Chapter 8 Bad News about the Past ?

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       Chat wakes up.  He looks forward to his date with Marinette!  He figures nothing could go wrong, right!  Little did he know how far from  the truth he actually was for that matter.

      "Chat, I need to tell you something!" Nathalie says.

    "Oh, what is it?"  Chat asks.

     " I just wanted to let you know the mysterious voice I heard in the meeting with your father, as I mentioned before well it was not a man's voice.  You see he was talking to a woman!"  Nathalie says.

    Chat thinks about this for a moment.  He wonders what could this mean?  Who could the woman be who spoke to his father moments before his death?  What could this new information mean?

    Natalie's flashback...

    " Adrien must never find out the truth!  You understand?"  Gabriel says.

    "Sir, don't you think he deserves to know?"  Nathalie asks.

   "I believe it is in his best interest, if he does not know,"  Gabriel says.

   "Oh, but sir, how will I explain it too him if he ever asks about his background?"  Nathalie asks.

    "Just tell him he is adpopted!  He need not know anything else!" Gabriel says.

   "Sir, you really expect me to lie to him?"  Nathalie asks.

  "i expect you to do as I tell you, after all you are a servant!  I can fire you, you know." Gabriel says.

  "Yes, sir."  Nathalie says.

  end of flashback ...

     Nathalie wonders, what does this mean?  Before she can think about it more, she has another flashback.

Nathalie's  other flashback...

 Nathalie over hears a private conversation between Mr. Agreste and some woman.

  This is what she hears.  "Mr. Agreste, you really must reconsider!"  the woman says.

   " I will not!  My answer is no!'  Gabriel says.

    " What?  what about my daughter though?"  the woman says.

   " She will just have to grow up knowing her mother was some crazy woman who did something she never should have done!" Gabriel says.

   "What?  You wouldn't dare tell her!" the woman protest

  "Oh, wouldn't I?  I owe it to my best friend's  memory to let her know.  She must know for her sakes and for my son's sake as well."  Gabriel says.

   "What does your son have to do with any of this?"  the woman says.

   "Well, are children are best friends!"  Gabriel says.

     "Not anymore!  I will forbid her to have anymore to do with him!"  the woman says.

   "You can't  do this to them forever!" Gabriel says.

  "Oh, I can and I will!" the woman says.

     Then, unknown to anyone else, the woman pulls something from behind her pack, a dagger and plunges it into Gabriel's chest.  

      The woman looks at his body as he gasps for air.  "Sorry, to do this too you, but the secret must be kept for my sake and my daughters!  As for the children, they will never see each other again!" the woman laughs.  She attempts to wipe her fingerprints off the dagger, when she hears a knock at the door. She panics, walks over to the window, opens it and leaves through it.  As she leaves she whispers, "So long Gabriel!"

    Nathalie enters the room when she no longer hears the voices. She sees Mr. Agreste slumped over in his chair.  She checks his pulse.  She screams when she realizes he is dead and she is the sole witness to what happened.  What will she do?  What can she do? 

   end of flashback...

  Chat looks at Nathalie, "woman?  what woman ?  who was she?  who is she?"

   Nathalie cries.  

   "what is the matter?"  Chat says. 

  "I have done an awful thing, I am afraid," Nathalie says.

   "What do you mean?  What have you done?"  Chat says.

    "It is the truth about the past.  You see your name is not really Chat!  It's Adrien, Adrien Agreste!" Nathalie sobs.

   "What?  I'm Adrien, well that explains why the name seems familiar to me.  I see no reason for you to be so hard on yourself about this though,"  Chat / Adrien says.

    "Yes,but there is more.  You see, Marinette and you were best friends as children. Only someone did not want you to be together.  The same person killed both her father and your father as well.  I just never saw it before now." Nathalie says.

   "Wait, you know who killed my father?"  Chat gasps.

   "Yes, and the truth is to unbearable." Nathalie says.

   "What are you not telling me?  Who did this?" Chat says.

