Chapter Six: Awake and Puzzled

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I don't own Naruto or the following mentioned characters in this story.

By the way, sorry if there's any errors. Eventually I'll go back and edit this story. 


He sighed. Took a breath, and blinked once.

Gazing at Hinata, he walked to her. Touched her cheeks, and with tight lips, poked her forehead.

"Wake up, that's an order Hyuga"

"She's awake."

Relief, and a form of yearning ignited inside him as he heard those two pleasing words.

He didn't hesitate, he almost immediately rose from the green grass he occupied moments ago. Dropping the three-inch bright carrot.

Reeking of fur, and dirt; Sasuke didn't mind heading off from the small residence straight towards the mini-size hospital.

It's been days, of constantly waiting.

It's been days of countless words of reassurance, and false predictions.

They were long, and bitter days.

But, as he came closer he noticed the ball of fur following closely behind.

He stopped. Took the small animal in his arms, and unwillingly carried it to the hospital.

Upon entering the brown doors, he was stopped. A familiar lady -a strong and younger identical figure to his 'Hokage'- pointed directly to the bunny in his arms.

He wasn't in the mood to deal with their rules or 'suggestions' -as they would call it-

He couldn't find the time to care,

So he continued to walk, not bothering to listen. They were merely individuals that didn't really hold any form of significance to him.

"Sir." Weather she was angry at him, or if she actually had a manly and hard tone he didn't bother staying to find out.

In his eyes, he would've had her killed before she tired anything. He would be out of this village long before they restrained him, -taking Hinata with him-

They knew he wasn't a man to be mess with, nor was he a man to silently follow orders.

He continued down the hallway he came memorize all to well.

Although, he hadn't really been here for the pass few days -since he had other things to take care off- he could still remember every inch of the building that lead to her room.

Standing in front of her door, he almost slammed the door opened but refrained himself from doing so.

As he entered her room, he allowed the small bunny to jump off his arms and wander around the open room.

Tired, and restless as him; Hinata smiled tiredly. Those pale lilac orbs of hers, only dropping every few seconds.

She definitely looked different. She wasn't the same as when he had left her.

Her skin wasn't abnormally colorless, nor was her body smaller and much weaker.

It seemed that with the days he has been away she has slighlty recovered.

Closing the door, he stode to her side. It was evident that she was confused, due to the furrow of her eyebrows and the slightly tight line that formed on her chapped lips.

"U-Uchiha-san?" Her voice was raspy. Soft, but not her usual shy and timid tone. But the type of soft, that held a painful grasp.

He felt conflicted.

He was emotionally unstabled; he was angry, frustrated, tired, and hungry.

It brought him much confusion, because he didn't exactly know how to respond to her questioning eyes. She was clearly obvious to the fact of what was going on.

Afterall she has been asleep for countless of days.

"A-Ano?-" Weather he was truly emotionally unstable, or he was simply angry at her he didn't bother analyzing his actions.

So when Sasuke bitterly laughed, similar to his crazy, and prone psychiatric change of mood,

It left Hinata muddled, as a confused expression crossed her face. She was unable to think clearly or properly understand what was wrong with Sasuke.

She knew his laugh, wasn't the normal laughter of amusement, but of bitter enragement.

"Finally awake, Hyuga" He mocked her with his sharp and sour tone.

He was met with her puzzled look, as she tired to make sense of his unusual and deranged behavior.

He was just clearly furious.

He was aggravated that she left him alone, feeling worried. He was Sasuke Uchiha, he didn't feel such emotions. That wasn't him, so it only annoyed him when he came to realize she was the cause of his stranger behavior.

Opening her lips to speak, Hinata felt the need to apologize. Although she didn't kmow exactly what she did wrong, it was who she was, and it was her nature to apolgize repeatedly.

"Gomen." The word was mumbled.
And there was just something inside her that refused to have Sasuke Uchiha frustrated with her or have his anger directed towards her.

She didn't want him to be troubled about potential problems or feeling vex with burning emotions; and that left her feeling even more confused.

Since the moment she opened her eyes, all that occupied her mind was Sasuke Uchiha and if he was alright.

She grew worried for him, and in her state of sleep she felt that he was always there But for the pass couple of days she felt alone,

She felt his prencence disappear.

And it certainly left her feeling scared and unsettled.

"Uchiha-san, I wanted to-" It seemed her body wasn't ready for the exhaustion that came when trying to communicate, because no longer afterwards a set of dry coughs escaped her dry lips. Leaving behind a painful sensation.

Her body felt weak, and almost numb. Everything in her burned intensely,

Sasuke noticed her discomfort, and like the past few days felt a sudden emotion of anxiety wash over him.

Before she even realized what was happening, he was in front of her. Handing her a cup of water, -tjat was placed on the small table to her side- his orbs soften once he noticed her flourish face.

"I'll go get the medic," It was confusing the way he was acting, and how he was suddenly showing emotion.

He was attempting to control his emotions, but it was similar to a natural instinct. He wasn't used to being so revealing and it slighlty irked him.

Upon hearing his words, Hinata made a move to stop him. So she grabbed his hand, it wasn't firm but soft.

"D-Don't." She didn't want him to leave, "Just stay," It wasn't like her to ask anyone anything, but the sudden urge to do so was strong enough to try it for once.

However it bothered Sasuke. He disliked being told what to do, and feeling as if he was bound to follow their orders.

