Chapter 2

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As we walked to the Circle, we noticed all the paparazzi around. The Hunger Games are like a reality show. It's for entertainment for the Capitol citizens and hell for the people from the Districts.

We entered the Justice Building and got in line for the reaping. They took some blood from my finger and my name, then I went to the 16 years old girls section. Amber was with the 12 years olds and Jay was with the 18 years olds guys.

I looked around me and spotted Nya Smith standing next to me. I waved and smiled a her a little, she did the same.

I looked towards the stage and noticed that the Mayor, or Nya's das-Ray Smith-, was just finishing his speech about the dark days and crap like that.

After he was done, Misako Garmadon came on the stage, her hair died in bright pink and with her colorful clothes. I just don't understand the Capitol mode, really.

"Welcome, welcome."Misako said."Welcome to the Reaping for the Seventy-fourth Ninjago Games!"she said enthusiastically, probably expecting someone to cheer, but no one did. How are you supposed to cheer when two of the innocent kids from out district will be send straight to their dead?

"Okay, let's start then."Misako said and cleared her throat. She walked to one of the big balls, where all the girls' names are."How always, we will start with the female tribute."Misako said and reached in the ball. She took out the paper on top and walked back to the microphone. She opened the paper and said the name that was not supposed to be a tribute.

"Amber Chen."Everyone looked at my little sister, but I couldn't move. The other girls made her way to go to the stage. Amber started going to the stage slowly. No. I told her there is no way that they will choose her. No. I am not letting my little sister to die.

Once I came to my senses, I ran towards he stage. Some peacekeepers held me back.

"I VOLUNTEER! I VOLUNTEER FOR TRIBUTE!"I yelled and everyone turned to me. Amber's eyes went wide. The peacekeepers let me and I walked to Amber.

"NO!"Amber yelled and ran in my arms. I hugged her tightly.

"Go find dad, okay? Everything is going to be okay, just go and find dad."I said and let her, but she continued to scream and clutching me. Jay came and took her from me, taking her away and to dad. I walked to the stage, my face stern. I walked up the stairs and to Misako.

"Great! Everyone, everyone! District 12's first ever volontier!"Misako said and shoved the microphone in my face."What's your name, dear?"she asked in her weird Capitol accent.

"Skylor Chen."I said, trying to sound too weak.

"Skylor Chen? I bet my wig that there was your sister!"Misako said.

"Yes."I answered, calmly.

"Okay! Now, to the male tribute!"Misako said and moved to the other ball. She took out a name, went back to the microphone and read.

"Kai Smith."she said. Nya's brother.

"No!"half the girls yelled. Kai walked calmly to the stage, probably too fazed by what just happen. He stood on Misako's other side. I heard sobs and looked in the girls section. Nya was sobbing. Well, her brother just got reaped, so.

"Everyone! The female and male tribute of District 12, Kai Smith and Skylor Chen!"Misako yelled, cheerfully as always, probably again expecting the people to cheer, but nobody did.

The peacekeepers ushered me and Kai into the Justice Building and into two different rooms.

In the room I was in, there was a sofa, so I sat down on it. Seconds later, the door opened and my dad and Amber entered. I got up and hugged them.

"Okay listen. You will be okay. Dad, you have to start working again, Okay? And Amber won't sight for tesserae and Jay will help you. Everything will be okay, I promise."I said."Dad, Amber will need you from now on. You can't leave her down now, dad."I said and dad nodded. Amber sobbed in my shirt. I kneeled a little and hugged her.

"Please, Skylor, you have to win."Amber sobbed and I nodded.

"I will try my best."I said and she nodded, then the two were ushered out. I sat down and waited for the peacekeepers to come and take me, but when the door opened, Jay entered the room.

"Jay..."I whispered and ran into his arms. Jay hugged my tightly.

"Sky, I promise, I will take care of them, I won't let them starve."Jay said and I nodded.

"Thank you, Jay, I love you, bestie."I said and the two of us smiled. After that Jay was taken out.

I sat back down on the coach, waiting for the peacekeepers again, but when the doors opened, to my surprise, it was another visitor.

"Nya?"I asked, standing up. Her cheeks are tear stained and puffy. I stood up and hugged her.

"Skylor, I want you to take this."she said and shoved something in my hands. I opened it and saw it was a pin. A mockingjay, holding an arrow in its mouth.

"Nya, What is it?"I asked, looking at her.

"I want you to take us as your district token."Nya said."Promise me."Nya said and I nodded.

"I promise."I nodded. She hugged me again.

"Thank you, my friend."Nya said and that warmed up my heart. I have a friend. Someone who is not my hunting partner. And she's a girl! I thought, but then remembered. Sadly, we realized we are friends just before I die.

And after the hug ended, Nya was ushered outside too. Peacekeepers entered the room and took me to a car. I've never been in one before.

I was sitting next to the window, in the middle was Misako, and Kai was sitting next to the other window.

When we arrived at the train station, we left the car and the peacekeepers led us to the train. We entered the vehicle and looked out the window. People were kissing and holding out their three fingers. That's like a goodbye and good luck in our District. And then suddenly, I realized what just happened.

I am going in the Ninjago Games.

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