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After getting some ingredients, Dorian, and Dorian hurried downtown to search for the Pumpkin with the most fearsome face on it. I decided to go to my old house which had new people who lived there. They're so friendly and always carve many pumpkins on Halloween, so we go there to search for the spookiest face of all. When we arrived, the house was full of children who asked for a trick or treat with many costumes.

The owner of the house recognized me and waved to me. I led the way to enter her porch greeted her with a smile and asked for candy. She asked why I was not at school attending the school Halloween party, but I answered we had things to do first but we would end up going there by the end.

"Miss, may I ask one of your Jack O'Lanterns? With the spookiest face of all?" I asked and she smiled and nodded at me.

"Sure! Pick any face that you like most! Will you come and stay a bit? I made some cookies" She replied and looked at me with happiness.

"Thanks! I think I can't for now, but once this thing is done I will come back to you with those cookies! Thanks for offering me and my friends your cookie!" I replied and she just smiled and continued handing up the children the candy.

The three of us spread up and searched for the spookiest face by the pumpkin. The three of us came out with different kinds of faces and each one represents the most spooky face. I said we take the three of them and let the Witch choose by herself. I took the trolley placed all the Pumpkins inside it carefully and continued to find the apple.

"Where should we find an apple this late? There's no way any groceries are opened on Halloween!" I said desperately but Logan smiled and took my hand,

"I know where! Come... Hurry, there's still time!" He said and the two of us followed him far away from the neighborhood and blocks into the countryside of our town.


When we arrived, how shocked we were when saw there were so many people waiting in line just to enter the farm. I sighed hopelessly but Logan drove us to the back door and there we met his uncle.

"Uncle, can you pass us permission to enter this place just for a short time to search for one nice and gorgeous red apple?" Logan said bargaining with his uncle and his uncle did not like our presence.

"Fine, but only you Logan who can enter... Two of you must be waiting here" He replied and we nodded.

While Logan was inside, I sat by the trunk with Dorian and gazed up in the sky seeing the stars sparkling in the night sky. What an amazing view to see. I sighed again but this time a relieved one instead of hopeless.

"What's the matter, Mike? You seem sad, is everything okay?" Asked Dorian while looking at me worried.

"I'm fine... I just missed this kind of moment when we had already gone to a different College soon... Will you and Logan still do this?" I replied and Dorian smiled.

"Of course! How can we forget Halloween? It's Halloween that makes us meet and unite until we become like this... Besides, no matter how far we are separated, Halloween will always come to us and bring us together... I promise" Said Dorian and he patted my shoulder.

Suddenly, Logan returned with a bunch of red apples and placed them in our trolley. He just grinned happily when looked at those apples.

"What the? How can it be so many?" Dorian asked but Logan just giggled at him.

"Not just that, look what my uncle gave me!" He said happily.

A car key. He took us to his uncle's car and the three of us drove back to the city. Inside we're talking and selecting the most good red apple for the Witch and teasing each other. I opened my phone to see what ingredients were left and we stopped right at the cemetery gate.

"I truly hate when I need to step my feet into this place! Can you guys go? Please without me? I'm absolutely afraid of Cemetery" I said while looking at the misty Cemetery.

"Sure, wait here with Logan... I'll go fast just to take the flowers... It's Marigolds, Roses and Orchids isn't it?" Dorian clarified the flowers and I nodded.

"Yes! Make sure you took along with the bucket and stuff not just the flower okay" I replied and Dorian nodded then disappeared into the cemetery.


While waiting, Logan asked me where College I intended to apply for a scholarship and I replied the UK, Cambridge University. Logan said that He wished to go to the US, by Harvard University. In the middle of our conversation, Logan looked at me seriously.

"You will not gonna forget me or Dorian when you are already at Cambridge, right Mike?" He said which made me laugh a bit.

"What? No! That's nonsense... How can? You're my best buddy here! I'll always remember you guys even though I'll study abroad for about four years or so... I'll always be with you guys and remember you, it's me who was supposed to be afraid that you guys would forget about me since I'll go far away from you..." I replied while looking away from his face.

"Don't worry, Mike... We will never forget our amazing student body, President, Never!" Logan said while holding my hand and he laughed.

In the middle of our conversation, Dorian returned and brought the entire flower that was asked by the Witch. I checked the time and it's still 8.30 PM which means we still catch up to the School Halloween party.

"We still missing two more ingredients... the candles and crystals... Where should we find those?" Logan said while opening my phone.

"The candles can be found by the Church, but the crystals?" I replied and Dorian seemed to know something.

"We go to Church first... I know where we can find the Crystal!"

Then we drive away from the Cemetery to the Church. Logan drives like a maniac like we almost hit someone but thank God the light of Jack O'Lantern blessed us. There was no time to waste so we went to the Church met the Pastor and asked permission we have the purple, white, and black candles from the Church. At first, the Pastor seemed to not allow me but after I explained it was for a school project and some kind of task that was given to us because of losing the dare, the Pastor agreed but only gave one for each.


With the ingredients are done, Logan hurriedly goes to School to meet the Witch and attend the school Halloween party. We don't need much time since Church and our school are quite near so we just need to turn right and straight ahead then we arrive at our school. The school gate is opened for us and many people greet us and ask why we're taking so long just to enter the party.

I replied that we had things to be done first and without any other words, the three of us rushed back to Logan's uncle's car and drove to schoolyard. Surprisingly the Witch already stood there with her cauldron and bonfire. She smiled at us and clapped her hands.

"Good job! Have you found all the ingredients that I ask?" She said and I told her we missing one more and Dorian was the one who knew where it was.

With that word, Dorian hurriedly ran to school went to the laboratory found the Crystals in the lab, and brought it back to the Witch.
Dorian rushed to the schoolyard and met the Witch and us again.

He represented the Witch with the Crystals that he found and gave them to her. She smiled at us and praised how fast and quick our work was.

"Now, the fun part! You must put these ingredients one by one as the Church Bell rings... But since the bells will ring only at nine and midnight, it will take too long so I suggest one of you go to Church and ring the bell while coordinating here with who's the one that stay... I'll be here to guide you" She said and then the three of us discuss and choose I will stay with Dorian at schoolyard while Logan will be the bell ringer at Church.

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