Chapter Four: Agonising Pain

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Well here you go my fellow amazing, and awesome followers/supporters!!:)) Here is the Fourth Chapter of The Trip I hope you enjoy it, Also, I'm very sorry for not updating this story for more than a week. Really I am! Well then, I don't own the following mentioned characters in my story, Kishimoto is the rightful owner to such amazing characters. Thank you and enjoy!!:))


They watched, as in slow motion the piece of metal sliced through the light skin, digging straight into their stomach. Crimson liquid spreading across their shirt. Blood pouring out, as another kunai came rushing in. Piercing their right side, the ripping of skin echoed the village. As the sounding of a body hitting the floor with a loud smack and enough force filled the empty air.

Running towards her fallen body, Sasuke sprint towards her. The kunai and long arrow, sticking out of her body. Blood slowly pouring out, as she screech in pain. Seeing her fist clench in a tight ball by her trembling sides. Her knuckles pale white, and her face scrunched up with agony. She cried, pain escalating to a deeper level. Her eyes watered unconditionally, feeling her body burn. A burn that enlighten her body bitterly. Her insides caustic.

Rushing to her side, Sasuke took her hand. Instantly feeling her slender, manicure fingers penetrate through his expose skin.

"Hyuga, you have to calm down. Look try to-" He whispered. Seeing her slowly shake her head,

"I-I-I can't." She gasped for air. "It b-b-burns!" She exclaimed. Sighing deeply, Sasuke took her other hand. Sucking his pride, cooing her to endure the pain. He lightly squeezed her hand in a comforting way. Meeting her pale opal eyes, using his thumb to wipe away a falling tear.

"Look, just endure it. You can do this Hyuga!" Looking around, he saw the empty village. A few heads sticking out in wonder from the closed windows. "I need a healer!" Sasuke yelled. "Get a healer!" He tried once again, turning his attention towards the inevitably pale kunochi in the ground. "You couldn't block a kunai and a arrow." He mumbled, "What type of kunochi are you?" He question under his breath. Earning a small whimper from Hinata. Releasing his hold on one of her hands, he placed one ontop of her heart. Hardly feeling her heat race, he frowned. "Don't you dare give up now, Hyuga!" He stated a bit harshly, leaning his head against her chest. Trying to hear her heart beat. Struggling to hear one, he raised his head back up. Seeing her body move sluggishly. Her hold on his hand, becoming less harder and much softer. Her head aching intensely, as she begin to feel dizzy. Hinata's vision begin seeing black spots, and become clear then right back to being blurry. Taking her body, he laid her on her side. Taking his poncho out, quickly rolling it up. Using his arm, he lift her up. Placing his poncho behind her back. Pulling her upper leg, slightly forward. Sensing her lack of consciousness and jelly-like movements, he observed her. Noticing her eyes slowly begin to drip close. "Hyuga" He shook her body. "You have to stay awake." He almost yelled. Slightly tapping her cheeks, "Hyuga look at me! Stay awake!" Sasuke cried, seeing her body go limp by the passing seconds. "Hyuga! Wake up!" He yelled, taking her limp body. Shit! Letting her body fall back into place he took a run towards his things. Grabbing the water he bought. Taking the container he ran to Hinata's laying body, along with a cloth. Wetting the cloth with the cold liquid, he used it to clean her wounds. Cleaning the bloody injuries and removing the sharp objects.

"G-G-Gomen, U-U-Uchiha-san, I-I-I-" Coughing violently, her pale face turned red. Taking his hand in a crushing hold. Her breathing, heavily against her weak chest. Her in takes of air only becoming rough against her throat. Continuing to cleanse her wounds, Sasuke's hushed her. Glaring at her attempt to try and speak, pressing down harder on her wound. Sasuke managed to hush her with whimpers of pain, the sounds in which created a guilt from within him. He frowned, mumbling a quick and quite apology.

Smiling softly, through the agony and torment Hinata pat Sasuke's head. "I-I-It's okay, U-U-Uchiha-san" She whispered hoarsely, her hand dropping to her stomach very slowly and weakly.

Seeing her eyelids drop, Sasuke's eyes widen. Looking at her pale blue lips, and pale icy skin. Her rosy cheeks, now a shade of light violet, and green. Pale as well. He quickly leaned in, trying to hear a heart beat under her ribcage. Hearing none, he raised his head. Quickly taking her arm, trying to feel a pulse.

