Red and blue•

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With red and blue flashing lights coming from outside, I rubbed the little bit of sleep from my eyes. I didn't even sleep much. I grabbed my bag and hung it over one shoulder as I went and checked up on the family I tortured a few hours ago.

I walked in on two people sleeping with splattered brains. Poor kid, he had so much to live for but he made his choice and we can't rewind time. What's done it done.

I left the house without a trace.  Out the back door and over the fence, I went. Just as I entered into the nest family, I noticed the crow fly away. God, I love crows.

I thought I should skip town for a while but this town is just perfect for my righteous act of human kind. The dead wants to die and the alive wants to live. That's life for you. There's no point living when you feel dead, huh?

This town may be small and we all know each other but it's a pretty big town when you think about it. I know each and every alley way. Each and every person. Every store. Every piece of news that hits the media before everyone actually knows about it. So, for now, I'll move onto a different section of this god forsaken place. Someone can snitch on me but you know what; I don't care, I have something to do and no one will get in my way.

I jumped fences. Hid in bushes. Acted normal. It's a dark lonely night. Barely no one was awake let alone outside at this time of night. It was the heat advantage for me.

I came across a nice secluded part of the town. Small, quiet houses. That's all I can see, it's pretty dark outside so not much can be seen. I don't really care about the detailed things. I go in, show them that they shouldn't take life for granted, and kill anyone who wants to die.

I looked all around me making sure I wasn't going to be spotted. I was in the clear. I dashed across the road to some random house and snuck in the back door. Fucking idiots.

I continued my entry and while it was quiet and dark, I searched the house for any residents. The only residents I could find was a man and what looks to me like a pregnant woman.

I woke up the man and once I gained enough consciousness to know what was happening, I knocked him out before bringing him into the kitchen and tying his arms and legs to the table's framework. I also blindfolded and gagged him.

I went back into the room where, surprisingly, she was still fast asleep; poor woman. I woke her up and duct taped her mouth shut as she struggled to get free; I wasn't having a bar of it. I dragged her to the kitchen where she was introduced to her husband. I say "husband" because they both have matching rings on their wedding fingers. I sat her down and tied her legs and arms to the chair.

I like to mix it up every so often and this small growing family is just so lucky to be blindfolded.

"I'm just gonna say it; I'm here to torture you, that's all. Mentally and physically. Now enjoy the ride." They squirmed and whined, trying to escape.

A little chuckle climbed up my throat and echoed throughout the room as I turned on the kettle. So many ideas were flowing in my mind at this moment; I know exactly what I'm going to do with the wife but there's just so many things I want to do to the husband.

As I let the kettle boil slowly on the stove top, I withdrawn a small kitchen knife from the top drawer and stabbed it in the kitchen table, saving it for later.

I walked over to the woman and slowly caressed her body just to see her whimper. I grabbed the knife with such an aggressive behaviour and cut the woman's shirt off of her, exposing her beautiful pale skin and a nice mint green bra with white frills. I put the knife back in the table and walked to the stove, grabbing the kettle off the stove top and set it upon the table as I sat in the chair next to the husband. "Would you like a cuppa tea. I think you'll need it, you look a little stressed." He shook his head, followed by some muffled murmurs.

I heard moans and groans coming from the pregnant woman. "I think it's time..." I gently removed the knife from the table and walked over to the woman, placing my hand tightly on her shoulder pushing her down on the floor while she's still tied to the chair. I gently dragged the knife against her abdomen, enough to just draw blood. She moaned and squirmed. "You must stay calm, this is a delicate procedure." I slowly started to perform a caesarean. I could hear the screams of agony if only she could scream. A small sadistic chuckle left my lips. I pulled the baby out of her and cut the umbilical cord. "Congratulations! It's a boy!" The baby was surprisingly quiet as i placed him on a cushion. I then proceeded to stitch the mother's abdomen up and sat her back up. "You did pretty well."

I sat back in my seat and proceeded to make myself a cup of coffee. "Congratulations guys, you're now family." I slowly took a sip from my coffee and placed it back down.

I put the kettle back on the stove and boil it again. As I waited, I sipped at my coffee and narrowed down my plans for the father to three possible ideas. I walked over to the black guy and cut his pants and underwear off of him. I then walked to the stove and took the kettle off of it. "Better be safe than sorry." I poured the whole kettle full of boiling hot water on the guy's genitals, scorching them.

I sat back down in my seat and took a deep breath and exhaled. "So, that was fun! Wasn't it guys? Well, anyway, I usually give you a life or death decision but you guys are now a family, so, I'll let you guys live. But just keep in mind, that life is precious and shouldn't be disregarded. Live life to the fullest and live each day like it's your last." I let out a little hum.

Have I become...soft? No, I couldn't have. I...I might come back for them later. Either way, I did torture them; physically and mentally.

Death is just a quick solution for life. Torture makes you realise how precious it is and how easily it can be for it to be snuffed out of you. I'm not just doing this because I want to but because well, I want to but I need a better reason to explain to others.

"I'll be on my way now. You three enjoy yourselves and just remember: your life can be snuffed out of you at any moment. Good luck and congrats." As I left them tied up I removed the knife from the table and took it with me. I laid the baby on a blanket in a basket so it's safe.

I left the house to move on to my next victims. This time, I won't back down. And as always, I'm going to leave them tied up as I leave. They can get out of this mess that they got themselves into.

A/N: I'm sorry I've been inactive for a bit, I'm doing a mandatory course. I'll post another chapter later on this week, I hope you all understand.

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