Chapter 9 Answers?

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     This part of the story is told partially from the narrator's point of view, mostly told from "Chat" that is Adrien's point of view, but their is some of the chapter told from Marinette's side as well.   As the chapter clearly states, the main characters, Marinette and Adrien "Chat"  find some answers they never once thought even possible.  

      Adrien's POV : It may take me awhile to get use to the sound of my own name again.  It has been years since I last heard it.  Adrien, why it has a nice tone to it!  It makes me wonder why Nathalie and my father were ever in agreement to hid this from me for so long?   I mean, I want answers.  Answers, as to what happened to my mother?  Answers as to how can anyone know for sure it was really Sabine Dupain-Cheng, who took her husband's life let alone the life of my father?  I mean, Nathalie did says she only heard the voices talk together, but never says as to rather she saw the woman enter the house, or not.   Beyond this, what motive could Sabine or whoever it was have for snuffing out the life of not one, but two men who were best friends of one another?

     Narrator's  POV:   Adrien looks around to see if he can find what he seeks.  He finds a few old papers, a journal, a scrapbook and an old calendar.  He really does not see what these items could possibly have to do with anything.  He decides to take a look at them anyway.

   Adrien's  POV:  I  happen upon some old documents.  I am not sure where to start.  I hesitate, what if ,what I find only makes things harder for Marinette and I?  At the same time, what if what I find is the answers we both seek?   I press onward.  It is either, now or never.  I open the journal inside as entry that has the date  May 12th of the year my father died.  This is only one day before his death.  Let's see what we have here, shall we?   

       May 12, Dear Journal,  I fear my son, will soon find out the truth. The very truth, I tried so hard to keep hidden away for so many years. I confess now!  I confess to much things among them the greatest secret of all time.  I never wanted to admit it until now, but it is time. My dear, wife Emilie and I did not always get along as well as we would hope too.  In fact, things got bad one day, she simply packed her bags and left. She went to visit her sister is what the note she left for me claims.  I knew better.  I knew the real reason she left was because she could not bear to see what the fire had done to our son, our only child, Adrien Agreste.  I tried to reason with her, but she left anyway. Soon, after that I could not bear for others to see my son is such a sad shape as he was in such hysterics after she left he hurt himself.  That  is too say, he would break things ans then use the broken items to make a tiny mark on his nose and more on the back of his hands.  I never told anyone, not even Nathalie.  I couldn't!  I had to do it to protect him, least he be put in a mental institution.  Soon, after my discovery, I called a special doctor. He was  a friend of mine a man by the name Tom Dupain-Cheng, who also was the father of my son's best friend, Marinette.  I figured if anyone could help it was Tom!  Tom took a look at him. He applied some special things to his face and then he wrapped it up in a special cloth. Then,he attached leather so black, tough leather both over his hands and facial areas.  When Tom left, I can hardly recognize my own son, that is when I begin to call him Chat!  Chat Noir, and Adrien was sad to have died.  I know it was a horrible, lie but what else could I do?   At some point, Emilie came home!  She saw Adrien all in his new look and was furious, she accused me of harming him!  Can you believe it?  Then, she threatened to take Adrien from me!  I couldn't let her do this!  Not to me, and not to him!  I picked up a small object from the ground.  I hit her with it and only meant to knock her unconsious in the hopes she would come to her senses. Well, needless to say, to my honor I accidentally killed her!  That is right, I accidentally killed my wife.  I was afraid. I cried. I called Nathalie and I told her a lie, I claimed a burglar came in, attacked us both and murdered my wife.  Nathalie never questioned me about the whole thing.  So, I felt the guilt of this for a long time. To make maters worse, there was a witness to the crime!  Marinette was playing outside and she saw what happened through the open window!  Her mother was not to happy when her daughter came home in tears. It was then, she forbid Marinette to ever see Adrien again!

-Gabriel Agreste

 Adrien's  POV:    I look up from what I just read. I can hardly believe it! My father killed my mother?  Granted it was by accident, but still it was him.  I shake my head in disbelief.  As if denial about the matter would make it less awful than it already was.  I thought about the fire as well.  What fire?  I had no memories of a fire. None whatsoever!  Then, I recall how the journal talks about the leather material. Oh, so that is how the disguise got here, huh?  I don't see how that explains, how the stuff never fell off over the years though.  

   Narrator's POV:  Adrien ponders over what he has seen in the journal.  It is a bit much to take in all of a sudden.  Now, he decides to continue on no matter what it is he finds next.  He opens up a huge envelope one of those types you have a special seal that closes them with a metal hook.  

    Adrien's POV: I see a manila envelope and pick it up next. Hmm, let's see what is inside this shall we?  I  pry open the hooks ends and the envelope opens just like that I am rather pleased with myself.  I  take a closer look at the contents inside the envelope. I see a small notepad,a book mark, a necklace, an old dried out ring made from clovers, and what looks like a smaller journal.  I  open the small notepad, why their is nothing of use here!  It is only just some old recipes nothing more.  I examine the other items again. I shrug my shoulders and throw away the clover ring.  It is wilted ,after all,I reason with myself  as I dispose of it.  The necklace has the inscription to M.Dupain-Cheng with love A.Agreste  "best friends" on it.  I cry when I realize I must have bought the necklace years ago with the plans to give it to Marinette only to never get a chance to do so.  The bookmark is just that a bookmark, I see nothing particularly special about it.  I open the smaller journal.  The first page seems to catch my eye as the old phrase goes.  So I decide to read it.

