Reaping Day

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District 1

John watched as the escort reached his hand into the bowl of names. On the outside, he was cool and confident, but on the inside, his fingers were crossed. He was hoping he could finally be chosen, and prove he was worthy.

"John Josher!" his voice called out.

He whooped and walked up. He smirked at everybody on the way, as others gave him jealous looks. He grabbed the microphone and showboated.

"Thanks for all of the little people who I stepped on on the way!" he hollered haughtily.

The escort gently lifted the microphone away from the brute, and resumed his job. The escort rummaged his hand through the bowl of female names.

"Kayley Jones! (Sorry for the last name, pikadash13. I had to make one up.If you want it changed, tell me.)" the escort exclaimed.

The girl gave a bored look as she sashayed up to the stage. He saw guys ogling and girls wishing they were her.

Mayor's daughter. John thought to himself. She might be good for interviews, but she's dying first.

She had blond hair that obviously came out of a bottle, and designer clothes. She was wearing skinny jeans that were two sizes too small, and a crop top. She was really overdoing it with the make up, and her face looked fake. John stared at her, but quickly snapped out of it.

Don't let your guard down. John reminded himself.

He gave her his best smile that made girls faint on sight, and she looked mildly interested in him. As the escort rambled on John smirked to himself. This was going to be too easy.

District 2

Michelle was staring at the bowl intensely, hoping her name wouldn't be picked. It was uncharacteristic of a career to not want to be picked, but she hated the games. The Games were cruel, and took too many lives.

She was the quiet girl, but well enough. Always reading, studying, being the good girl. She stayed in the background, but she was smart. Her parents talked to her, saying she had an image to uphold, but it all went over her head. She had only one friend, Nate.


She remembered Nate, the way he used to tilt his head, and always was able to crack a joke. Too bad he couldn't joke his was out of the games. She remembered it all, she remembered-

"Michelle Carolson!" the announcer called.

Her face morphed into a mask of disbelief as she stared. Out of the hundreds of names, she had been picked. She froze, forgetting how to walk.

"Looks like someone is a little shy! Come on up here!" the announcer blared.

She walked up to the stage. It couldn't be real, no, it had to be fake. It was a dream, she would wake up before she walked onto the stage.

But no, it was all real. The crowd stared at her and the other contestant. She looked in pity at the boy next to her. He was paralyzed in a wheelchair. She could almost hear the crowd thinking He's dying first.

She stared at the boy and he gave her a defiant stare back. She quickly looked away, guiltily. As the speaker rambled on he started to talk. He started to study her, and size her up.

"You really don't remember, do you?" he said.

"Remember what?" she questioned back, confused.

He just ignored her, and went back to rapping his fingers on the arm of his wheelchair. She stared at him in confusion, as he was seething with anger. She better apologize soon, or she was going to have one more enemy. And she wasn't trying to die.

District 3

Mikey was hyper, like always. He had been planning on skipping this thing altogether, but it wasn't worth the risk. He silently willed the bowl not to pick him. He was doing pretty fine without a deadly free for all in his life.

The escort stuck her hand in the bowl and drifted her fingers around.

"Mikey Wells!" she announced.

Mikey's eyes were boring holes into the bowl. He slowly trudged up to the stage. He scanned the audience, and watched the people for their reactions.

They all seemed to wear the same face: Another loser for the Games.

He was pretty young, only fourteen, but he had chance at winning. Nobody trained him, but he was fast, and knew how to take a punch.

"Avera Robinson!" the escort shouted dramatically.

She seemed to have a vibe that said Go Away. I'm really ticked off, and you don't want to see me when I'm mad.

She tried to stare down Mikey, but he held his ground. It was a battle of the eyes, as her intense green eyes looked into his forest green ones. It ended in a stalemate, but she gave him a This isn't over look. Her brown hair was tied behind her back, and she was pretty in a I could totally beat you up way.

This was going to be a really long trip. And Mikey definitely wasn't leaving without a few bruises.


President Wynter sat on her chair, looking intensely at the attendant.

"Report!" she barked out.

"Y-yes, Madam President! Several children were chosen today, everything went smoothly." the attendant stammered.

"Any potential threats or wild cards?" President Wynter asked.

"Avera Robinson. She's a wild card, crazy and fierce. She doesn't seem to have a positive outlook on the games." the attendant replied.

"Get me the Head Gamemaker." President Wynter commanded.

"Y-yes Madam President." the attendant stuttered, rushing out the door.

A few minutes later, the woman was brought into the room.

"It's quite rainy outside." the President said, looking out the window.

"I presume you didn't bring me here to talk about the weather?" the gamemaker replied smoothly.

"I'll cut to the chase. I need something special for the games. I need these games to be remembered." President Wynter ordered.

The Gamemaker smiled maliciously.

"I think I have just what you need." she said, throwing a file on her desk.

"And sis? Watch out for the quiet girls. They'll win the whole thing right under your nose." The game maker said.

The game maker walked out of the room, as she chuckled at the expression on her sister's face. The president flipped through the file, and a small smile crossed her lips. This was going to be fun.

Okay, I really just wanted to give you guys a quick chapter, that way you could see how things would be like. I'll make them longer, I wrote this in 30 minutes. Thanks for all of the help and inspiration!

Your character might not have been in this chapter, but trust me, they'll be in the next! I really love your ideas, they're so creative and improve my writing by making them 3 dimensional.





Word Count:1152

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