Ch.5 A Little History

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Author's Notes: I'm going to try and write for this a bit more although this chapter is really crap and is kind of a dump of information on things in the kingdom so this may be edited soon if not in the future as it's in my list of things to fix.
In the Court of the Spectral Wood

The hollering and cheers could be heard as he approached, the sounds of armored soldiers taking their place reverberated off the stone walls of the castle, ivy danced across the stone it's design almost deliberate considering it's spectacular beauty, the ornate doors leading to the throne room were carved intricately displaying a brief history of the Kingdom unfortunately under the first two generations the story was lost leading to speculation from the scholars on the founding of the Kingdom, one story survived however that captivated many successors to the throne and that's the story about the origins of Spectral Wood, the second King initiated this tradition when he swore he heard his father's voice in a small sapling from that point on he took care of that sapling hoping to hear his father's voice again till it became a healthy tree by then he had lost hope and the Kingdom was plagued by a multitude of problems on the day he planned to stop tending the tree he heard his father's​ voice once more who offered guidance on his rule from that day on the Kingdom flourished and his tree grew until that fateful day when it was cut down by a passing lumberjack, the sound of the tree crashing to earth had rustled the King up from his sleep and he rushed to the scene only to spot his father's tree felled, but what stood left behind shocked both the King and the lumberjack who was rooted to the spot, a Spectral Tree, so angry was the King at having his father's tree cut down he prepared to strike down the lumberjack only to be stopped by his father's​ voice with his hand stilled the lumberjack fled never to return, the King under orders from his father had called a meeting under the Spectral Tree which proceeded to captivate the entire Kingdom there he shared his story and the plans his father had to build the Castle around his tree, left with his father's felled tree he ordered it cut into pieces and used it in the building of the castle, the centerpiece of this was these doors which were carved by two brilliant woodcarvers, the real allure of these doors however were the numerous stories over the years of the door talking to visitors, the only difference between the doors and the idols carried around of family members is the frequency of speech there was a period of 60 years, the idols could speak every few days some souls however prefer to be silent observers and won't speak for quite awhile maybe only monthly, in the Maladius family only one family member has decided to take the plunge and became a Idol, Adarius' Grandmother Julia, she wished to help guide the kingdom and her son after her premature death to a mysterious illness that plagued the kingdom for a time and came close to toppling the Kingdom as the only heir was infected shortly after his mother's death his survival was considered a miracle as he was extremely close to death and took a sudden turn to good health, a lot of speculation was raised to just how it happened and this lead to the discovery of the medical properties in Spectral Tree Sap which proved one of the greatest medicines ever discovered sadly as much as an improvement as this was for the health of the civilians it bred a lot of crime as scammers took to the streets selling regular sap as a miracle cure usually offering it at a cheaper price this sadly lead to the death of many for that reason these scammers were put to death after a royal decree directly blaming them for the deaths of many people children included.

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