Chapter 4

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That night, when I went to bed, I stared at the ceiling.

What are dad and Amber doing now? Probably also going to bed, thinking about me, same as me, I thought to myself, then fell asleep.

I am back in the Justice Building. I looked around. Everyone stared blankly towards the podium, where Misako Garmadon talks. Nobody moves a muscle.

I looked around and saw Jay among the guys. I ran to him and shook him, but he wouldn't budge.

"Jay! Wake up!"I said, but no reaction. I looked around again and saw Nya. I ran to her and shook her too.

"C'mon Nya, wake up!"I said, but no reaction from her too.

"Amber Chen!"Misako said and I turned around. Everyone made path for Amber to pass.

"No!"I tried to scream, but I couldn't open my mouth. Someone was holding it shut. I looked behind me to see Jay.

"Kai Smith!"Misako said and Kai walked to the podium. Nya didn't text at all.

Now, I am sitting in front of the TV with dad, Jay and Nya, watching the games. Amber was fighting some big buff guy when suddenly, he stabbed her in the stomach.


"NOOOOOO!"I screamed and woke up on the bed I fell asleep in, on the train, sweating.

The door burst open and I saw Kai on the door."You okay?"he asked. I was breathing heavy, but managed to nod at him.

"It was just a nightmare, don't worry."I told him,"I get them constantly. You can go back to bed."I told him.

"You sure you will be okay?"he asked and I gave him a small smile, then nodded.

"I will be. Don't worry about me,"I said,"And sorry that I woke you up."I added.

"That's fine. I wasn't even asleep."he told me and closed the door after he left.

I laid back down, ready for the next nightmare.


"Wake up! We have a big, big, BIG, day ahead of us!"Misako's voice echoed from the hallway.

I groaned, then got up, put some shirt and jeans and shoes on, then walked out and to breakfast.

When I entered the room, Kai, Cole and Misako looked at me concerned, but said nothing.

I walked to the table and sat down."Good Morning,"I said.

"Morning Skylor."everyone said and then we started eating. It was pancakes and it was delicious.

"Okay, the plan for today is that you two and Cole are gonna talk about strategies."Misako said and we nodded.

After breakfast, the three of us walked into a compound, that was like a living room. Cole sat down on one of the sofas and me and Kai sat on the other end.

"So, what are we supposed to do when we go in the arena?"Kai asked.

"Fight, obviously,"Cole said and we rolled our eyes,"But if you want to wind, you gotta form alliances. If you are alone, it will be harder for you to win."Cole explained.

"But, we will have to kill everyone else, eventually."I told him and then realized. If I want to win, I will have to kill Kai. I never thought about it, actually, but I promised Amber that I will go back. But Kai also have a Family to go back to.

I struggled the thoughts off. I won't think about that now. I will avoid that question as much as I can.

"And also, you will need sponsors."Cole added.

"And how exactly do we get them?"I asked.

"You have to charm the people."Cole explained. 

"And how do we do that?"Kai asked and we looked at each other, then back at Cole.

"Well, Skylor here already made an impression when she volunteered for her sister,"Cole explained, gesturing to me,"and Kai, you are strong and good looking. This brings sponsors."Cole explained."Of course, you will have to make an image of yourself, but we will talk about that when the interviews come."he added and I nodded, while Kai stared at the window. He suddenly got up and walked to it. I followed so I can see what got him so interested.

Suddenly, a city came into our view, full with colorful people waving at us. Capitol people.

We are in the Capitol.

Oh god, I don't know if this sucks or not, you have to tell me and I am sorry that it's so short, but I wanted to update at least something, since I haven't updated in 8 days and I felt bad. I will try to update all my books today, so yeah. Hope you liked it?

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