Chapter 18 The Letter?

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      Adrien  happens to be in one sad shape as usual.  He comes across something he never saw before. He smiles when he picks it up.  Why it's a letter!  He opens it up to read  it and grins even more.  He nods his head.

     Natalie is still away at her sisters place. She is happy with this part of her life. She can spoil her nieces quite a bit.  She also has a boyfriend whom she sees regularly.  By regularly she sees him on the weekends, and on Thursdays too.  She can not believe how much has happened in her life since she moved away from the Agreste mansion!  She can only hope things go well for Adrien and his Marinette.  She does not know about the break up.

     Adrien rereads the letter Natalie sent him.  He smiles a lot!  It is the best thing he has heard in awhile.  He thinks, wow how about that!  Natalie has a man in her life.  I am glad to hear it.  It is fantastic to hear that she is happy with her life.  I only  wish I could tell her that Marinette and I are as happy as she wishes us to be.  Only that would be a lie.  Marinette and I have not spoken much since the break up.  For that matter, it does not help much I dated Eliza for  a few years!  Now, I  am still not sure what to do when it comes to my own life.  I wonder what Marinette would think if she knew Natalie was a dating woman now?  Would she agree with my happiness over the news, or scoff at the idea?  He sighs.

   Marinette goes to see Adrien. She is not sure why she even bothers too.  It is not as if they have spoken much lately.  Sure she still sees him and waves to him on occasion.  She knows that is not the same though.  She knocks on his front door.  She rings the door bell not really sure what to say if and when Adrien answers it though.  It is not as if he expects to see her after all this time.

    Adrien answers the door and sees Marinette  on his porch. He looks at her in surprise!  He thinks, what brings her here after all this time?  He frowns, but  invites her inside.

    "Thanks, Adrien!  I  know  I must be the last person you expect to see!  I just want  you to know that I am sorry." Marinette says.

     "Mari, please!  Don't start.  I know I should never have gone out with Eliza!  It was a mistake!  The entire time I kept thinking about you!"  Adrien says.

    "Wh-what?"  Marinette ask.

   "You heard me!" Adrien says.

    "Oh,and I heard from Natalie today!"  Adrien says.

    "You did?"  Marinette says.

   "Yes, she sent me this letter!"  Adrien says.

    Adrien hands the letter to Marinette.  He stares at her as she reads it. He can feel his face feel as if it were a deep shade of red.

     Marinette finishes reading the letter. 

"Wow, that is great!  Natalie has a boyfriend!  Wow, our Natalie is doing so well!"  Marinette says.

    Marinette gives Adrien a hug!  He hugs her back and does not want to let go.

    "Mari, do you love anyone?"  Adrien ask.

      "Yes!" Marinette says.

     "Oh, then do I know him?" Adrien says.

   "Well, I should hope so since he is you!"  Marinette says.

    " Don't play with my feelings!"  Adrien says.

     "I sorry,I should never have come!"  Marinette says.

    "No, don't say that Mari!  I   love you!  I always have and always will!"  Adrien says.   

     Marinette looks at him.  She can see all the pain in his eyes and voice.  This is all my fault, she thinks.

       "Adrien, I do love you!"  Marinette says.

    "No, you never loved me!  If you did than you would have taken the ring!  You broke up with me the day I proposed!  It ripped my heart in two!  I  never want to see you again!"  Adrien yells at her as the tears fall down his cheeks.

     Marinette does not leave. Not this time. She just stands there in shock.  She goes to one of the guest rooms and sits down. She cries.  Adrien comes into the room and sees her there. He sobs too.

     "Adrien, I never meant to break your heart!  I was afraid that I would go crazy and cause you much pain if I married you."  Marinette says.

    "Why?  why didn't you tell me this years ago?"  Adrien says.

     "I didn't think you would listen."  Marinette says.

      "Mari, I forgive you!"  Adrien says.

    "You do?"  Marinette says.

    "Yes, I can't stay mad at the woman I love forever!"  Adrien says.

     Adrien pulls her closer to him. He looks into her eyes and feels like he might melt. He kisses her!  He continues to kiss her until she slowly returns the kiss.

    When he breaks the kiss, he looks at her again!  

"wh-what do we do now?" Adrien says.

  "I say we get back together, that is if you will have me!"  Marinette says.

   "Yes, I agree!" Adrien says and smiles lovingly at her.

    When Marinette returns home, she is amazed at all that has happened!  She thinks, was it the letter that brought all this to pass, or was it my sudden appearance in front of him? She blushes when she remembers how they kissed and feels her cheeks burn. She can't believe he still has the same effect on her after all this time.

      to be continued in Chapter 19  Adrienette ?


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