Chapter 7

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I don't own Naruto or the following characters mentioned in my story.

Excuse me if there are any errors, I'll be sure to come back to correct them accordingly.

It was evidently night. For the air was cold and bitter, like a winter day. Filled with cold drops of iced rain and a white blanket covering the outskirts of the land.

But, it was a different cold.

Although bitter and icy it felt almost comforting.

And the thin blanket helped soothe Hinata's aching body.

"I made dinner."

"T-Thank you."

It was silent after that. And only the dim light from the moon helped illuminate the room from the dark. 

Sasuke made an attempt towards her. But stopped in less than a feet away. Unconsciously he was reaching for her, but his arms dropped to his side upon realizing. Much to his dismay.

Having realized,  Hinata raised her eyebrows in question. "Uchiha-san?"

Sasuke heard the questioning sound lingering in her soft voice, but he didn't bother informing her of something he himself was unsure of.

So he left, quietly and with rushed movement's.

Not bothering with the words or a meaningless explanation. Something he didn't have.

Staring endlessly at the dark walls, Hinata bit her lower lip nervously. Her hands shifting to the end of the blanket, pulling away the comfort of the fabric.

But it wasn't long before Sasuke returned. Blankets wrapped around his shoulder and a tray held by his firm hands.

And in the dark, Hinata could make out the steam rising from the tray. And the sweet smell of fish, rice and tea which danced around the room.

Self consciously, her stomach made a deep sound. Echoing in the room, and bouncing between the walls.

She blushed a deep shade of red. Feeling her face burn from the embarrassment that overtook her.

"G-Gomen." She was shyly smiling. Cheeks red, heart beating rapidly, and anxiously playing with her fingers. A habit she could never grow out of.

But he didn't respond. He only came near, and set the tray gently on the night stand near.

His mismatched eyes, eyeing the tray; silently.

"A-Ano?" And without much of a thought. Without a word or chance to react properly, Sasuke draped the blankets she unwillingly pushed aside from her body seconds ago.

It caught her by surprise.

And even then, Sasuke draped the other two cloths around her. Covering her pale body.

Tucking her in like a child without the proper knowledge to do so properly.

He didn't say anything. Not until he took the tray, and took a seat next to her beside the edge of the bed.

"You need to eat...properly." It was weird for him and her.

Acting close, and trying to look after her. She was an adult. But he couldn't help the urge to take care of her.

It irritated him. Extremely and almost painfully. But, in the spur of the moment he didn't bother caring.

Hinata both shocked and confused could only stare with wide eyes. Lips firmly in a tight line. But also unable to surpress the same smile that threaten to appear upon her lips.

"Hai." With a swift move, she met his dark eyes. Oynx and a darker shade of black, both beautiful and frightening.

It was like being trap in his endless orbs, drowning her in a world where she sought comfort in the dark.

"Eat." He broke away. Eye's drifting to the sides, only to meet hers for less than a second. "The food, it'll get cold." He cleared his throat.

"Hai," Shyly, Hinata reached for the pair of chopsticks which were neatly placed on the tray. Her hands shaking, both from the cold and nervous emotions swelling in her.

She couldn't deny the fact that she felt nervous around Sasuke. Both lightheaded and warm. And she also couldn't hide how she felt the sudden urge to continue to hopelessly stare upon those two rich orbs he holds.

"T-The fish is really good, Uchiha-san." It amazed her how perfectly cooked the fish was. How the taste was both delicious and almost hot enough for her to eat without the worry of getting burned. Soft yet slightly crispy.

"Hm." He continued to watch as her eyes sparked. And a smile made its way to her pale lips.

Like a child eating a candy.

She looked as innocent and happy.

Happily devouring the fish, adding rice here and there. Never leaving space for a single moment of halt.

It seemed she was anxiously hungry.

"Don't eat so fast, you'll only-" He didn't need to finish his sentence before a small sound erupted from the back of her throat. Her face, puffed. As she clenched her fist.

Sasuke stood up immediately, patting her back and persuading her to drink the tea. She did. And her aching throat -and food which suffocated her airways- eased up.

"Idiot." She blushed. Biting her lips harshly, and gazing openly at the food in front. "Are you okay?"


It was silent. Before Hinata's soft voice broke the barrier which threaten to fall between them. "I-I'm finished-"

"You haven't eaten everything, barely a portion."

"I'm just-"

"Hyuga." It was a warning. And she knew.

"I'm tired." He didn't say anything after that. Instead, he stood up and took the tray with him.

Disappearing like before. Only to come back a few mintues later.

"Uchiha-san?" She watched aimlessly as he took a seat on the floor. Katana in hand, and eyes firm. "I don't understand why,-"

"Just sleep."

"I advise you to watch after her carefully. Especially when she sleeps."

He didn't need to be told twice. He knew and witness before hand how her body would suddenly jerk or move harmfully during her slumber.

"Make sure she eats properly. Her body is still fragile and needs to gather enough strength to help her recover properly. Her body needs alot of sleep, and proper nutrition."

He remained silent. Taking in the information she provided. From the stipulation and part of their agreement.

She went on, and on.

From the do's and dont's. It was all advice aiming to help resolve Hinata Hyuga's state.

"Keep her warm."

"Don't allow her to stress her body. It could become both harmful for her and her body."

"Take it little by little."

"...make sure she eats properly,"

"Hinata needs a lot of sleep."