    "Sit down!  It's  Sabine!  Sabine Dupain-Cheng, she murdered Marinette's father and your father as well.  It seems your father some how found out what she had done to Marinette's father, and he blackmailed her. She was furious and she killed him!"  Nathalie confesses.

   "What?  No!  It is not true!" Chat says.

    "Oh, but it is sir!" Nathalie says.

    "How long have you known all this?" Chat says.

    "I have known ever since the day I over heard your father talking to some woman in his study. The same day he was murdered.  In fact, I overheard what she said as she killed him, and I was about to enter the room when she panicked and fled through the window." Nathalie says.

   "Why ?  Why did you let her escape?  She could have killed Marinette!"  Chat screams at Nathalie.

   "I know, and for that I feel horrible. Sir, I know you must want to fire me after what I have done.  I will go and pack my bags." Nathalie says.

 "Wait!" Chat/Adrien calls out

  "Yes?"  Nathalie says.

  "Does Marinette know any of this?"  Chat says.

   "No, at least not that I am aware of , she doesn't!"  Nathalie says.

  "Oh my goodness, how will tell her?  How will tell the woman, I love that her mother is a murderer?" Chat says. He sobs.

  Chat's POV:  I struggle with the words.  I think how will be able to tell Marinette what really happened?  how?  I mean she knows my father was killed yes.  But how do I tell her that it was her mother who took the life of first her father and then my father?  Oh, no!  What do I do?  what do I say?  How will I say it?  

Nathalie's POV:  I go to my room. I pack my bags.  I figure I might as well be prepared to leave.  I mean it. I failed!  I failed my master when I didn't stop that crazy woman from killing him, and I have failed both Marinette and Chat!  No, that is not right, I have failed Adrien and Chat by keeping all this to myself for far to long.  What am I do?  where will I go?  Should I turn myself into the police?   I struggle with what course of action to take now that Adrien knows the truth and I am through with packing my few belongings into my bags.  Now what?  

   Chat cries and cries.  He does not even seem to notice when his princess shows up.  

   "Chat, what ever has happened to you?"  Marinette says with worry in her voice when she sees how hard he has been crying. She can tell he is still crying.

  "Marinette, it is so awful!" Chat cries again.

"What?  Did something happen to Nathalie?"  Marinette asks.

  "No, it is far worse than anything!" Chat says.

  "What is it?" Marinette says

 Chat points to a chair.  

Marinette  sits down in the chair and turns towards him.  

   "Well, what is this all about my love?"  Marinette says.

  "I wish there was an easier way to tell you this, but there is not.  Today, I just found out that my real name is Adrien Agreste !" Chat says.

 "Really, that is great!  Now you know you really were not adopted." Marinette says.

"Yes, well there is more!" He says.

"And?"  Marinette asks.

    Chat tells her all the other bad news Nathalie just told him. He ends with the part where Nathalie confessed to how long she has known all this stuff.

  "What?  We were best friends as children?  I never even knew?" Marinette says.

"Neither did I until today," he says.

"You are saying my mother killed my father?  why?  how could she?" Marinette says.

"I am not sure." He says.

"Oh, dear!  She murdered your father just to keep him from blackmailing her about the entire thing!" Marinette gasps.

"Yes, that is the truth," Chat says.

"Oh, dear me!" Marinette says.

"All this time, before my mother was arrested and locked up for her abuse towards me, it turns out I was living with a murderer and never knew it?  Yikes!" Marinette says. She cries now as well.

 Chat hugs her and she hugs him back.  They go on a walk in the park for a bit and then return to Chat's, no Adrien's home. 

"Do you mind, if I call you Adrien?"  Marinette says.

"I am okay with it, after all it is my name," Adrien says.

"Great ! It is a nice name you know!" Marinette says.

"Why thanks, dear!"  Adrien says.

 "You are welcome!' Marinette says.

  " The only thing, I wonder know is how I got this mask and why it never seems to come off!' Adrien says.

   "I suppose this will remain a mystery!" Marinette says.

  "I suppose so, " Adrien says.

  to be continued in Chapter 9  Answers?  

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