Chapter 17

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I stayed wide awake the whole night. I couldn't even blink. He events from yesterday haunt me and will keep doing so probably until my life end. Which won't be a long time, anyways.

I haven't realized that it's morning already. Another day came and went. Another tributes have lost their lives.

I then counted who's left of us.


The boy from ten.

Cato and Clove from District 2.

Thresh from eleven.

And Kai. Kai is still in the games.

My thoughts were cut short by a siren, preparing us for announcements.

"Remaining tributes of the 74th Hunger Games!"Dareth's voice boomed through the whole arena."There have been change in the rules!"that intrigued me."This year, there can be two, not one winners!"he announced."The winners only have to be from the same District! Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor."Dareth finished and I stood there, unmoving.

Two tributes from the same District can win this year. Two people can go home alive.

My mind immediately went to spiky haired boy."Kai!"I screamed, but realized that I just blew up my cover.

I untied myself from the tree and packed everything as fast as I can, then took off towards the pond, where Kai is supposed to be.

As I ran down the pond, drinking some water in the process. I looked around, but didn't see anyone. I looked down and saw something red. I kneeled down and touched it, then lifted my hand to examine it. Blood. Kai's blood probably.

I followed the trail and it led me to a stone. I looked around but didn't see him or anymore clues to where he is.

Moving one step forward, I heard someone groaning under me. I looked down and and saw someone. They opened their eyes and I almost screamed, but tried to contain myself so I don't get caught.

"First Spinjitzu Master,"I breathed out and knelt down."Kai?"I asked, examining him. His whole body was covered in something, making him look like part of the ground.

"Hi Skylor."he said, weakly.

"Oh my God, Kai, are you okay?"I asked, helping him sit up. He groaned.

"If stabbed in the hip is okay, then yeah, sure."he said, chuckling.

I rolled my eyes."Let's get you cleaned up, yeah?"I asked. He nodded and I helped him stand up slowly, trying not to cause him more pain.

Slowly, the two of us walked into the water and Kai sat down, not putting pressure on his bad leg.

I washed all the dirt from him and he was visible again. His hair was flat and it looked weird, so I ruffled my hand through it, spiking it."Much better."I said, giving him a small smile.

I noticed the faint blush on his cheeks, but he looked down to hide it. I giggled slightly.

I helped Kai to stand up again, and we started walking, following the river.

After a while of walking, I found a cave near it. With Kai's agreement, we decided to camp in here until the end of the games or until somebody finds us.

Carefully, I laid Kai inside on some stones and used his jacket to give him a pillow.

"Can I have a look on your leg?"I asked.

He nodded."Go ahead."he said.

I looked down at all the blood. You can hardly see which part is pants and which part is his leg, especially in the cave.

Carefully, I removed the cloth from the cut and he winced."Sorry."I mumbled an apology and cleared the area around the wound."I will have to clean it, if you don't want an infection."I told him. He nodded."I will be back."I said and went out of the cave. I filled my water bottle then went back, but I noticed that the entrance/exit was pretty visible. I looked around and noticed some rocks.

Leaving the bottle on the ground, I started stacking rocks on the entrance of the cave, leaving a small hole on the bottom so me and Kai can go in and out. While I was doing it, a cannon went off, meaning another one of the tributes have died. I ignored it and continued my work.

Once done, I took the bottle and went in though the hole, I was met by Kai's worried face."Where were you? I thought you died!"Kai said.

In other situations I would've laughed, but this was not funny."I'm sorry, I had to hide the cave or else this cannon could've been for us."I told him.

"At least you're okay."he said and laid back down, staring at the top of the cave.

I went up to him, sitting next to his injured leg. I ripped some of my shirt and used it as a cloth, washing away the blood and trying to ignore Kai's groans from pain.

Once done, I wrapped his leg with the cloth, which I washed by the way, and then sat down next to him. I looked at him to find him already looking at me.

"You feeling better now?"I asked.

He nodded slightly."Yeah.."he said, but neither of us backed away.

I don't know what came over me that moment when I leaned down. Was it love or was I just pretending for the cameras? I mean, we're supposed to be the star-crossed lovers, right? I looked at his eyes again, to see them closing. I closed my eyes as well.

And then, I kissed him.

Gosh, I'm terrible. I haven't updated that book in two weeks! TWO! How did I forget last Saturday???? I'm so dump, like I can't even....
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! As always, stay awesome!✌🏻❤️

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