Chapter 21

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As we walked towards the Cornucopia, I noticed it had started to get darker. I guess Kai noticed it too.''What time is it?''he asked.

''I don't know,''I said, stepping over a branch.''Around afternoon.''I said

''Why is it so dark then?''he asked.

''They must want to end it soon,''I answered. I then realized I don't know how long we've been here. I stopped counting on the fourth day.

I held my bow up when it got pitch black, just in case. We slowed down a bit, trying not to make much noise.

I looked around, hearing some noises.''Did you hear that?''Kai asked and I looked back at him, but kept quiet.

A bit more walking and we heard growling and screams.''What was that?''Kai asked.

I looked back at him, and this time spoke.''That's the end,''I told him.

All of the sudden, we heard a cannon go off. Kai and I looked at the sky and saw the male tribute from eleven. Thresh is dead.

I didn't think his death would affect me this much, but it did. He saved my life, after all, but couldn't safe his.

''Let's go,''I told Kai, emotionless and we continued on our way.

We continued hearing the growls, not too far away from us, but not too close either. We kept walking and I raised my bow, reading to shoot.

We looked around again, to check if the coast is clear. When I saw nothing, I lowered my bow and looked at Kai, who was concentrated on something.

All of the sudden, something jumped on top of Kai, tackling him to the ground. I shot my arrow at him and it went through it's neck, but it didn't kill it. It rose to it's feet and Kai and I took off.

As fast as we were, that thing was faster. I can hear it coming closer and closer to us.

I turned for a second to take a look at it. I don't know if it was just me or it was real, but there were three of these things now. I resumed running.

We made it to the clearing where the Cornucopia was. Kai made it there first and gestured for me to climb up. I stepped in his hands and he pushed me up. Once I was up, I reached down and pulled him next to me. The mutants tried clawing his legs off, but I pulled him in time. Hopefully they couldn't get up here.

As we were watching the mutts, I felt someone tugging on my arrows and threw me on the ground. I let out a small scream, then I heard someone punching someone.

I looked up to see Cato, half of his face covered with blood, and man does he look mad.

Cato jumped on Kai, who was trying to get up and tacked him again, but Kai was stronger at him and pushed Cato back. Kai was on top of Cato now.

I stood up to help Kai, but Cato managed to push both of us down again. He took Kai by his jacket and threw him on the other side of the Cornucopia. I noticed he had his machete in his hand when he swung it at me. I dodged just in time so my head won't be sliced, but he pushed me and he pushed me one the edge, while trying to choke me. My lungs were on fire by now.

All of the sudden, Cato was yanked from me and I took a big gulp of breath. I stood up to see the two boys fighting.

I saw my bow and took it, loaded it and pointed it at Cato, but he had Kai in a choke hold in front of himself and I withheld the arrow.

"Go on,"Cato said as Kai struggled."Shoot,"he said as blood was dangling from him mouth."We both go down and you win."he said, almost as if he was gonna cry."Go on. I'm dead anyway,"he said, shrugging, as if it was no big deal. That's what they want, right?"he yelled out the right. I was gonna shoot him when he turned a bit, revealing himself more, but he noticed me."Ahh!"he said. I swear he's gone crazy."I can still do this,"he said as Kai struggled against his hold."One. More. Kill."he said, slowly."That's the only thing I know how to do. To pride my district. Not that it matters,"he said.

It hit me, and then I hit him. I shoot my arrow in his hand. He screamed and realized Kai, who managed to push the blonde over the edge of the Cornucopie, resulting him to fall to the mutts.

The monsters went to him immediately and started eating him. His screamed from agony could be heard from kilometers. He was pleading. Pleading to be saved. He didn't deserve a painful dead. He didn't deserve death at all, but at this point it was unpreventable.

I took another arrow and loaded the bow, pointed it at Cato and shot. And then, his screams couldn't be heard anymore.

Monday update! Wow, that chapter was intense. Phew, I'm happy I'm done with it. There will be maybe another one or two chapters about the first book and then I'm starting CATCHING FIRE WOHOOO!
Thanks for reading! Stay awesome!😘❤️

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