"I need a fucking healer!" Sasuke yelled from the bottom of his throat. Noticing her chest not moving and completely still. Sasuke used his two hands, placing them right above her chest. Taking a deep breath, Sasuke pushed down on the center of her chest 2 inches, 30 times. Pumping her chest 100 times per second, in a fast rate. Sweat begin to form and slowly drip down his forehead. His own heart beating profoundly against his chest. Hearing nothing from her, he continued the process. Tilting her chin upwards, Sasuke bit his own lip. Pinching her nose, so the air he will provide won't get away, he inhaled deeply. Covering her pale and blue lips with his own. Hot met cold in the process of CPR, as Sasuke gaved her two breaths before coming back up. Pumping her chest with 30 pumps, and diving in to assist her with two other breaths. Each breath taking 1 second. He continued, and continued until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Removing his lips from her icy cold ones, Sasuke looked up. Seeing a medic with light brown hair. Her eyes filled with sympathy, as she shook her head. Sasuke growled angrily, ignoring her presence. Pumping her chest again and again. Smashing his lips on hers Sasuke breathe in her mouth, filling her with the oxygen she needed.

"It isn't-"

Dodging her words, Sasuke continued to clear her airway. Diving in to her lips, covering them with his. Accessing her with two more breaths of air.

"Look, she isn't going to-" The sudden intake of air, in a desperate manner broke through one of blonde medics words. Sasuke sighed in relief, hearing the familiar breaths of the girl beneath him. He moved away, giving her the space to breathe. Turning around to face the doubtful medics, he smirked.

"You were saying" Left utterly speechless, they gasp. One of the medics with short bright blue hair, came forward. Apologizing over and over again, before approaching Hinata's laying figure. Bending down, she reached for her wrist, checking her palm.

"Her heart beat is still very dim, we have to get her to the-" The sudden violent shakes, scared the blue head away. As she backed away, her eyes observing the girl. Her small and bloody body begin to jerk violently.
"Quick, someone go get the emergency room ready!" The blue haired women yelled, frantic. Her voice, reaching the highest note. Breathing in deeply "Stay with me!" She yelled, tapping Hinata's cheeks lightly. The hurrying figures disappearing behind, as they rushed somewhere unknown. Sasuke, reaching for her hand but was taken back by the sudden slap across it. "Don't touch her, she can receive more injuries then intended." She inhaled softly. "Just let her be for now" They both stayed silent, watching in horror as they watch Hinata's body jerk violently on the ground. Her head at times hitting the floor, and her shoulder bleeding more as she moved her arms. Sasuke winced, turning away.

After a few minutes of silence, and violent bruising Hinata suddenly stop. The blue medic, sigh in relief coming near Hinata. Her light brown eyes scanning Hinata's body. Checking for any possible injuries, the blue medic nod slowly. "She's fine, a few bruises may appear but we need to get her to the emergency room" Standing up, she sigh deeply. Sasuke nod, also standing up. Very carefully taking Hinata's body bride style lifting her up in his arms. Looking at the women next to him.

"Where to?" Signaling up ahead, she answered him.

"Up there. Just keep going forward until you see a small lake with a brown cabin in front" She confirmed, looking at the bags and small animal near by. "Are those your belongings?" She asked. Sasuke only nod slightly, before dashing away. The women frowned, walking towards their things. Taking them in her arms, and securing the small animal in a bag.


Laying her down on the white bed provided for Hinata, he set her down gently. Backing away, as he watched them cut through her shirt without any hesitation. Sasuke eyes widen almost immediately, coughing suddenly before quickly turning around. His ears bright pink, as the similar shade appeared spreading across his cheeks.

"Don't act so modest, she's your girl is she not" The girl stated more like a simple statement then a question. "It's not like you haven't seen her naked before, right?" She asked jokingly, proceeding to remove her boots. Sasuke heard the pair of shoes fall down, as they made a small thud against the wood floor. "I mean, your her man it's only normal for you to-"

"Were not together" Sasuke clarified hoarsely, coughing uncomfortably. A burning sensation running through his ear and on his cheeks ran down his spine. His body tingling, as his stomach drop.

"WHAT??!" The medic yelled, stomping her way towards Sasuke. "Baka, why didn't you say anything?!" She exclaimed loudly, smacking Sasuke across the head. "You pervert!" Pushing him out of the room, she slammed the door shut right in his face. Locking it close. "Baka!"


Taking a look at the pale girl in the bed, the blue hair medic came near. Inspecting her abnormal skin color. A slight yellow and bluish shade. With her usual pale like snow skin color. She sighed deeply, taking her wrist once again. Trying to hear her heart beat against her burning skin. It's still very dim, but not as dim as last time. Settling her wrist softly against her side, she reached for her forehead. Feeling her temperature. Seeing small sweat drops tickle down her forehead. Her cheeks and nose a rosy color, compared to the skin in her arms, and neck. She's burning with a high fever. Removing her hand, she took a white cloth from near by. Wetting it with the cold water provided in a small silver bucket. Rinsing it, she set it on top of her burning forehead.

Hearing the door open silently, the blue medic smiled softly. "She should really be happy to have someone like you so concern for her" Sasuke coughed, shaking his head.

"I'm not concern" He denied. Taking a seat on the chair near by. The medic laughing lightly, nodding her head.

"Of course," Removing a strand of hair from her face, she backed away.
"I'll come back in a few mintues to check up on her again" She stated. "If she moves or-"

"I got it" Sasuke cut her mid-way with a annoyed tone, looking at Hinata.

