Chapter 3

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"Come with me!"Misako said and started walking away. I looked at Kai, who was looking at me. He struggled and looked at Misako, then followed her.

We walked down the hall and she led us to two opposite of each other doors.

"These will be your rooms. You can take a shower and change before we have dinner."Misako explained and we nodded.

I entered my room and looked around. There was a king sized bed, a wardrobe and another door, which I suppose is the bathroom.

I stripped out of my clothes and entered the shower. There were million of buttons, so I decided to play with them a little.

After I showered, I searched for a towel, but there was none. Suddenly, something started blowing at me. I looked around me to see blow dryers, drying me from everywhere.

Some seconds later I was dry and walked out of the bathroom. I went to the closet and put some underwear and then searched for clothes. I decided on a orange long sleeved shirt with jeans.

I looked at the pile with clothes I left on the ground and saw the pin Nya gave me. I took it and put it on my shirt.

I sat down on the bed and started thinking, how did the things went so wrong so sudden.

First, I woke up and went hunting.

Then, I met Jay and we talked.

I went back home and changed in my mother's dress.

We went to the reaping.

Amber was reaped.

I volunteered.

Kai was reaped.

No one volunteered.

We were ushered in the justice building.

I said bye to dad and Amber.

I said bye to Jay.

Nya came and told me she's my friend. She gave me the pin.

I rode in a car for the first time in my live.

We went to the train and bid goodbye to everyone.

Everyone pitied us.

A sudden knock on the door shook me out of my thoughts. I looked towards it and blinked a few times.

"Who's there?"I asked.

"It's Kai. Misako told me to come and get you."Kai's voice said.

"Okay, I am coming."I said and got up, then walked towards the door. Kai was standing there, my mouth almost fell to the floor.

He was wearing a red t-shirt with jeans, but he looked damn good in them.

Skylor don't fall for him! You may have to kill him! I told myself. No. I wouldn't be able to bring myself to kill him. Hopefully someone else will do it for me.

The two of us walked to the 'dinning room' and there we saw Misako and another boy.

"Kai, Skylor, meet Cole, your Sensei."Misako said.

Cole Brookstone, the only victor of District 12. He won his games before some years, when he was fourteen. Now, he's eighteen.

He got up and walked to us. He wrapped his arms around Kai in a hug.

"I am sorry you go reaped, bro."Cole said. I guess they were friends.

"It's Okay."Kai said, nodding and embracing back. The two separated and Cole looked at me.

"I am sorry for you too."Cole said and extended his arm out to shake. I nodded and shook it, then we sat on the table.

People started coming in, bringing plates with food. The food looked delicious.

A young girl put a plate in front of me. I looked at her. She has brown hair and dark eyes, but I noticed that it was hard for her to swallow.

"Thank you."I told her and she nodded, then went away. I looked back at my food. I don't know what it is, but I've never tasted something like this, for sure.

I took a fork and a knife and started eating. Kai did the same.

It was delicious. I moaned while eating the thing.

"Ah, I am happy that you eat like that. The last tributes were eating directly with their hands! Disgusting!"Misako exclaimed. I and Kai looked at her, shocked. How dare she speaks like that!? These people were probably hungry, never seen so much food in one place!

I looked over at Kai and I am pretty sure we had the same idea. We both put the fork and knife down, and started shoving food in our mouths with hands. This time, Misako was looking at us shocked.

After we finished eating, Misako told us to go to our rooms. Once we left the dining room, Kai and I burst out laughing.

"That was hilarious."Kai said between laughs.

"Tell me about it."I said back and for a moment, I forgot that I am in the train towards my dead.

Hey guys, I am terribly sorry for not updating anything these past two weeks, but I've been in my home country and yeah. When I go back I will update everything I didn't I promise, just don't hate me please!

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