Chapter 22

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The cannon went off, telling us Cato was dead. I hugged Kai as the mutts ran away. We did it. We won. Both of us are going home. I can't believe this.

The sun came back and the two of us climbed down from the Cornucopia. We looked around, waiting for the signal that we won, but it didn't come. What's going on?

"Attention, attention, tributes,"Dareth's voice rang through the arena. I took one of my last arrows and loaded my bow."There has been a slight...rule change. The previous revision, allowing two victors from the same District has been revamped,"he said. Is he serious?"Only one victor can be crowned. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor."he finished and everything went silent.

Only one can win. It was all a joke. One of us if going home, not both. One.

I looked back at Kai to see him looking at me with puzzled look."Go ahead,"he said and turned towards me completely."Shoot me."he said and I looked at him in disbelief."One of us should go home. One of us has to die, they have to have their victor."he said. I can't believe this. He totally gave up. He's greeting death like an old friend right now.

I shook my head."No,"I said and threw my bow and arrows on the ground, then walked closer to him."They don't."I said and stood right in front of him."Why should they?"I asked and dug into my pocket, taking out the Nightlock I took from Foxface.

Once he saw them, his face went pale."No!"he said and tried to take them from me, but I put my hand over his.

"Trust me,"I said. The two of us looked at the Nightlock in my hands. I gave him some of them.

"Together?"he asked we looked at each other.

"Together."I told him.

"Okay,"he said."One,"he started counting.

"Two,"I said and looked at one of the cameras. I wanted them to see me.

Then I looked back at Kai."Three..."he said.

We started bringing the berries closer to our mouths, but were cut off."Stop!"a voice said and we looked towards it."Stop!"he yelled again and we waited for a few seconds, until he spoke again."Ladies and Gentleman, may I present you the winners of the seventh-fourth annual Hunger Games."he said. We won. This time, for real. Not one, both of us.

I hugged Kai tightly and buried my head in his chest. We won. We're going home.

We heard notices from above and looked up to see a plane coming our way. We're going on.


A few days after we came back from the arena and today was the victory interview. I haven't seen Kai in days, because they wanted to show our meet live.

As I was waiting for my signal to go up, Cole came to me."Skylor!"he said cheeky and wrapped me in a hug. I hugged back weirdly."You're in danger,"he said.

"What? Why?"I asked and tried to pull away, but he kept me in his embrace.

"They're not happy with what you did,"Cole said.

"I just saved us! They were the ones that started changing the rules!"I whisper yelled.

"That doesn't matter. You did something against them. That's like act of rebellion."Cole explained to me.

"Well, what am I supposed to do?"I asked.

"When they ask you why you did that with the berries, say you were madly in love and couldn't imagine living without Kai. We will see what we're gonna do after this, but know, bot of you are in danger, so be careful."Cole warned me and I nodded.

After the interviews, it was time for the coronation ceremony. Kai and I were sitting on two fancy chairs, usually it's one but this time there were two victors.

President Snow took one of the crowns and Kai and I stood up. Snow came to me and put the crown on my head as I stared into his snake-like eyes.

"Congratulations,"he said, slowly.

"Thank you,"I answered, not showing emotion.

He looked down at my pin."What a lovely pin,"he comment.

"Thank you, it's from my District,"I told him.

"They must be very proud of you,"Snow commented and then walked away for the second crown. I exchanged side glance with Kai.


Kai and I stared out of the window of the train, when he asked."So, what do we do after we get back?"he asked me.

"I don't know,"I answered."I guess we try to forget."I said. And by meaning forget, I meant forget everything. Including the thing we had.

"What if I don't want to forget?"he asked, a sad expression on his face.


We waved at the people who were cheering for us, smiling. I can't believe I'm seeing all these people again.

All of the sudden, I saw Amber on top of the crowd, sitting on top of Jay's shoulders and Nya and dad were next to them. I stared at them. I'm here and soon, I'm gonna be back with them. Yes, we will go to another house and maybe a lot of things will be different, but Kai and I are back, alive and well.

I may of lived something traumatic, but I'm back.

Something twenty two of my fellow tributes didn't get.

I should be thankful.

Thankful for being alive. Thankful for being home.

And that's a wrap! I'm done with book one, wohooo!!! I know the ending was crappy, but I hope you enjoyed the book! I will be sure so post the first chapter of the second one soon! Thanks for reading! Stay awesome!😘❤️

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