Chapter 1 Inheritance

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        Chat Noir awakens with a start.  He senses something is not right. Why else would Natalie have let him sleep in this late?   He gets up and immediately gets ready to face the day.  He heads downstairs and sees Natalie with tears down her face.  Chat asks, "Natalie what is it?  Is it my father?"  Natalie nods her head and motions with her hands for him to sit down. He takes a seat.  "Chat, I am so sorry, your father is dead!  He woke up last night with a horrible cough, so I gave him his usual medicine.  This morning, I came in to check on him and he was dead," Natalie sobs.  "What happened?" Chat asks.  "That is just it!  Someone took his life!  The question is who? why would they want Mr. Agreste dead?" Natalie sobs even more hysterically than before.  "Wait, how do you know it was murder?" Chat inquiries of Natalie.  "Well, you see Chat, when I took him his morning tray for breakfast, he didn't move, so I went over to him and their was a dagger in his chest! Someone had stabbed him!  Oh, it was to awful for words!" Natalie replies.

      Chat feels like he might faint. He can hardly believe what he hears. His own father, dead, and murdered on top of it. This is horrible, just to horrible !  Chat thinks.  He feels like the whole thing could be a nightmare if were not for Natalie's tears, his own sudden disturbance of sleep at such an earlier hour in the morning for it was only half past six.  

      Things seem to go by in a blurr for Chat as the corner came in to examine the body. The corner shakes his head as he leaves and says the man was dead as of four in the morning. He mutters something under his breath, "It is a shame no one heard him call out for help, or he might have made it!"  

      Later that day, at precisely two in the afternoon, the pastor along with a person who was to read the will show up at the mansion. Natalie lets them in and as they both can see she has been upset by the sudden death of her boss, the pastor decides to speak privately with her for awhile. Once the private talk is over, it is onto the reading of the will.  The man in charge of  reading the document is a local lawyer and friend of the now deceased Gabriel Agreste.  He clears his throat than begins, " I Gabriel Agreste, having no spouse, as my wife has been dead for an entire eighteen years now, leave my property, the house, and all its belongings to my sole heir my son, Adrien Agreste.  I also leave the treasured family herilum a gold banded ring with a bright red diamond in the shape of a heart in the center to my son as well in the hopes that someday he will find someone worth his love with whom he may share this special piece of jewelry with and as for my servant Natalie, I leave her my car since I can tell she enjoys it so much, the typewriter, my desk and the matching chair, along with a place to stay in the guest room here in the mansion as long as she chooses to remain on in service to my son.  To my son's bodyguard, I leave all the weights since he enjoys exercising with them anyway and the second guest room for his sleeping quarters.  To my good friend, George I leave the sum of $4,000 to do whatever he pleases to do so with it.  That is all!  Sincerely, Gabriel L. Agreste"   

       Chat thinks, about all that was read off and wonders, what ring is the will talking about?  I do not recall having ever since such a ring in my entire life.  Then it dawns on him, oh this must the ring that belonged to my great grandmother, then her mother and finally my own mother!  Wow, what a honor to be given such a privilege to take care of such a ring as this one!  

     to be continued in Chapter 2  Marinette's  Part

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