Chapter 10

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I walked up to the stage where Dareth and two seats were, the audience clapping like their lives depended on it.

Dareth extended his hand for me to shake, and I did so, also tuning out everything and everyone, looking at the people interested to see me dead.

The two of us sat on the two seats, as I still looked at everyone. They all went quiet, like expecting me to say something.

Then I realized that Dareth said something."Excuse me, what?"I asked and everyone laughed. What's so funny?

Dareth chuckled."Somebody's nervous."he said and everyone laughed again."I said, that it was quite the entrance you made,"he said, looking back at me."Want to tell us about it?"he asked.

I looked at him."I-I just hoped I won't burn up."I said and everybody laughed again. What is wrong with these people?

I looked back at Dareth as he spoke."When you came out of that chariot I have to say, my heart stopped."he said, putting a hand over his heart, then looked at the audience."Did any of you experienced that?"he asked and the audience clapped and yelled again."It stopped."he said, turning back to me, hand back over the heart.

I cracked a small smile."So did mine."I said and everyone cheered again.

Everyone went quiet when Dareth spoke."Now tell me about the flames,"he said."Were they real?"

"Yes."I answered, without hesitation. I looked at the audience and saw Lloyd nodding at me."In fact, I am wearing them today. Do you want to see them?"I asked, looking back at Dareth.

The audience cheered, but Dareth raises his hand and they stopped."Wait, wait, wait, is it safe?"he asked.

I giggled."Yes."I said and everyone laughed.

"Show us then!"Dareth said.

I nodded and got up, looking at all the people expecting to see my fire dress. I spun one time and the dress lit up at the end. Everybody cheered, so I continued doing it.

After a while I felt Dareth take my hand in his, stopping me. Everything was spinning still. He guarded me back to the chair and I sat down, smiling like a drunk person.

"Now that was something. Thank you for that."Dareth said and everyone agreed. I just kept smiling as my head was still spinning.

Dareth took my right hand in both of his."One More question for you."he said and I turne to him, nodding."It's about your sister."he said. I gulped and nodded."We were all touched when you volunteered for her at the reaping."he said."Did she come to say goodbye to you?"he asked.

I gulped."Yes, she did."I answered.

"She did."he said, nodding."And what did you tell her, in the end?"he asked.

"That I will try to win, for her."I answered and everybody awed.

"Of course you did."Dareth said."Now try and win."he said and kissed the back of my hand."Ladies and gentlemen,"he said, standing up from his chair, me doing the same."Skylor Chen from District 12!"he said and everybody cheered.

I walked back backstage and was greeted by Cole and Misako."Great job, Skylor."Cole said as he hugged me.

"Thank you."I said.

Suddenly, we heard Kai's name being called and the three of us turned to the TV in front of us to see Kai and Dareth greeting each other.

"So, what's different about the Capitol?"Dareth asked.

"Ummm...a lot of things, but I want to say that I am impressed by the hair gel."Kai said.

"The hair gel?"Dareth asked and everybody laughed.

"Yeah, doesn't my hair look spiky?"he asked.

Dareth looked up at his hair."It definitely does than what I saw on the reaping."Dareth said.

"But your hair isn't bad either."Kai said.

"Thank you so much."Dareth said and everybody laughed, once again.

"Okay, let's get down to business now."Dareth said. Kai nodded."Is there a special lady back home?"he asked.

Kai shook his head."No."he said.

"Now that was a total lie,"Dareth said and everybody agreed."You gotta tell the truth here."

Kai chuckled."Okay, Okay, there is a special lady."Kai said and everybody, including Dareth, 'ohh'-ed."Yeah, but she doesn't like me like that."he added.

"I certainly don't believe that..."Dareth said, and leaned closer to Kai."But to tell you that. If you win and go back like a victor, she's definitely go out with you."Dareth said.

Kai chuckled."Yeah, um, it won't work like that."he said and Daren rose an eyebrow. Kai sighed."Because she came here with me."Kai said and my eyes went wide.

Kai likes me? Kai Smith likes me? Or what if it's just in front of the cameras? What if he's just pretending?

Whatever it is, he shouldn't have said it.

Dareth pursed his lips."You are in bad situation, young man."Dareth said, then got up, Kai doing the same."Good luck in everything, Kai Smith from District 12!"

Hey guys!! Sorry that I didn't update on Saturday nor Sunday, but really, I couldn't. Like, I had to go to Bulgarian school on Saturday, as well as my cousin's birthday. Then yesterday I had birthday so I really didn't have time to write anything. I AM SORRY GUYS PLEASE FORGIVE ME!! But I still managed to update today, which is good. And I will be still updating every Saturday and maybe some Sundays and maybe some days through the week, since turns out this book will be a whole lot longer than 'The Ninjago Runner', since they aren't in the Games yet and it's Chapter 10 already, so....

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