"Don't overwelm her."

It wasn't long before her words only become mere words. Which didn't stay, but would erased after a few seconds of entering his mind.


"I won't do anything. If that's what your worried about." He mumbled, slighlty amused.

"I-It's not that." She has grown to blindly trust him. Although, he lead a path of destruction and sorrow she has grown to learn of a different side of him.

Behind his stoic and angry features, he was understanding and gentle. Two sides of the same coin.

"W-Where will you sleep?" She was more concerned about his well being than anything else.

"Just sleep, Hyuga. Don't worry about me." It was more of a demand than a statement. Holding hiden meanings.

Nothing was said. Silence continued to draped over them. Filling the room in emptyness and silence.

"What about the mission." Being attack, and falling sick have only brought her confusion on where she stood. How many days has it been since their departure? Did Sasuke Uchiha contact the Hokage and report back to her about their sudden downfall?

"She doesn't know." Upon his words, Hinata couldn't help but sit up. Throwing him a look of confusion and puzzlement.

"I don't understand."

He remained quiet. Before rising from the floor he placed himself on.

"She doesn't have knowledge of our situation." He clarified with a biter tone, bringing Hinata in a state of complete perplexity. Bewildered and unclear. Both from the inability to deal with or understand which felt equally complicated.

"She doesn't know." She rephrased his statement. With the purpose of changing the perspective of the original idea. "Why?" A question,  could only linger in her wandering mind.

"It's complicated." Days and nights. Hours after hours. He debated informing her of his sudden gatherings.

But, he couldn't. And it only brought him confusion as in why he couldn't.

"I-I don't under-"

"Rest," He decided it was best to come back after Hinata fell asleep in order to continue to watch after her. Having her awake, was proving to be more difficult to handle.

"Uchiha-san." She was stubborn for her nature.

"Hinata." Cold and firm, Sasuke could only send her one of his many cold glares.

But she remained as stubborn. Showing hard determination, and denying his protest. And he saw her in a different light.

Who knew Hinata Hyuga was so difficult to handle.

"Uchiha-san." Although her tone wasn't laced with severe hatred. He caught her cold voice. Strict and demanding.

"This mission is a mere self-deception." He watched her features twist in confusion and denial. "A delusion and false belief."

"Hokage-sama..." Her unsaid words drifted away. Never making it out her lips. "B-But...She wouldn't just assign us a mission if it weren't for-"

"We're bait."


"We were assign on this mission for one purpose only." Hinata remain silent. "To lure or entice a person or in this case..."

Sasuke strolled closer to her. Eye's meeting hers in a silent agreement. "An organization."

Sasuke's sudden theory or knowledge regarding the situation, helped clarify her thoughts.

"Hokage-sama." He mocked her title, and his tone held a ring of sarcasm. Teasing and contemptuous. "From the very begining we were assigned to lead this organization away from an intended course, typically into a trap."

"There has to b-be a reason, she just wouldn't-"

"Even if there is a reason, I refuse to be bait." He argued.

"Uchiha-san," She whimpered upon noticing his sudden anger which threaten the walls he menacingly glared at. "Hokage-sama will never put us in danger, and-"

"She isn't-!" But she grew tired of being afraid and acting with fear.

"And," She raised her voice above his. Draining his shouts of anger and accusation. Although he was a strong and powerful shinobi, she would not allow for him to speak lowly of her Hokage. "And, she wouldn't do it if she knew we weren't capable of handling the situation." Her tone was firm. And her eye's hard. Something Sasuke would've never thought Hinata Hyuga could pull off.


"Gomen." Although she wasn't sorry for her words, she was sorry for the way her words came out. And she felt guilty. "What do we do."

"Go along with the plan. Act like we don't know, and hopefully well be over with this mission."

Hinata made a move. Setting the cotton blankets aside. Allowing her legs to helplessly dangle on the edge of the bed.

Earning Sasuke's full attention, and  directing his sudden discomfort towards her.

And before Hinata could properly stand, Sasuke was before her before she could notice.

It happened so fast and suddenly. Catching her off guard and leaving her a blushing mess.

Sasuke, hovered above her. Legs trapping her body, close and against the comfort of the bed.

His hands although hard felt soft against her wrist.

Biting her lower lip, Hinata caught her breath.

Deep, masculine and with a scent of rich mint, Hinata realized how above everything she never really took the chance to properly see Sasuke.

His eyes were a mesmerizing deep black shade. Flecks of grey light could be seen up close. His face was strong and we'll defined. He had dark eyebrows which sloped downward in a serious expression. His lips drawn in a hard line across his face.

And his long fringed hair, was thin and lustrous.

"U-Uchiha-san?" What came over him, to have her pin down against the bed? He didn't know.

But, what he did know was that Hinata possessed the most purest orbs he has seen. Mesmerized by her pure eyes, and her rosy cheeks he felt an instant attachment.

"Your hair has gotten longer." Her mouth opened before she could make sense of her words. "I-I'm sorry, I d-didn't mean to criticise you, it just-"

"I know," His hold on her wrist soften.

"I'll have to cut it soon-"

"No!" She waved her head repeatedly. "I think it looks f-fine."

He watched her silently. Noticing the heat in her cheeks rise, and her skin temperature double the normal capacity of warmth.

"I-It's nice, I like it."

Well, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. C: Please don't forget to vote, comment and any feedback/review are gladly welcome.

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