Chapter 22 The Last Chapter

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    This part of the story takes place, Six years later!    Enjoy,as I know you will!-Summer Cheng

        Jeff and Natalie are very happy together!  The two can hardly believe it!  They have been happily married for six whole years!  Now only is this true, but now they have four dogs, two cats, and a few bunnies as pets.  The two could not be more happier if they try.   Such is the life of these two older people who got married later in life they either of them thought possible!  Yet, life for them is just one blessing after another. They have a house, a car, and a child on the way!  At their age, they could not have children of their own. They applied to adopt a child.  

        Today, they found out the good news they have been accepted as adoption parents to a baby girl!  Her name is Rachel Lee!  They both agree this is just the right child for them!  They can hardly wait to meet her for the very first time!  They know their house is a bit much for some people, but for them it just right!  They really look forward to the arrival of their little girl!  

      In other news, Marinette and Adrien, have a dog as well. They are happy to have only one as they could not find room in their hearts for more than one. One dog is a bit of a handful as it is when it comes to their German shepherd, Alaskan Husky mix!  The dog named Sadie, is sweet, but she tends to bark a lot!  The two can not believe they only rescued her out of the local pound a little over two years ago!  

      Besides, they have a  little one on the way too!  Only in their case, Marinette is expecting!  That is right, she is pregnant!  The two can hardly contain their excitement!  Just think, the two of them will be parents at last!  They have had their up's and down's  like most couples, but overall it has been good!   They feel blessed beyond measure!  They love one other, and already love their baby on the way! 

      Adrien agrees with his wife, that if they have a girl her name is to be Elizabeth Hope Agreste, but if their little one turns out to be a boy they will name him Hugo Duane Agreste.  It is not as if they could agree on many other names right away!   Just the same they are happy as can be!

      Marinette's mother, though insane was forgiven by her daughter years ago!  Marinette is just sad that her mother never let the kind people at insane asylum help her.  Why her mother, got even worse over the past few years!  To make matters worse she tries to blame all her troubles on her only daughter and son-in-law!  She tries to calm they put her through many years of abuse though no one could ever prove this to be true!

     Poor, Adrien found out recently that this whole time he was not really an only child like he once thought.  It turns out he has a sister!  He just never met her as she was only two went she went missing. The police thought she was dead as did everyone else, which is why his parents never told him about her while they were still alive in the past.  

      Now, he finds out all this time she is alive!  Not only is this true, but her name is  Olivia Michelle Agreste!  She is around the same age as he is now as she is his fraternal twin!   Olivia knows Adrien is her brother, but is not sure if she should try to visit him because she believes it may cause him unnecessary pain after years  spent apart.  She does write to him though to let him know she now lives in New York City, New York which is a huge area in the United States of America.  She never got married and her only boyfriend recently broke up with her.  She is upset about this and not sure how to react.  She really thought he was the one for her, until he said, Olivia  I do not love you!  I am sorry, it is not you!  It is me!  I am in love with another girl!  Just like that he walks away. 

       Adrien and Marinette think about it and agree Olivia should come for a visit!  It would be nice to meet her!  Besides, they really want the baby to be able to know who their aunt is as they grow up!  When they explain it this way, Olivia figures it will be great to go to Paris, France and re unite with her brother at last!  To see his wife, and to maybe even meet her little nephew, or niece!  The change of scenery and fresh air could do her some good.  Everything here just reminds her of her broken heart!  Who knows, perhaps the trip to France is just what she needs!  With that Olivia packs some things, goes to the airport and pays for a ticket to Paris!  She can hardly wait to see what sorts of adventures are their for her when she arrives! 

         Olivia arrives two days later!  Adrien answers the door.  Marinette is in the kitchen. She has gotten the supper and dessert all ready.   As Olivia enters the mansion she takes a look around her and smiles.  At long last, she feels like she belongs. She feels as if is at home for once.  She is so happy to be with family once again!  Adrien takes her coat and hangs it up for her. Then, Olivia goes into the kitchen and meets her sister-in-law for the very first time.

          "Hey, Marinette!  Great to meet you!"  Olivia says.

        Marinette turns around and smiles.  "Wow, you must be Olivia!  It is so great to finally meet you! "  Marinette says.

        "Thanks for making me feel , so welcome!"  Olivia says.  

        "What do you expect, sis?   After all we are your family!"  Adrien says.

       "Yes, I know, but the whole thing is just still so new to me!"  Olivia says.

         to be continued in the Epilogue:  Home at Last!


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