Dear Journal,

    I know this is a crazy notion, but crazy as it seems, I am sure that Sabine murdered her husband.  Kinda ironic isn't it?  I mean years ago, I kill my wife by accident and Marinette and Adrien, those best friends are taken away from one another just like that.  Now, years later, Sabine's husband, my good friend, Tom the doctor is dead.   I know the papers say he died from an illness, but I refuse to believe it.  Why Tom was ever so healthy, what illness could possibly have caused him die leaving his daughter and wife behind like that?  For that matter, why is it that soon after his death, Sabine starts to lie and say he died before Marinette's birth. Why the whole thing is a lie !  A lie I tell you!  He was very well and much alive both at the time of Marinette's brith and up until she turned fourteen. It was shortly, after her fourteenth birthday that he really died.  So there,that is the truth! 

    Sabine came to see me a few days ago, she said she felt remorse over something. Then, she broke down and told me herself, she murdered Tom!  She said it was an untraceable poison that did it.  She told me how very sorry she was! She said she had to too because Tom began to ask to many questions about what happened to Emilie and about Marinette and Adrien's friendship coming to a sudden stop.  Why her confession sounded more like one of  excuses to me than it did of remorse!  I was so angry, I threatened to call the police. She only laughed in my face and said she would blackmail about my wife's death if I ever did such a thing. It was then and there, I knew I was in  whole lot of trouble. Big trouble!  So, that is why I never told anyone. Not a single soul.  Not even Nathalie or Adrien knows.  Well, I do suppose it is better this way anyway. I mean why should Marinette, know such a horrid thing as this?   

       _Gabriel Agreste

Adrien's POV:  I can hardly believe it!  Why it turns out Nathalie may be right, after all!  I mean Sabine did kill her husband, so what better way to assure my father wouldn't confess what he knew to the police?  This way she could avoid a trial.  This way Marinette would grow up believing her father died of an illness.  Good day, the whole thing is just why it's just crazy!  That is what it is! 


    Marinette finds some things in her home she never thought to see either.

   Marinette's POV:  I  woke up this morning and found a small binder under the kitchen table. Why have I never noticed it before?   I pick it up and open it.  I gasp when I see what the contents inside the binder are right in front of me!   I  read the entries as I now know this was my father's personal journal.

    Dear Journal, 

   Much has happened recently!  First, Emilie goes out of town. Then, Gabriel my best friend has me over to bandage up some wounds for his son and has me disguise him as well so to speak.   Next, not long after I arrive home I find out Emilie is back home.  I figure well maybe things aren't as bad as they seem.  Only, it is then, my daughter, Marinette runs into the room screaming "Daddy, Emilie's dead!  She's dead and Mr. Agreste did it!"    Marinette is so so choked up, i hug her and try my best to calm her down.  Her mother, Sabine announces "I forbid you to have anything to do with Adrien and his family ever again! You here, you will never go near him or be his friend anymore! "  I look at my wife and try to get her to calm down. I try to mention that it hardly fair to punish our daughter by taking away her best friend over something like this.  Sabine, will have none of it. She just insist what is done is done.  I nod my head in agreement.  I still feel sorry for the innocent ones though. The ones who lives are ruined and changed forever over this.  Oh, but what can I do? 

_Tom Dupain-Cheng


Dear Journal,  

  My daughter is fourteen today !   Happy Birthday, my darling, girl!  Wow, you look so grown up in that lovely pink dress you made!  I am never more proud of you than I am now my dear!  I do hope some day you find love for yourself, as I have with your mother!

   Wait, what is this?  Something is wrong?  Horribly wrong? The food why it has been poisoned!  Why?  Who would want to kill me?   I don't understand.  What motive could he or she have?  Who has done this to me and on my child's birthday?  

   Hopefully, in time justice will be served.  I gasp as I write this.  My Marinette, daddy loves you!  


  Marinette's POV:  What my father was alive to see my fourteenth birthday?  That means my mother lied to me!  She told me he died before I was born.  Why?   Why would she do this?  How could she do this?  For that matter, how could separate me from my best friend all those years ago?  I mean it is not like I knew what I was saying, right?  I mean I was in shock after Adrien's mother died, right?

  Marinette's POV:  Mother, did not want me near Adrien!  My own father said as much in his journal.  This must be the motive, the reason she  killed my father, to keep him from allowing Adrien and I to be together.  No wonder, she was so controlling !  She thought she could hid the truth if she tried hard enough.   You failed mother!  You failed, I found Adrien anyway!  I might have found him as Chat, but still I found him.  We became the best of friends and you could not stand it. You tried to kill me!  You tried to kill your own daughter!  How could you?

    Narrator's POV:   Marinette is so upset about what she found she cries and cries. She cries so much her eyes turn red.  She is sad sight to see. Her hair is total mess, her clothes are wrinkled and she is upset very upset about the bad news she found.  Yet, she has indeed found the answers.   Chat has found some bad news beyond what Nathalie has told him.  Yet, he indeed found the answers as well.  Now it seems all the mysteries except for the one about the fire, and  the disguise not falling off over time have been solved.  Solved at long last!

    Chat's POV:  I still wonder, what fire it is everyone keeps talking about as I still have none of my own memories about a fire anywhere.  This whole thing seems odd.  Why if there was  fire does everyone remember it, but me?  Could it be it was such a bad experience my brain simply will not let me remember it for myself?   Is that it?  Is the reality behind why my memories of the fire have seem to have vanished?

  to be continued in Chapter 10  The Fire?

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