Chapter 12 Sabine Escapes?

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         Chapter 12 published Dec.20,2018 and edits made Dec.21st, 2018

    Sabine waits until two of the guards at the prison fall asleep.  Then she goes over the door, and  manages to pry the lock open with one of her shoe laces. She thinks wow, if escape from here is this easy why even bother calling it a prison?  It would be better  to call it a temporary time out or something. She laughs.  She tip toes past the first guard, and takes a look around her.  She tip toes past the second guard.  She walks towards the exit.  She waves the badge she stole from one of the  guards over the key pad.  The door swings wide open and she leaves.  

      Once outside, she runs as far away from the entrance as she can, and towards her freedom! Sabine runs to the nearest store.  She goes over to the jewelry counter, and steals a few jewels. She figures might as well have some fun while I am here!  After she takes the jewels, she goes to the clothing department takes a dress, a pair of shoes and a sweater. She goes into the changing room, disguards her old prison garaments and puts on the new ones. She smiles at her reflection in the mirror, not bad. Not bad at all.  She leaves the store and heads towards the makeup department where she samples some perfume,mascara, blush and eyeliner. She exits the shopping area and goes to the bank.  

     Sabine enters the bank.  She smiles big and pulls out a gun!  She thinks, another advantage of a lozy guard at the prison I left earlier today.  She yells, "Everyone, hands up!  This is a robbery!  Hand over all the cash in the safe!  Hand over all your jewelry, wallets and cell phones!"  She grins even more as both bank employees and customers scramble to meet her demands. She leaves the bank satisfied at a job well done. She steals a car and rams into a tree.  "Opps, did I do that?" she says with a bit of sarcasm in her voice.  She abandons the car. She can feel the police on her trail.  She runs into the woods behind the local school. 

     Meanwhile, Adrien Agreste is in his living room at the mansion. He sees the news broadcast that warns, Convict on the Loose!  Suspect is considered to be armed and dangerous.  The suspect is said to have escaped from the Paris Prison early this afternoon!  Her name is Sabine Dupain-Cheng and she was convicted for the murders of her late husband Tom Dupain-Cheng, the abuse, and attempted murder of her daughter, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and the murder of her husband's best friend, and boss Gabriel Agreste.   Sabine is said to be 5ft 3 in tall, with short blue hair, brown eyes and is part Chinese. She is one bad woman!

    When the news broadcast ends,  Adrien sits their with a look of concern on his face.  He thinks, great just when Marinette and I thought we were safe.  He gets out his phone and calls Marinette!  He can only hope Sabine will not think to return to her old home. He can only hope she will  not decide to murder Marinette now that everyone knows she is out of prison!  He worries, what will I do if I am to late to warn her?  What if Sabine reaches her before I get a chance to say anything to her?  What will I do if I loose her?  

     Adrien's fears almost get the better of him as he dials the number. He waits for the familiar ring tone.  He breathes a sigh of relief when he hears Marinette's voice on the end of the phone.

   "Adrien, is everything alright?" Marinette says.

    "No," Adrien says.

   "What? why not?"  Marinette asks.

   "It is your mother!  She is no longer behind bars. She escaped!" Adrien yells into the receiver.

    "What?  You are not serious?"  Marinette answers.

   " Look, I saw the entire thing on the news!  So, keep all your windows shut tight and don't answer the door for anyone. If you see her call the police!  Got it?"  Adrien says.

  "Wow, with all the worry in your voice I can tell you mean business!  Okay, I will do what you said, and I love you!" Marinette says.

  "I love you too!" Adrien says.

    Marinette hangs up the phone. She looks in the direction of  the unexpected guest with a frown.  She is afraid. Very afraid. She is not sure if she did the right thing, or not. She hates the lie she just told  Adrien.  She does not want him to worry.  The only thing is though, her mother is not only out , but to her horror she is in her home.  She is not sure when her mother came in to be exact. She just knows she was in the bathroom.  She hears a funny sound in her kitchen when she exits the bathroom.  She looks to see what made the sound. She gasps.  It is her mother!  Oh, no!  she thinks.  Next thing, she knows Adrien calls her and she has to act like everything is just peachy.

     "Mother, what brings you here?"  Marinette says. She tries not to show the fear she feels as she speaks.

    "Not is that any way to treat the woman who gave birth to you and raised you?"  Sabine asks.

   "It is just I thought you were well locked up,"  Marinette says.

    "The funny thing is about all this is that I left to come see you!" Sabine says.

    "Oh, and why is that mother?"  Marinette says.

   "Well, I do believe we have some unfinished business to attend too!" Sabine says with an evil smirk.

    "Unfinished business?   What are you trying to say?"  Marinette says.

   " You really do not have a clue do you?"  Sabine scoffs.

     Marinette does not say a word. She just looks at her mother. She is terrified. She can't believe she feel for the whole I am so happy to see you garbage.  Why Adrien was right, she should have been on the look out for her!  Only know it was too late.  To late to do a thing, and to late to escape.  

    Sabine pulls out the pistol the same one she held the bank up with that day. She laughs as Marinette cries.  "Any last words?"  she sneers.

   "Why?  why are you doing this?"  Marinette asks with tears in her eyes.

    " You have been bad.  You have to pay!" Sabine says.

    Sabine is about to pull the triggger, when their is a loud noise. It is the sound of glass breaking.  Glass to the window in the upstairs bedroom.  Sabine runs towards the sound.

She laughs and says,  "Here, kitty!  Kitty!  Come out, come out, where ever you are!"   

    Adrien remains silent.

   "Oh, so even when the woman you love is in danger, you refuse to show yourself? " Sabine scoffs.

" Why is that Adrien?" Sabine says.

   "Sabine, turn around really slow!  Drop the weapon!" Natalie says.

    "What?  You are here too?"  Sabine says.

     "Yes, course, I will not let anyone hurt, my master!" Natalie says.

    Sabine laughs.

    " I will not drop my weapon," Sabine says as she turns to face Natalie.

    "Fine, I warned you!" Natalie says.

    Natalie pulls out a harmonica and plays it. She continues to play it as more people enter the house through the front door.  It is the police and they have come to arrest Sabine!  

    "You intend to defeat me with an instrument?" Sabine sneers at her.

     Sabine pulls the trigger!  The weapon jams. She tries to unjam it, but the police who are now in the room with the others, come up behind her and point their own weapons towards her back. She drops her weapon. The police put the handcuffs on her. 

     As they start to take her away, she manages to bend over, grab up the discarded weapon and aims.  The bullet hits the wall and makes a hole in it. Fortunately, no one was hurt!  The weapon only had two bullets left, and as she tries to take aim again,  Adrien bites her arm. She drops the weapon again.  The police take her to the isane aslyum this time as their is better guards there and less chances of her escaping again.

    Adrien walks over to Marinette who stands in the corner.  He hugs her.  She hugs him back.

    "H-how, did you know to come?" Marinette asks.

    "I could tell by your voice something was wrong!"  Adrien says.

    "I can tell he was worried about you, so I insisted in coming along !" Natalie says.

    "Th-Thanks for helping me, Adrien!" Marinette says.

     "For you I would  do anything!" Adrien says.

        Natalie heads on home.  Adrien goes back a few moments later.

   Marinette goes to stay in hotel. She thinks this is best under the circumstances.

      to be continued in Chapter  13  Natalie Leaves? 

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