Chapter 21 Double Wedding!

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        Six months later, Natalie and her fiance are back in town.  Marinette and Natalie talk for awhile and decide it would be great if they could have a double wedding! As in both girls wear their bridal dresses, and both grooms the tuxedos.  They all go to the church the same day, and Natalie and her man to be get married!  Then, next it is Adrien and Marinette's turn!  They discuss the idea with the fiance and the guys agree to this crazy idea.

     Now,a year later it is today!  The day the wedding or rather weddings is about to take place!  

     Jeff stands at the front of the chapel nervous as ever!  He can not believe his about to marry Natalie!  The woman he loves ever so much!  Adrien his best man gives him a thumbs up.  

    The flower girl Manon spreads the petals down the aisle.  She is happy to be a part of both weddings.  Now, that she is done, the bridesmaids come out one by one. 

     Next is the bride!  Natalie looks so lovely dressed in white, with her hair in a nice bun, pearl earrings and a pearl necklace around her neck.  She comes forward and joins hands with Jeff.  As her father died years ago, she gives herself away!   The bride and groom light the unity candle to symbolize two flesh now made one, and to symbolize their promise to remain faithful to one another!  They exchange vows, and rings!  The preacher announces them husband and wife, Jeff grins as he kisses his bride!  Everyone claps!  The ceremony is over!  It was short, but sweet just the same!  Everyone agrees Natalie makes a lovely bride!   Lots of photos are taken of her with Jeff, and the other wedding party members.

    Natalie and Jeff are so happy together a last!  Instead, of reception, everyone sits down as they prepare for the next wedding!  Adrien is the one nervous now!  He grins as Jeff gives him the thumbs up this time.

    Manon comes out slower this time than before.  She almost trips, but her mother the matron of honor catches her!  There are no bridesmaids this time, since Marinette has no sisters, and there are few friends to call her own.  Also, their are no groomsmen either.  The best man is someone who calls himself, Nino.   The pastor is Kim, just like before.  As everyone awaits for the arrival of Marinette, Adrien blushes.  He thinks, wow!  This is it, I finally get to marry the woman I love!  

    As the bridal march plays, Marinette hesitates. She thinks, am I doing the right thing?  What if trip, what if say the wrong thing?   Can I really do this?  She hears the music get louder!  She smiles and thinks, yes, I can do this!  I know I can!  She steps out the door and walks slowly down the aisle.  She gives herself away since her father is dead as well.  She sighs.  She wonders, if things were different, what her father would have thought if he could see her now?

     Marinette joins hands with Adrien as he smiles at her.  The two light their own unity candle as well, while Natalie sings a lovely song for them.  When she finishes, they step down, exchange vows and rings!  The preacher announces,   " I present to you Mr. and Mrs.  Adrien  and Marinette Agreste!  You may now , kiss the bride!"  Adrien smiles as he lifts the veil off the face of his lovely wife and kisses her!

     Everyone claps as the photographer snaps photos of the kiss!  Next, everyone else is dismissed to the reception area while the bride, groom and wedding party have more photos taken together.

     Now everyone is at the double reception!  There is one cake with the words "Congratulations to Jeff and Natalie!"  across it.  Another cake says,  "Congratulations to Adrien and Marinette!"  across it.   There is also two different types of punch, lots of grapes, finger sandwiches, cucumber slices, a carrot stick tray with ranch dressing as the dip to go with them, a cheese cub tray,  a tray full of tiny biscuits full of bacon, and a small try full of mints.  The food is delicious, the atmosphere of the place rather cheerful, and the people happy as can be!  Everyone beams as the two married couples dance in time to the music.  Then, the two couples cut their individual cakes, share a slice, and then in turn offer some to their guest.  

    Sabine Dupain-Cheng, is still in her small area in the isane asylum.  She is still not sorry. Not really about all the crimes she has done.  She could care less about the charges against her, the fact she was declared guilty of them all, or about the fact she is cut off from all society as a whole now.  She just feels like she got away with something.  She sees on the tv from where she sits that  her daughter is now married.  She thinks, ugh!  I  hate weddings!  I hate love, and all there is to do with it all.  She truly is insane!  What more can I say about this horrible woman.


      Back to the reception...

     Everyone has a grand time together!  At some point, Natalie throws her bouquet!   Marinette does the same with hers!  Natalie's  flowers are caught by Manon!  Marinette's are caught by a shy girl in a purple dress, who calls herself, Maggie!

       to be continued in Chapter 22  The Last Chapter


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