Sweet dreams•

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I looked at my watch and noticed the time. 3:28 in the afternoon. I think this will be my last one for the day, I'll just crash at the next person's house after I'm done with them. By what the time is, I'll go and visit number 28 and see how they're going. Looking back up at crow and nodding. "We'll see, my friend, we'll see."

It was only a few houses down from where I was. I walked up to the front door and knocked, knowing someone was sure to answer since there was a car in their driveway.

A tall, kind of built man with an orange moustache opened the door. Without a second thought, I punched the man square in the face, he dropped like a sack of potatoes. I walked inside, moved his unconscious body further inside, and closed the door behind me. As I looked up, two boys who looked like they were twins looked shocked.

"Let...the...games...begin!" I twisted my body towards them all while a smirk was dancing on my face. "You know what they say about twins, they can feel each other's pain." As I said that, I clunked their heads together and they both dropped to the ground just like their father did.

I dragged the father into what looked like the master bedroom. He must have had a wife, not just by the tan line on his finger where a ring was but also family photos and feminine things placed neatly inside the room. I dropped him onto the floor, making a thud sound from his head.

The bed was nice, neat, and tidy with white linen and a neat pile of pillows at the head of the bed. The head of the bed looked nice with its wooden symmetrical floral design.

I ripped all the sheets and blankets off the bed so it was the bare minimum, I even removed the mattress off too. I placed the father on the bare bed and tied his hands, feet, and neck to the frame of the bed with the sheets, making it hard to escape. Next, were the boys.

I went and fetched the boys, I dragged them both by their shirt collars and placed them on the same bed as their father was tied to. I placed one on the left hand side of the man and placed the other boy on the other side of him.

Before they could wake up, I managed to impale all of their hands to the bed frame with steak knives while pillow cases were stuffed in their mouths and another pillow case was tied around their mouths and tied tightly at the back of their heads.

They tried to scream but it was muffled; it was so seductive. I guess this explains why I've always been single, torture is my turn on.

With a blow torch in my hand, I teased the father by waving it in front of his face clicking the button and taking my finger off of it before it could have time to ignite. "There's no smoke without a fire." The man gave me a confused but scared look.

I slowly brought the blow torch up to the man's orange moustache and ignited it, quickly moving it away, singeing a strand of hair. I watched him squirm. Within a flash, I held my hand against his forehead, holding him back and lit part of his moustache. He squirmed even more this time while I let it burn.

I twisted my head over to one of the boys. "I always wanted to experiment on a set of twins and now's the time." I cackled and grabbed my switchblade from my back pocket.

I instantly flicked the blade out and stabbed it into the thigh of the father. "Stop. Fucking. Squirming. And just breathe."

I locked my sight back onto the boy. "I can't stand it when people can't deal with pain."

While my sight was still locked onto the boy, I ripped the switchblade from the father's thigh and sliced the little boy's wrists while his hands are still impaled to the bed frame, blood poured down his forearms like a fountain.

I could see that he wanted to scream and let the pain out with noise but he couldn't. Instead, tears rolled down his face and muffled noises could barely be heard. I almost felt remorse for the poor kid. He gave me those innocent eyes that spoke to me, "Please, sir, stop. I don't want to die."

I got up, close, and personal with the kid, tugging onto his hair tightly almost ripping his hair from the scalp as I held the blade close to his eye. "You're such a sight for a sore eye." I then slowly cut his eye as he tried to squirm.

I left him there as he bled like a river. I then moved onto his twin. "Do you wanna know what true pain feels like?" He just squirmed and started shaking. I guess he does want to know what true pain feels like. I swiftly slashed his right Achilles heel. I've never seen anyone move their leg as quickly as he did.

I grabbed his slashed, bloody foot and slowly bent it towards his shin. I watched in amazement as his skin slowly teared and as his foot was ripped from the joint.

I held his foot in my hand. "Hmm, we don't need this now, do we?" I threw it behind me and grabbed the blowtorch, burning his stub to stop the bleeding.

I went back to the other twin. "It looks like your wrists have stopped bleeding...for now." I grabbed the knife and processed to cut his hands off as his wrists started oozing out crimson. "I'll stop the blood, don't worry."  I then looked over to his twin and started laughing.

As I continued to severe the boy's hands off, a thought popped into my mind: I'm torturing these boys like no tomorrow and all I've done to their father was burn his moustache. Yeah sure, the fumes will go up his nose and into his lungs and he'll have burn scars around his nose and mouth but it just doesn't seem to be enough pain for him. An ominous hum left my mouth as I grabbed the blowtorch and lit the father's ear on fire. That should do it.

I finished severing his hands. But that wasn't the end of his suffering: I grabbed the blowtorch and lit his stubs on fire to stop the bleeding. I patted the boy on the arm. "You're gonna have fun when you get to your pubescent years." I'm glad I tied their heads to the bed as well, or we'd have a bit of a problem.

I went back to the other boy and hastily cut his other foot off but this time, I left him to bleed.

I packed my shit and was about to leave the bedroom and I stopped. "I almost forgot..." I dropped my bag and grabbed out the gun. "Tonight, I had to show you how precious your lives are. I'm not here to kill you, only if you want to die, then I'll kill you. Here's your choice and choose wisely: nod your head if you'd like to live or shake your head if you'd like to die. Got it?"

I left with one less bullet.

Tonight's going to be risky. I need to rest but they could get free and kill me or the police could barge in anytime and take me away. Hmm. What do I do?

Okay, I'll rest and we'll see what happens when I wake up, won't we?

A/N: now, I did use a reference for a character in this chapter, let's see if any of you guys pick up on it. I'll give you a clue, the character starts with "C". A crow also gave me an idea one day so I went back and edited this chapter. Please, if you can, spot out any mistakes, it really does help me and I appreciate it as well.

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