Epilogue: Home at Last!

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        Two years later, Olivia smiles!  She is glad she agreed to live with her brother and his wife!  She gets to see her nephew, Hugo Duane Agreste everyday!  She thinks, goodness he sure has grown fast!  I mean sometimes, it seems like yesterday, when  I first got here!  Now, look at me!  I am here with my loved ones!  Where I belong!  Now, I can truly say,  "I am home!  Home at Last!"  Olivia says.

       Jeff and Natalie smile at their  adopted daughter, Rachel as she plays with her toys.  She has grown a lot since they first brought her home!  Goodness, has it really been two years already?  The time sure goes by fast!  That is for sure!   Rachel smiles at her mom and dad!  She is so glad they choose her to be their little girl!  She could not be more happier than she is right now!  She too feels at home at last!

       Marinette and Adrien, are glad Hugo is with them now!  They love their son who is only two years old!  They hear Natalie and Jeff have a little girl they adopted a few years ago!  Well, good for them!   They are also, glad they managed to convince Olivia to stay on with them.  Hugo just adores his Aunt Ollie  as he calls her.  He still tries hard to say her name correctly, but it is clear to them all she does not mind one bit.  

      "Aunt Ollie, come here!"  Hugo calls out.

    "Coming, Hugo!"   Olivia calls out.  She sits down and plays right along with her favorite nephew!  She can not imagine her life without her family around her as they are right now, nor does she want too.

      Adrien and Marinette watch their son interact with his aunt and smile.  The two are thankful to see how well, Hugo and his only aunt get along.  It sure was a blessing they found her when they did!  It is not as if  Marinette has any siblings he can spend time with as she is an only child herself.   Adrien hugs his wife, when he hears her sigh.  He can tell she thinks about her mother again.  He feels sorry for both her and Hugo.  Dear sweet, kind, innocent, Hugo who knows nothing about his only grandmother.  He and Marinette  both agree it is better this way as the bad news about her would only make Hugo upset!   

     Sabine is no longer among the living.  It seems even a crazy person has their limits. After many years of  struggles with her illness, and life behind bars, she has passed away.  Her death was one not many care about.  Her funeral was small with only the funeral director, Adrien  and Marinette in attendance.  Her mother was some one most people could not stand when she was alive.  In fact, most feared her all their lives.  It is no wonder not many people mourn her loss.  Her only daughter,  despite her abuse towards her in the past, and the murder of her father by the hands of her mother,  forgave her long ago!  She always has and always will love her mother!  Her love for her surpasses any illness the poor woman suffered from over the years!  

      Olivia was a kind, dear who was more than happy to step in at moments notice to take care of her nephew!  It was least she could do, after all she is his aunt!  She is more than happy for any and all excuse to spend time with the boy!  She only wishes it were not under such sad circumstances such as this.

       It has been only two weeks, since the funeral for Sabine Dupain-Cheng, the whole event still fresh on the minds of both Adrien and Marinette. The two dare not talk about it anyone.   Olivia can tell this troubles them, but does not even bring it up. She agrees Hugo should not be upset about the death of the grandmother he never knew not even once before her death.  So she keeps her mouth shut about it all.

    Adiren hugs his wife again!  She returns the hug as she smiles up at him!  

"Thanks, dear!  I needed that my love!"  Marinette says.

   "You are so welcome, love!"  Adrien says.

     Adrien and Marinette sit down to join,  Hugo and Olivia in the living room floor.  The four of them are soon in an race with the toy trucks versus the toy cars.  It is so much fun to interact as a family for sure!  Marinette smiles and thinks, I am so glad  Adrien did not give up on me years ago when I turned down the first proposal!  I am sure blessed he loves me, so much that he proposed all over again!  I am glad I said, yes!  I am happy now at last!  Now, I can say with the others, "I am home, home at last!"

  *There is no more!  As I once said all good stories must come to an end, so this it my friends!  My  readers out there!  There is not any more!  _Summer Cheng.  ps.  I will write more stories, just this one has come to a close at long last.

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