Chapter 20 The Second Proposal?

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     One month later,  Adrien wakes up. He gets ready for the day. He looks at his calendar.  He discovers it has been a whole month since he and Marinette have begin to date again.  He thinks, I want to ask her all over again to be my wife, but it is too soon!  He sighs.

      Marinette shows up to see him around lunch time.  She smiles up at him. 

      "Adrien, what is the matter?  You have barely said a word to me since I came here!"  Marinette says.

   "Oh, sorry, Marinette!  I was deep in thought!  That is all!"  Adrien says.

   "I can see that, but what were you in thought about, sweetheart?"  Marinette says.

    "Oh, uh, it is nothing!"  Adrien says.  He decides he will wait for awhile longer to strike up the nerve to propose all over again to her.  It is not as if things went that well for them, the first time he proposed.  He figures why spoil everything, but asking her again too soon?

   "Okay, if you say so!"  Marinette says.

    After lunch, Marinette grabs his head and leads him out the door to the park.  She smiles when he takes a look around them. 

    "Wow, this is so nice!"  Adrien says.

    "Yeah, it sure is!"  Marinette says.

   "What is the occasion?"  Adrien says.

    "It is my promise to always love you, and that I will not marry some one else."  Marinette says.

    "Do you really mean it, Mari?"  Adrien says.

    "Yes, I do!"  Marinette says and kisses him.  He kisses her back.

        One year and six months later,  Marinette feels so awkward. She thinks, I want to ask him to marry me, but how?  How can I?  I mean I was one who hurt him before, and now I feel so nervous!  I mean what if I say the wrong words, and he hates me forever?  Oh, what am I to do?

       Marinette has on a lovely dress, some nice shoes to match and even wears a bracelet. She has the ring she plans to give to her Adrien in a box that she hides inside her purse. She rings the doorbell to the mansion.  As if he could read her thoughts he answers the door in a nice suit. She feels like she might faint.  

     "Come on Adrien!"  Marinette says.

    "Well, I thought we agreed it was my turn to pick the spot for our date." Adrien teases her.

   "Yes, well there is been a sudden change of plans!"  Marinette says. She blindfolds him.

   "Marinette what is with the blindfold?  Is it really necessary?"  Adrien ask.  

   "Yes, it is necessary!  You will see why when we get there!"  Marinette says. She guides him by the hand to the spot where they first met as children.  She removes the blindfold.

    Adrien looks at her in surprise.  

      "Mari, what?"  Adrien says.

    "This is the place where we met the first time as children, and it is the place where I first fell in love with you!" Marinette says.

     "Wow, it is the place where I first knew I was in love with you too!"  Adrien says.

     "Let's go on to the next place, shall we?"  Marinette says.

     "Yes, sure!"  Adrien says.

        Marinette puts the blindfold back on him. She leads him to the bridge where they reunited for awhile, split up and where she felt it was appropriate for what she has in mind.  She removes the blind fold one last time.

      Adrien hears the sound of  fiddle music. He smiles at her.

    "Adrien, will you dance with me?"  Marinette says.

    "Yes!"  Adrien says.

     Marinette thinks, so far, so good!  Adrien and Marinette dance together.  They feel as if they were the only ones around as the song changes from a fast pace beat to a slow dance.  Adrienette continues to dance together.  When they stop, it is only because Adrien stops too look into her eyes.  He kisses her and she returns the kiss.  

Adrien  gets down on one knee and pulls out the same box as he did years ago!  To his surprise, she is no longer standing either.  She too is on one knee and has a box in her hand as well!   Adrien giggles and she does the same. 

     "Marinette, I know you were asked this years ago and that you refused me!  However, I still love you, so will you marry me?"  Adrien says.

    Marinette looks at him in surprise.  She is too taken aback to speak.

    "Mari?"  Adrien says. He thinks, please do not break my heart again, my love!  

  "Y-yes!"  Marinette says. She lets him slide the ring on her finger this time. She kisses him and he returns the kiss.

     "Now, what is the box you have all about?"  Adrien ask.

    "Well, you see the thing is I had planned to ask you to marry me, only it seems you beat me to it!" Marinette says. 

   "Well, then I accept!" Adrien says.

    Marinette looks at him in surprise!  She opens her box and places the ring inside on his finger.

    "There, now that is settled!  We are double engaged to each other, so it is really official now, right?"  Adrien says.

    "It sure is!"  Marinette says.

    The lovebirds dance one last time. Then, they go to eat the food out of the picnic basket Marinette brought along with her.  As they enjoy the meal, Adrien can not help, but wonder how it is he and Marinette came up with the same idea at the same time?  He is just happy!  Happier than he was the first time he pops the question!  This time, everything is way better as this time she said, yes!

      After the meal, they walk hand and hand to her place.  Once inside, they pick up the phone!  Marinette calls Natalie and together they share their good news with her!

     Natalie is thrilled for them!  She also has a bit of good news of her own!  She is engaged to be married to her boyfriend too!  

     Marinette and Adrien, congratulate Natalie on her engagement!  She congratulates them on  their's  as well!  

      When they get off the phone, Adrien smiles even more at his wife to be!  He can hardly believe it!  He is to marry the woman he loves!  Why he believes his mother and father, would both be proud if they knew he was to marry Marinette!  As for the treasured heirloom, it now is in its rightful place, on the finger of his fiance!  It sure is good to see it out of the safe for good!  It has been in there for far too long. 

      to be continued in   Chapter   21  The Double Wedding! 

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