Chapter 7 Natalie Steps In!

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    *This Chapter was first Published on Dec.15th 2018 and edits made on Dec.21st 2018

Natalie wakes up and shakes her head. Goodness, I really must get them too clueless goof balls together soon! She wakes Chat up and tells him "The pancakes are ready!"

       Chat gets ready for the day. He bare touches the pancakes. He is sad. No heartbroken. To heartbroken to eat and nothing no nothing will help. Not pancakes, not coffee, not a reminder of how very proud his father was of him, nothing.

     Natalie smiles. " Don't worry, Chat I will have you feline better in no time!" Natalie says. She laughs at the funny face Chat gives her in response to her random cat pun.

     "There is nothing you can do to make me happy.  Nothing!" Chat says.

    "Oh, and why are you so sad anyway?"  Natalie says.

   Chat sighs.   "It is because I lied to Marinette!  I told her I was with someone else,"  Chat says.

    "Why would you go and do a crazy thing like that for anyway?"  Natalie asks.

  "She  rejected me.  She said, We are only friends and that is all we will ever be..."  Chat says.

     "I am sure she did not mean it,"  Natalie says.

   " No, she meant every word.  She does not love me," Chat says.

    "I love her, but she only sees me as a friend." Chat says.

       Meanwhile, with Marinette at her place, she wakes up rather worn out. She did not sleep to well last night.  She feels as if she has no reason to be happy. None!  As in nada, the spanish word for nothing, because she feels as if she must deserve nothing.  She feels like trash, she feels awful, just plain terrible.  Marinette goes to the sink to wash her face and sees that her eyes look rather red.  She  knows this must be because she cried so much last night.  It was because of Chat. She feels torn as to what to do about it.  

    Marinette's POV:  Chat, I am sorry hurt you!  Please, don't go out with this other girl!  You mean the world to me!  Oh, Chat!  I love you!  I love you Chat, and I never want to see you sad again!  I never want to loose you either, so please say something, anything! Please talk to me Chaton!

     Chat's POV:  What did I do to make Marinette hate me?  Did I come across as to strong?  I mean it is not as if I kissed her!  I never even told her how I really felt about her.  I tried too, but she friend zoned me before I got the chance.  I  wonder what to do now.  I  already lied and said I was with someone new.  The only thing is it is not true. There will never be anyone else for me.  How could there be when I have fallen in love with my friend and princess, Marinette?

  Natalie's POV:  Chat looks rather down today.  I do hate to see him in such a state. There must be something I can do to help him. I know there is!  In fact, I know just the thing that will have him tip top shape again in no time.  The thing that will put a smile back on his face. The thing that will cause he to be so happy, he will never be heartbroken again!  Now, to put my plan into action!

      Back at Chat's place,  Natalie cleans up the breakfast leftovers for Chat. She puts them back in the refrigerator, cleans the dishes and then gets to work.  She does not say a word to Chat about what she has in mind.  She just smiles and puts her idea together.  She does hope that this works.  If not then, she has no more ideas as to what to do.  She thinks,  this will work!  It will indeed. 

       Around  10:00 am, Marinette goes to check her mail box.  She only sees on envelope inside.  She opens it. Dear Marinette, I must say that you have been a great friend to my boss!  He needs you now.  He truly does.  You see he is rather down hearted.  I do hate to see him such a sad shape.  Is there any way possible, you could help him?   I know he said he was seeing someone, but that is just not true.  He only said as much to make you jealous. He cares about you more than you can ever imagine!  I have this feeling you care for him as well!  So, what do you say?  Will you meet him at the park this afternoon at say 2 o'clock?  Just give him a chance!  Sincerely, Natalie Sancour   ps. Chat has not been the same without you!

       Marinette looks up from the note. She blushes when she rereads the part about how Chat feels and about the entire silly notion he had that he needs to make her jealous!  She laughs. She is happy to know that it was a misunderstanding and that he has no one else in his life. She is so very happy!  She decides to meet him at the park right at 2 pm as the note says, and only hopes he will show up there as well. She plans to tell Chat the truth about how she really feels about him and can only hope he feels the same about her!

