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I know it's a bad idea and absolutely a stupid way to die. If the legend and what all the neighborhood said about the Witch is, then we truly walked into our own grave. Again, I tried to stop Dorian but as if he got possessed by the spirit of Halloween, he kept walking towards the old Manor deeper into the darkness. The same goes with Logan, he walks side by side with Dorian as if they've been summoned by the power of Halloween to enter the Witch realms.

I don't have any way except to follow them, just in case something stupid happened to them. We entered the old Manor and it seems that the Manor is rising from the grave and waiting for the next victims to enter. A strong vibe of spookiness surrounds the Manor. Bring the chill to the bone. The Autumn wind blew slowly and sometimes I heard something creeping under the soil beneath us, but I tried to convince myself that there's no such thing as Zombies.

"Are we truly gonna do this?" I asked Dorian who was already far in front of me.

"Yes! We need to reveal the secret that hidden in this city for hundreds of years! Besides, I wanna see if there's a Witch, what are they looks like" Dorian replied while looking at me.

"You're sick! Come on Logan, I think it better for us to go back than to join you" I tried to hold Logan's hand but he refused.

"It's okay... We still can go to the School party after checking this thing out, to be honest, I'm very curious about what's inside or behind the Manor... That sweet truly makes me wanna go there and eat whatever it is" Said Logan while continuing walking followed by Dorian.


After some walks inside the Manor garden here and there, there's nothing that we saw suspicious or spooky. It's just a simple abandoned Manor. Dorian was already fine with it and Logan as well, so the three of us agreed to go back to our first plan. The School Halloween Party. But something happened before we went, something that I already felt since we entered the old Manor.

Dorian accidentally smashes the Jack O'Lantern and makes the light shut. In a panic, he tries to light up again but ends up making the entire Jack O'Lantern dead along with all the torches.

"What's happening? Why it can't lit again?" Said Dorian panicking.

"I don't know! Try burn something at it, that leaves" I said while pointing a bunch of Autumn leaves right beside him.

Before Dorian can take the leaves, Magically the entire Jack O'Lantern and Torches is lit up again. Meanwhile, the scarier is when the entire Manor lights up with purple and orange colors as if the light inside the Manor has burst out.

"Oh No," I said scared while looking at a huge lime smoke and changed into a purple flying surrounding the entire Manor and flying through us with spooky vibes.

The smoke swirled around us and exploded into a thin air but the next thing we saw, the Manor was covered in Halloween ornaments and there was a dark Cauldron by the main door. The Jack O'Lantern that was crushed by Dorian, changed into a Pumpkin creature that tied the three of us.

"Who dares to destroy my Samhain ritual?! Who dare to come to my place without invitation?!" A deep, dark, and sorrowful voice is boomed from the Manor and the entire Jack O'Lantern is Knelled before it.

"It's... It's an accident... I swear!" Said Dorian but the voice seemed so mad and took the three of us with its power to come closer by the Cauldron.


The three of us saw the darkness and evil that surrounded the Cauldron as the same as the one that covered the entire Manor. The door to the Manor suddenly opened and revealed a young woman around twenty-five or seven wearing a Witch hat and every dark dress along with stripped socks and Witch shoes.

The three of us screamed when we saw her. We tried to let go of the magic that bound us but it's no use. The magic is too strong for us. The more we tried to get out, the more the magic would tie us. The woman seems not like our presence and her eyes seem full of wrath and anger.

"Do your parents and teachers teach you to stay away from things that aren't yours?!" She said while looking at each one of us.

"We... We know that... But... But..." Logan's voice stuck in his throat the way all of us can't even say anything.

"Say it, go on," She said but instead of answering we were all screaming and begging to be released from her Magic.


"ENOUGH!! YOU THREE NEED TO LEARN TO NOT PUT YOUR NOSE UPON SOMEONE'S CAULDRON!!" She said while changing her eyes into a glowing red like a Vampire.

"Please...forgive us... Please" I said begging her but she shook her head.

"Since you guys already ruined my ritual, you must find me the ingredients," She said while slowly putting us down how happy I was that we could touch the soil again after some minutes of flying above the sky.

"What kind of ingredients? But... we have a party to attend, does sorry is not enough?" Said Dorian and she cast a spell and changed his form into a lizard.

"Better for you to stop talking and do what I said, or I will not change your form into human again!! Now, shake your tail if you get what I say" She said while pointing Dorian with her magic wand.

Me and Logan scream when see Dorian change into a Lizard and when he's coming back to a human form. Quite makes me feel sick and want to vomit.

"Since you said you have a party to attend at School, that has given me ideas to perform my ritual at your School yard.." She said while smiling at us.

"How do you..."

"That's not important, now you need to find me five ingredients. There is, Jack O'Lantern but this is not just any Jack O'Lantern, it must be the spookiest face, three flowers from Graveyard. There are Roses, Marigolds, and Orchids. Then red apple, candles with black, purple, and white colors, crystals with orange and purple color... easy pissy, right?" She said while I took notes for everything that she wanted to have on my phone.

"Where did we find all of those things? You truly are Wicked" Logan said but she laughed so hard and changed his eyes into green like Maleficent.

"That will teach you to not come or see anything that never belongs to you!! One more, you need to ring the Church Bell five times and each time break between one or two minutes, you put the ingredients one by one... Understand? Now, chop chop!! Meet me at your Schoolyard with all the ingredients if you wish to be free from my Curse" She said and took her broom then flew away from our presence.

"What we gonna do now?" I asked Dorian and Logan and they're shaking their heads in sad.

I sighed and took a deep breath and smiled.

"It's okay, we can do this... I'm sure we can, besides we still can attend the party, but before that, we need to finish this order first... I know where we should get that Pumpkins and Candles... Come-on!" I said and they're smiling at me.

"That's t he spirit!"

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