Chapter 13 Natalie Leaves?

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       One day after Adrien and Natalie rescue Marinette from her mother, the escaped convict, Natalie decides to leave. She does not say a word about to anyone. She decides it is time for a change.  She feels it is time for her to be on her own for awhile.  She  believes it is best for everyone this way.  Besides, now that Sabine is in the insane  asylum, she thinks it would be good for Adrien and Marinette to have some time alone. Time alone to think, to talk and to spend together!  It has been ages long since they have gotten to be together much.  They deserve it.

      Natalie finishes with her bags.  She has her all her things packed and ready to go. Their is not much to take with her anyway.  The main things she owns are her clothes, hairbrush, blow dryer, toothbrush, toothpaste, makeup, her glasses case and cleaner, her glasses and a few other minor items.  She is glad that all these are easy to carry without any help. She does not  want to risk anyone changing her mind.  

    Natalie  calls a taxi. When it arrives, she heads out the door, and into the outside windy day.  She is glad to have worn her jacket since the wind appears to be a bit strong today.  She puts her things in the trunk, closes it and climbs into the back seat of the cab. She thanks the cab driver and gives him directions to her sisters house.   For here on out, she plans to stay with her sister that is as long as she will allow her too.  She only hopes that her sister will not be upset to see her as they were not exactly on the best of terms when they last spoke. This was years ago. Well, one could only hope right?  

     Adrien wakes up late that day. He thinks it strange Natalie never came to wish him good day. He also wonders did she fix breakfast today, or did she want me to fix it this time? He gets up, gets ready for the day and heads downstairs.  He does not see his servant. He thinks, well perhaps, she slept in too.  It was a bit of a crazy night last night after all.  It makes him frown a bit when he thinks about Natalie put her life at risk like that just to protect him and Marinette.  Why on earth did she do such a thing?   Why it really makes no sense at all!  He tries to think of a way to think Natalie.  Nothing  seems to come to mind.  Nothing at all!  

      Adrien goes into the kitchen and fixes himself a bowl of cereal. He never was much of a cook !  He  always tends to burn food when he attempts to cook it.  Why he recalls how he has yet to make a decent piece of toast.  No wonder, Natalie always insist on making it!  He eats his food.  He finishes. He goes to check on Natalie and discovers her room is empty.  The bed is made up, all her things are gone and she is no where in sight!  He panics. What has happened to her? He calls her sister to see if she has heard from her.  He gets no answer.  He hangs up. He thinks, well wherever she went I do hope she is safe!  

    Marinette comes over to visit around lunch time. She smiles at him and he returns the smile. She can't help, but notice he seems like something is off today.  Is it because of last night?

    "Adrien, what is the matter?"  Marinette asks.

  " Why, what makes you think anything is that matter?"  Adrien replies.

  " You do seem rather distracted today!  Is it because of what happened last night?"  Marinette asks.

  "Well, yes and no!" Adrien says.

  "You know that really makes no since, Adrien!"  Marinette remarks.

  "Fine, I will tell you then, since you insist to know , so badly!" Adrien says.

   "It's  Natalie!  She is not here!"  Adrien says.

   "What do you mean she is not here?"  Marinette says.

   "Well, that is just it.  I don't know,"  Adrien says.

  "Then, how do you know she is not here?"  Marinette asks.

"Well, all her bags and things are not here!  She would never leave without them! " Adrien says.

  "Oh, I see!  She left!" Marinette says.

  "Yes, the only thing I wonder is if she intended to move out, then why did she do so without saying anything about it?  I mean she just up and left while I slept!" Adrien says.

 "Oh, Adrien it can not be that bad can it?  I mean she is a grown woman, you know?"  Marinette says.

 "I know, but it is just she has been here as a servant for the longest time I can remember," Adrien says.

"Adrien, there there, darling!  Do calm down, for as hard as it is on you for her to have left you still have me!" Marinette says.

"Thanks, Marinette!" Adrien says.

    Marinette gives him a hug.  He hugs her back.  

   "Well, Marinette since we have the place to ourselves, now what?"  Adrien asks.

     "I   suppose now we could go on a date! " Marinette says.

      "I think that is a splendid idea!"  Adrien says.

      "Thanks, dear!" Marinette smiles at him.

    Adrien smiles back at her. He thinks, what did I ever do to deserve your love?

    Adrien and Marinette go on their date.  When they finish, Adrien drops Marinette off at the hotel.  Then, he goes back home.  This concludes their date.  

*Chapter 13 first published Dec. 21,2018 and republished on Dec.22,2018 with edits made.*-Author's Note

    to be continued in Chapter 14  Insecure About Love?

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