Chapter 2 Marinette's Part

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  previously in Chapter 1, Chat finds out he inherited a special heirloom, a treasured ring from his father who was mysteriously murdered!  No one even knows who the murder is yet.

  Current Chapter,  Marinette wakes up with know knowledge yet of Chat Noir. This is because the two of them have not met yet. She gets up out of bed ready to face the day. She wonders often what the future has in store for her.  She has little memories of her own father as he died when she was just a baby.  She does have a great love for her mother though. She wishes sometimes her mother would let her do her own thing. 

        Instead, Marinette has to run everything by her mom first!  She wonders if her mom ,Sabine is over protective of her because of what happened to her father, or is because her mother simply is afraid if Marinette falls in love she will forget about her own mom.  She gets dressed and goes to the kitchen table. She smiles when she sees breakfast is ready. She eats it and hurries off to school!  Marinette makes sure to give her mother a quick kiss on the cheek and then off she goes!  

      When Marinette arrives at school, she goes inside and sits at her desk.  She has very little friends except for her best friends, Alya and Nino, Alix, and Kim.  She feels sorry for Alix because she can tell Alix has a small crush on Kim, but is to nervous to tell the guy.  Marinette makes sure to answer right away when Miss Bustier calls her name, "Marinette?"  as part of the daily roll call.  "Here, Miss Bustier!"  Marinette says loud enough for everyone to notice. 


     Miss Bustier finishes the roll call early.  "I have some good news class their will be a special picnic in two months to celebrate the start of the new school year. It will be held in our own local park. The picnic will not only include food, but there will be games as well," she announces.  After the annoucement she moves on with the typical normal lessons in history, math, science, english, and so on.


   Time skip to after school, Marinette ends up being the last to leave the classroom as usual. She heads on home. She goes inside and begins her homework.  Sabine notices and is glad.  She smiles at her daughter and goes into the kitchen to prepare their supper.  As she cooks, Marinette finishes her homework and goes upstairs to her room. She pulls out a notebook and a pen.  Dear Journal, I  had a nice day at school. Chloe seems to be unusually nice this year. I wonder what is up with the sudden change in her behavior?  I suppose the good thing about it all is at least I don't have to put up with her bullying me any longer.  This is a relief as she did this so many times in the past.  I can tell Alix has her hopes set on Kim. Only thing is he seems oblivious to the fact she even likes him. What should I do?  Should I try to set them up, or hope for the best Kim figures this out on his own and likes her back?  Nino and Alya are together now which is no surprise with how close than became since last year.  It all started after Nino's mother passed away and Alya was a real comfort to him. Ever since, their friendship has really blossomed into something more.  I am happy for them!  Really, I am!  I only wish I had someone special that would look at me the same way Nino looks at Alya. Wow, wouldn't that be nice?  How could I ever find such a person, if they even exist?  My mother, though I know she means well, only lets me leave the house for school, for occasional trips to the park and to the beach. Even then she expects me home by midnight !  I am a senior in highschool and she still worries about me.  Nothing much I can do anyway. I suppose in my future I will just have to deal with being single, with no children, no pets and not much of a life.  Anyways, I better go!  Mom said, "Dinner is ready, Marinette!"   If I don't get downstairs soon,she will be furious!  

_Marinette Dupain-Cheng

         Marinette heads downstairs for the meal. She is glad to see it is her favorite, tacos with rice.  At least my mom is still a great cook!  She smiles and is grateful for the delicious supper.  After the blessing, Marinette eats a taco and a small spoonful of rice. She eats another taco. Then decides not to eat more ,so her mother will not accuse of her being a pig again.  Why didn't just last week her mother say as much after she consumed five slices of pizza, two breadsticks, and a salad.  She was determinded not to overeat as much as she was to do whatever else it was to please her mother.  Why not?  It is not as if there were any other family to care for her anyway.  

      Shortly after the meal, Marinette cleans the dishes and begins to hum.  When she finishes with them, Sabine smiles and says, "Marinette go on ahead and do as  you  wish.  Just make sure if you go out not to wander off to far from, and to be back her by midnight!  Got it?"   "Yes, mother!  Thanks, every so much for all you do for me!" Marinette says.  Off she goes outside with her jacket in hand in case it turns windy out for it would never do to be outside without one if the weather got chilly.  

       Marinette walks to her favorite part of the park.  It is a special secluded area where you can see all the stars without passerby taking a notice. She sits down and gazes up the stars. 

         Chat Noir is so sad about his father's death he sneaks outside that evening. He heads towards the park where he sees a  lovely creature, this young girl with dark blue hair all be continued in Chapter 3  Chat Noir Meets Marinette!

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