gazed at the Charm bracelet he continued to hold in his palm.

Mata Nui couldn't help but smile at his friends realization. "There is still hope she is still alive my friend." Mata Nui reassured him as he rested a hand on Ackar's shoulder again.

"I am sure." Mata Nui told him, a reassuring smile on his face. Ackar sighed as he avoided eye contact with his friend as he continued to gaze at the Charm bracelet in his hands.

Mata Nui patted Ackar shoulder a bit in a last attempt to reassure him of Sara, before walking off to the BoneHunters village to rescue Sara, Kiina and Berix.

Ackar sighed as he gazed at the horizon. He sighed as he closed his eyes and sung a song that he heard Sara sing once.

Song: Rewrite the Stars from The Greatest Showman

But he couldn't help but think back to Sara as he sung it, hearing her own beautiful singing, singing along with him. Sara on the other hand, in her own cell, in the center so called 'Battle Arena' of the Bone Hunter's village sung softly, in weak hopes that her toa powers would help aid her, hoping that Ackar could hear her own voice.

She gazed at the horizon from where she was stuck at as she continued to sing, tears formed in her blue eyes. She rested her hands to her heart, cupped together as she continued to sing as she closed her eyes, making some rouge tears escape them and trail down her face.

"I love you, Ackar." She mumbled out softly as she continued to fight her sobs of her fear and anxiety racking against her.

Ackar sighed as he had stopped singing, but then froze as he thought he heard Sara's voice. "I love you, Ackar." He heard her say, sounding like she was fighting off crying.

He sighed shakily as he closed his eyes, feeling tears form in them. For the first time in his life, someone he had met had made him feel like this. But now, he felt like he had lost his entire chance with her, at whatever could've happened to her.

He bit hit tongue in weak attempts to prevent himself from crying, being known for not showing many emotions like this. But his own walls had been broken by the first organic he had seen-
One he had fallen for and couldn't help but love.

He closed his eyes again as he gripped Sara's Charm bracelet in his hand tighter, rouge tears escaping and trailing down his helmet a bit. "You better be god damned alive once I get there, I want you to know how much I'm so stupidly in love with you, Sara Nova." Ackar mumbled out weakly.

Sara initially froze hearing Ackar's voice near her. "You better be god damned alive once I get there, I want you to know how much I'm so stupidly in love with you, Sara Nova." She heard him say in a weak mumble as his voice itself sounded hoarse.

Sara couldn't help but let a soft smile grace her lips at those words, knowing her Toa powers had helped her a bit. She held her hands together as she held them to her chest again.

Now knowing her favorite character of the entire movie itself, and her own crush that she never thought was real until she had arrived here-
Felt the same towards her. Made her feel happinesses she never had felt before flutter inside her chest.

Maybe love can concur all?

Falling in love with you, was the best thing my heart had done to me.


Chapter Eight


(A/N: NGL when it comes to the small moment Sara and Ackar have when she's free, I'ma edit that quite a bit)

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