"I'll be back." He told her in a much fierce and ordering tone. He didn't leave room for her to complain before walking away.

Biting her lips nervously, Hinata waited for his return. Suddenly being alone, in a place she didn't know brought discomfort to her.

Maybe that was the reason why she didn't wish to see Sasuke leave her; because he was the only person she knew. Then again, she and him didn't really talk, nor where they really acquaintances. They were simply classmates who never really interacted with one another.

Truth to be told, she didn't know him.

But she was familiar with who he was, what he did in his past, and what the type of man he has become now.

Infused in her thoughts, she jerked once the door opened; a bit hastily but with care simultaneously.

Sasuke walked in, along with a man in a white silky coat. Both making their way towards her,

"Good afternoon, Ms. Hyuga." He displayed a friendly smile. His voice laced with joy and a sense of duty.

"G-Good afternoon." She stuttered dryly. It wasn't as if she didn't want him here, but she was suddenly feeling wary.

He noticed her discomfort, and hesitantly moved closer to her.

Only for Hinata to flinch under his his soft touch.

This wasn't like her,

She wasn't like this.

So what was with the sudden dubious emotions.

"I'll be back." He could clearly tell she wasn't feeling comfort with a man medic to assisting her so he left, after sending a small nod towards Sasuke.

He left after apologizing, and closing the door behind him.

She couldn't help but feel relieved.


Two long days went by, and by the time they left the small hospital it was spring.

The sun was warmer, but fresh and comforting. The air itself provided a blissful feeling.

With her sudden mental unease, the medics hesitantly allowed Sasuke to take her, but traveling wouldn't be possible.

So he reluctantly agreed to rest in the small village for a few days,

Hinata also agreed to come occasionally for 'check ups' to monitor her health which worried her.

They didn't say what her condition was but she knew it wasn't something that'll simply go away. She felt it was more severe than what she orginally thought.

And that brought distress to her. It was slowly tormenting her,

Hinata walked with caution, as she slowly traveled behind Sasuke.

Honestly, since this morning her body has been painfully aching.

It restricted her movements but the urge to leave the hospital was strong. So she put up a facade that she was okay, and tried her best to walk with a normal pace.

She failing miserably.

And with each step she took, it only seemed to intensify the pain from her injuries.

Sasuke noticed since the very begining, and has been waiting for her to admit her sudden discomfort.

But he grew to learn she was a stubborn female.

So it simply angered him. It frustrated him til' no end.

With his lips in a tight line, and clenched fist he continued to ignore her.

Until a small painful whimper escaped her dry lips.

He turned around,

She was biting her lips harshly, and her eye's were closed shut.

But as soon as her eyes opened, Sasuke was in front of her.

There was something in the way that he was looking at her that left her feeling afraid yet protected.

Or it could've simply been a part of her imagination.

"Idiot." The fact that his voice didn't come out as cynical and harsh as he had expected, didn't bothered him as much as he would've thought it would.

There was just something in the way of how she was in pain, that completely stopped him from acting so barbarous.

He was never really a man of words, actions were far much easier to show.

Sighing deeply, and without hesitation and much warning, he swept her off her feet.

Allowing his arm to hold her from under her dangling legs, and his other arm to support her back.

In less than a mere second she found herself in his arms, utterly startled.

"U-Uchiha-san?" Confusingly Hinata stare at him. Her eye's wide, with pink stained cheeks.

He didn't say anything, as he remained silent.

Hinata wanted to protest against his actions, but as soon as she opened her mouth she saw the way he was looking at her.

She knew then, that he wasn't going to allow her to sway him. He wasn't going to listen to her, much less order him to put her down.

She also remained silent, as her arms dangled helplessly.

Sasuke adjusted her small figure on his arms, as he slighlty held her closer. Noticing her lack of compromise, he tighten his hold on her.

"Hold on." It wasn't said as a request,

But as soon as those words left his lips, she couldn't help but blush furiously. It wasn't everyday Sasuke Uchiha demand anyone to hold him.

But she understood the concept being his words, nevertheless she couldn't help the bubbly warmth inside her.

So as her hands slowly snaked their way to his unhidden neck, her heart only seemed to race.

Her hold on him was soft, yet firm.

And she felt nervous, conflicted by her stained cheeks and the warmth that suddenly surrounded her.

Yet being in his arms, brought her comfort. She felt safe, and a sense of deja vu overtook her unraveled mind. It was as if, she has been under the same circumstances before.

She just couldn't recall it to be real or something she was confusing for something else.

Being close to him, simply put her at ease.

She didn't exactly know where Sasuke was taking her, but at the moment she didn't really cared about anything.

So when she suddenly leaned closer to him, and as her head rested firmly on his chest she didn't bothered with apologizing.

It was bold move for her, but at the moment it wasn't like it mattered to her.

The beating of his heart, was both relaxing and soothing to her. Being this close to him wasn't something she would've expected could happen.

But his whole prencence, -including his muscular yet pleasant scent- brought her a gentle and calming effect.

Allowing her eyes to close, the ends of her lips twitched upwards.

A smile decorating her lips, as darkness encircled her.

I know the chapter was short, but hopefully the next one will be much longer. Thank you for reading, and waiting.

Please don't forget to vote, comment, or leave any helpful feedback/reviews behind. They're gladly appreciated, as always.

Til' the next chapter,

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