Chapter 6

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Lloyd and I walked out of the room and went towards the elevator. There, I saw Kai and Seliel coming towards us.

Kai was wearing a simple black tux, but he looked good in it. Kai looks good in anything.

"Nice dress."he complimented, gesturing towards my dress.

I looked down at it for a second, then looked back at Kai and smiled."Thanks,"I said."Nice tux."I added. He smirked a little and thanked me.

We went in the elevator and then out to where the chariots with the horses are waiting for us. When we arrived, Cole and Misako were already there.

"Hi."we all greeted each other.

"Look at them all. They are all so distant."Seliel said. Me and Kai looked at the other tributes and noticed what she meant. They all looked like they just wanna get it done and over with. Which is probably true, because that's what I want too.

We looked back at Lloyd as he spoke."You two shouldn't be like this. You should show that you are united."Lloyd explained and we nodded.

Cole, Misako and Seliel left, but Lloyd stayed behind, giving us a small button.

"When you are ready, press the button."he explained.

"Why?"I asked.

"You will see,"answered Lloyd."Now hop in, because you will be out soon."he told us and we nodded, climbing in the chariot.

After a few moments, the chariot took off. I heard Lloyd saying something, but didn't hear exactly what.

"What did he say?"I asked, looking at Kai.

He looked down at me."I think he said to hold hands."he said.

"Oh, alright."I said and took Kai's larger hand in my smaller one. A light blush crept on both of our faces.

We came out into the light, it blinding us a litte. I looked around at the tribunes. They were full with people screaming and once me and Kai came out, they screamed even harder. They were cheering for us. They are cheering for our dead.

That makes me sick.

"Let's wave at them."Kai said, not looking at me, but still at the Capitol people, smiling at them. I feel like he was enjoying the attention.

"Alright."I said again and me and Kai started waving at the same time. The people screamed harder, if that was humanity possible.

"Let's press the button."I suggested and Kai nodded. He took the button from his pocket and handed it to me.

"Will you do the honors?"he asked and I giggled and nodded. I took the button from his free hand, not letting his other one once. I pressed the small button and suddenly, my dress and Kai's tux lit on fire.

"What's going on?"I almost screamed.

"Don't worry, Seliel explained it to me. It's fake fire."Kai assured me. I took a deep breath and nodded.

We came to the end of the line and at the president. President Phytor.

He gestured for the people to quiet down and teen spoke."Welcome to the Opening Ceremony of the 74th annual Hunger Games!"the president said and the audience went wild once again. After Pythor gestured for them to shut up once again, he continued."As you know..."he started explaining the same thing Misako explained to us back at the Reaping and the same as every year. Nothing interesting.


"I wanna make a toast,"said Lloyd as he got up."For Skylor. The Girl on Fire!"Lloyd said and everyone cheered and brought their glasses up.

After the Opening Ceremony, we came back on our floor and freshened up, then met up for dinner.

"It was Your dress, Lloyd. I was just wearing it."I told him.

"Exactly."Lloyd said.

After a while, we settled down and started talking about tomorrow.

"So, tomorrow, you will be going in the training center,"Cole explained and put some cake in his mouth."Two things about there. Stay together and don't show your strengths."he said with half his mouth full.

"Why shouldn't we show them?"I asked, rising an eyebrow.

"Because it's better if the others doesn't know what you are good at,"answered Cole."But what are you actually good at?"

"Skylor is good with bow and arrow."Kai suddenly said.

I looked at him, surprised."How do you know?"I asked.

"My dad buys your squirrels. He always says that you kill them exactly in the eye, every time."Kai said.

"Oh..."I said and thought about his strengths."Well, Kai is good with Katanas."I told Cole and he looked surprised.

"Katanas? Really?"Cole asked.

"How do you know that, Skylor?"Kai asked.

"One time when I had to do a project with Nya, we came to yours and your door was opened a little so I peeked in and saw you,"I said and then realized how weird it sounded."Sorry."I said and looked at my food.

Silence followed, but soon Cole broke it."Okay. Tomorrow, you won't touch bows or katanas. Tomorrow, you will work on your weaknesses."Cole explained and then dismissed us to bed.

I walked in my room, ready for the next nightmare to come.

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