Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: Love Addiction


It was now day, as the six had finally made it to the next village, the twin villages of Tesara, Gresh's home. As it could be immediately tell that there was a Glatorian battle going on inside.

Berix pulled the Dune Chariot to a stop outside of the entrance of the village, as they immediately then got out and began walking inside the village. But Berix couldn't help but notice a 'abandoned' Glatorian Weapon, laying against the wall of the outside of the village.

He looked around, seeing the others not paying attention as they walked into the village. He made a reach for the weapon-

"Berix!" He heard Kiina yell, making him jump, as he retreated his hand back and looked to see Kiina aiming her upgraded weapon at him. "Don't even think about it." she warned him.

He laughed nervously, as she walked off after the others. He looked around again to make sure. Then made his steal as he then rushed off after the other's.


The six made it into the battle arena where there was a Glatorian battle going on. Sara held her chest of her kimono, both fear and anxiety coresing through her, making her heart race like a fret train engine. Fear of what would happen if the villagers didn't believe them and or what they would try to do to her, and anxiety of what could possibly happen.

Ackar noticed her fear and anxiety as she breathed heavily. He rested his hand on her head, making her look at him, seeing him giving her a reassuring look. Sara smiled warmly at his smile, though feeling butterflies in her stomach from him smiling at her, Ackar the same seeing her smile at him.

"Hey-Hey-Hey, look who it is." The familiar voice of Metus said making the six look to see him walking up to them. "What can I help you guys with?" He asked them. "We have an important announcement we need to make for everyone." Sara said getting to the point.

Metus immediately grew nervous at that. "Sorry, we can't do that in a middle of a battle." He said.
Sara rose a brow at that, having a feeling it was a lie. "Actually we can." A different male's voice said making them look to see a different male bot walking up to them.

"How do we do this?" Mata Nui asked him. "Follow me, I'll help you out." The bot said. The six immediately followed after the guy, as Metus stayed behind at where he was standing. Sara could immediately feel something bad was going through that bots head.

Ackar could feel her anxiety in the air, knowing it had to be from the eary feeling that Metus gave off in the air. One he could easily tell and gave off much suspicion it was almost unnatural. Something he would have to think on later.

(A/N: Y'all remember in Ice Toa of how Sapphira showing herself as an organic on the planet to make them believe them? Well it's gonna be like that but a bit different yo)


'Oh boy...' Sara thought to herself as the audience of the village wasn't believing Ackar of his words. She gripped the handle of her rapier blade, ready to draw, but not in a self defense reason. Finally having enough of it going down-

Sara drew out her Rapier Blade and began to walk into the crowds View, gaining the others attention to her in panic. Ackar being one of those in that said panic.

She walked fully into the crowds View making the crowd grow silent at the sight of a organic in their eyes for once, now knowing the rumors from Volcanous of an organic jumping into their arena to fight Strakk were true. She twirled her blade and aimed the tip of the blade at the ground, closing her blue eyes as she did so to focus as she did before like when she first managed to use her powers.

All to finally sing one song that would effect her area around her temporarily.

Song: Ride by Presence from Bionicle: The Legend Reborn movie

Sara's voice echoing beautifully like before across the area as she sung and the orbs of light from before had began to twirl around her and her friends in an elegant dance. The villagers and Glatorians were in awe at her abilities from her singing, not to mention her singing on its own.

Ackar drew his own blade as he walked to stand next to Sara who kept singing. He pointed the tip of his own blade to the ground next to Sara's blade, his weapon lighting itself ablaze as he did so as he joined her singing.

Which made Sara's own Toa powers react..In almost an instant, beautiful ribbons made of light of the two colors red and a soft pink formed around the two, Dancing beautifully and elegantly around Sara and Ackar as the two continued to sing together.

Sara kept singing as she opened her eyes, her lips curling into a smile as she noticed Ackar was helping her do this with his weapons own powers as he sung with her, somehow knowing the lyrics to the song perfectly.

Her voice still echoing across the area as they still sung the song, Ackar's as well. Ackar noticed Sara's smile and couldn't help but smile himself as he sung. He knew there was something with Sara that made him feel like this, but to his dismay, he still couldn't figure out what it was.

Sara and Ackar had finished singing and her Toa powers that effecting the area along with Ackar's had stopped as he made his sword stop burning. She looked among the crowd as she stood tall and proud.

"If you all wish to be safe and protect the ones you love, we must unite the remaining villages and what remains of Keju to do so!" Sara began, gaining all attention to her again, making the crowd grow silent. "We all must untie in Unity, Trust and Loyalty with one another to protect each other and to stop this madness of the Skrall and BoneHunters taking over your homes and taking over entirely." Sara continued. "If you all wish to protect the ones you love and the homes you cherish, we must protect one another! Who is with us!" Sara finished yelling into the crowd, still keeping her stance tall.

The crowd mumbled to one another at Sara's words. Till finally one Glatorian that was on the battle field that they had interrupted the battle for spoke up-

He cleared his throat gaining the groups attention to him. "We trust you." He finally said. The crowd cheered in agreement with him.

Sara's heart soared with relief at it all. Not knowing how it would all end up brought heavy-weighted anxiety to her, had finally left her in relief. But now not knowing how they would win, took it's place.


Sara and Kiina followed after a figure they saw roaming in the shadows. Sara knew what was about to happen, she knew she had to try to help, knowing it would've been inevitable to escape what would happen.

They caught the figure revealing it was Berix. "I was hoping it wasn't you." Kiina mumbled in a hurt tone before her anger grew.

"You've been caught red handed, TRAITOR!" Kiina yelled as she aimed the tip of her weapon at Berix, which Sara knew from her childhoods watching the movie, it wasn't him. "What?!" Berix yelled in disbelief at what Kiina was saying. "I'm not the traitor! I was-"

"He was following me." A different male voice said cutting Berix off from talking, gaining the threes attention to the figure as they showed themselves ' in the shadows. "You?!" Sara, Kiina and Berix said in shock.

Warriors of the united Bone Hunter's and Skrall tribes came from the shadows and surrounded the three. Sara and Kiina drew their weapons they had on them out as Berix pulled out the Glatorian weapon he had stolen.

Kiina took notice of it as she had recognized it. "BERIX!" She yelled making him laugh nervously. The three began to get surrounded which Sara took a protective place and stance in front of Berix.


Ackar was teaching some younger Glatorian's with his swords Toa abilities as some and Mata Nui and Gresh stood on the sidelines to observe. "GUYS!" A panicked male voice yelled as two figures came rushing to them, interrupting Ackar from his lesson gaining all attention to them.

Which the two males were Metus and the bot that has helped them before. "The Skrall and Bone Hunter's! They got Kiina and Berix!" The bot before yelled in panic. Mata Nui grew ashamed, believing it was his fault.

But Ackar grew more worried at this news as they continued. "And they also had taken Sara too! And this bracelet was left behind!" He yelled as he pulled out a silver charm bracelet. Ackar immediately felt his heart stop at that news and the recognization at the bracelet-

It was Sara's Charm Bracelet she had told them back in the hidden area in Tajun that she had gotten from her older sister. Ackar took the bracelet in his free hand as his other gripped his blade in a death grip. Heat could be easily felt in the air arising from the blade as it wasn't even ablaze, but with Ackar's anger it was almost close to.

He growled in anger as he gripped the Charm bracelet in his hand, seething with rage. Ready to serve punishment to whoever took Sara and the others.

I just realized what this feeling was with you, and now. I may never know if you feel the same.

All I need is a hero to save me, does that make me the damsel in distress and you the knight in shining armor?


Chapter Seven


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