        Chat Noir has no idea that Nathalie wrote to Marinette!   He also does not know what all she wrote about in the letter.  He just knows that Nathalie seems rather pleased with herself.  He does wonder, what it is she is so cheerful about at the moment?   He tells Nathalie he plans to go to the park later that day. This way he can get some fresh air and who knows maybe Marinette will show up as well?  He thinks, who am I kidding?  There is no way she will be there at the same time as me!  I mean why should she anyway?  She thinks I am dating someone new.  Good grief, what on earth have you gotten yourself into?

     Later that day, Chat arrives at the park right at 2 pm.  He is unaware that someone else is already there.  He does not notice them.  He thinks he is the only one there as he never saw anyone else show up.  He feels down just as he did earlier that day.  He thinks, he will never be with his princess.  He cries at the very thought that he might never be able to tell her how he feels.  

      Marinette arrives at the park a few minutes before two. She looks around and smiles. She climbs a tree to await Chat's arrival to the place. When she sees him she is happy to see that he came. She watches as he sits down on the bridge near the fountain and can see the tears as they form in his eyes.  She feels sorry for him.

   "Chat?"  Marinette finally speaks.

    Chat turns around to see who spoke his name.  He sees no one.  He thinks, what?  I thought I heard my princess talk, yet she is no where to be found. What kind of cruel joke is this?

     "Chat, look behind you!  I am here in the tree!" Marinette says.

  Chat looks in the direction the voice comes form and sees Marinette in the tree. His mouth drops.

    "Princess, is that you?" Chat says.

   "Yes, it is !" Marinette says.

   "Oh, why are you here?" Chat says with a  sad tone to his voice.

  " I came here to talk to you!" Marinette says.

   Chat does not say a word. He just looks at her with sadness in his eyes.

    Marinette climbs out of the tree. She runs to him. She looks at him and sees the hurt in his eyes.  She thinks, I did this!  I hurt him!

   "Chat,look I..." Marinette begins

  "It is okay, you don't have to stay on my account." Chat says.

  "Chat, please just let me explain," Marinette says.

   "What is there to explain?  You are special to me, but you will never love me!" Chat says.

    "What?  I am special to you?  how?"  Marinette says.

    " I love you! " Chat says.

    Chat turns around and starts to walk away.  

 "Chat wait! Chat!" Marinette says.

  "Princess, I can't!  It is to hard for me to love you and know that you only see me as a friend." Chat says

   "Chat, I thought that is what I wanted at first. Only now, I know it's not true!" Marinette says.

  "What do you mean, princess?" Chat says.

  "I mean that I love you too,Chat!" Marinette says.

    "No, this is just a joke to make me feel better," Chat says.

   "Chat, I mean it!" Marinette says.

        Marinette holds onto one of his gloved hands. She kisses the top of it.  She looks at him and smiles. She sees the look of surprise in his face.

    "Mari? " Chat says.

     Chat notices Marinette still has a hold of one of his hands. He cups her face in his own and whispers, "Beautiful, princess, I am so happy, I love you!"  Before Marinette could back away, he leans in and kisses her forehead. 

 "Marinette, please, will you be my girlfriend?"  Chat asks.

  "Yes, I will!" Marinette says.

  Chat smiles up at her and she smiles back. Chat walks with her back to his place. He can hardly wait to tell Natalie the good news!  He is so excited that his princess and him are together now!  He can hardly contain his joy over it all.

    Chat   walks inside the mansion, while holding onto Marinette's hand.  He finds Natalie in the study.   

"Natalie I have something to tell you!" 

Chat says.  "Oh, and what might that be?"  Natalie asks.   "

Chat and I are boyfriend and girlfriend now!" Marinette says.  

"Wow!  I am so happy, for you!" Natalie says.

  Natalie's POV:  I just knew it.  I knew those two were head over heels in love with one another.  I am glad I gave them the push in the right direction. I can tell they are both ever so happy now!  I do believe in time Chat and her will become more than just a great pair of friends that turned into a lovely couple.  I can see it now, someday in the future there might be just a bride for Chat yet!   I smile as Chat and Marinette tell me their plans for the date.  I nod my head in approval.  I can not agree more.  I find a good book to read, and sit down in the study.   I read it until I fall asleep while I wait for Chat to come home and let me know all about how his date went with Marinette!  

  to be continued in Chapter 8  Bad News about the Past? -Summer Cheng

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