"You did a excellent job when her heart gaved up" She whispered softly, smiling at Sasuke who stiffen by her words. "How did you know what to do?" She asked curiously. Earning a few seconds of silence, before hearing his monotone voice answer back.

"Someone taught me," He said.

"They must be really smart"

"She's a medic"

"Oh, well that's-"

"Yet she's still completely useless" Silence.

"How is that so?"

"Well look at it from my view. She's-" Pointing at Hinata. "She's in here, in a bad condition because she didn't exactly taught me well"

"But it wasn't-"

"She's pathetic" He mumbled. Earning the attention of blue haired medic. Taking a step closer to Sasuke. She exhaled deeply, massaging her temples.

"I'll be right back, I need to bring her water incase she wakes up" She said, leaving through the double doors. And the medication


Glaring at her, he came near Hinata's aching body. Laying helplessly on the white bed sheet bed. Her skin paler than her usual snow color. Her eyes no longer holding the tint of lavender. Her long hair tied behind her in a messy bun, and her figure skinner. Particularly skinny as Sakura.

"O-O-Ohayo, U-U-Uchiha-san" Hinata greeted tiredly, her voice dried as if she forced herself a bit too much. Rolling his dark eyes, he took a seat on the small chair near by.

"Even in your weak condition, all you can do is greet everyone in such a polite manner" Sasuke stated coldy, Was that how she was raised? He questioned himself. Observing her sick figure. She begin to cough violently, her skin turning red. Growing alarmed, Sasuke immediately stood up. Briskly walking outside the room, asking for insistence. Three healers came rushing in along with Sasuke trailing right behind them.

"W-W-What's going on-" Bursting into a set of deadly coughs, Hinata couldn't finished her sentence. Her throat was burning from the coughs. Each cough that passed through was like a rock rubbing harshly against her skin. Her mouth dry and in need of water. She winced, haven bitten her tongue all the while trying to hold in a cough.

"Alright, were going to need you to lay down and just relax alright dear" One of the elderly healers said. A small frown appearing on her face, noticing Hinata's poor condition. Laying against the warm sheets and comfty bed, Hinata did as she was told. Feeling light headed as she did so.

"What's wrong with her?" Sasuke asked one of the healers. The brunette healer turned around. Her face strict yet filled with worry.

"Sir, your going to have to-"

"I ain't leaving" Sasuke declared bitterly, coming closer to Hinata's sick body. Feeling a hand being placed on his arm as he came near. Jerking the hand away from his arm, he turned around to face the women with glaring daggers. "I'm not leaving!" He yelled harshly, almost threatening.

"Sir we need-"

"Do you have a death wish?" He asked coldy, burning through her light green eyes. "Your as annoying as Sakura" He huffed, "You even have those light green eyes" He mumbled. "I hate them" Taking a pair of scissors by a side table, he point them at her. "So much, I wouldn't mind stabbing them right out" He threaten. The blue medic came rushing inside, her face filled with hope. Approaching the scene, she softly pulled Sasuke away from her comrade.

"Calm down," Turning to her partner, she reassured. "Let him stay" Walking away from them, she went to Hinata's side.

"Hello dear, how are you feeling?" She asked softly, touching her forehead. Feeling her burning temperature. Doing the same as has been doing for two days, she drenched the cloth with cool water. Rinsing it, and placing it on top of her forehead.

"M-M-My head hurts, alot" She winced slightly, as the blue medic took note of her off color skin."W-W-What happen to me?" She asked hoarsely. Blinking repeatedly, observing the nearing blue medic, that only came closer and closer.

"You experienced a shock storm in your brain" The medic said, double checking the fluids running through her body. "Do you feel dizzy or any sorta of nausea?" She asked. Hinata, frowned slightly, nodding slowly.

"M-M-My head feels really heavy, a-a-and my ribs and s-s-shoulder hurt. A-A-Alot" She clarified. Sitting up on the bed. Only to feel a strong pain course through her body. She winced, biting her lower lip down rather harshly.

"You shouldn't move dear, your body should be rather stiff." She explained.

Looking directly in her opal and pale eyes, the blue medic cleared her throat. "What you experienced and based on the information this young man provided me with" She paused. "You experienced electrical storms in your brain" Hinata's eyes widen, gasping.

"E-E-Electrical storms?" She questioned softly, her face displaying the confusion she felt at the moment.

"Their basically electrical impulses throughout the brain, otherwise known as seizure" She confirmed,

"S-S-Seizure?" Stuttering, Hinata begin to breath heavily. Her eyes blinking repeatedly, as she whimper suddenly. Holding her hand on her fragile heart, clutching it through the clothing provided for her. Breathing in sharply, as her chest moved up and down rather heavily.

"Okay, sweetheart I need you calm down!" The blue medic cooed. Jumping up from the chair, holding Hinata as soon as she begin to move frantically.

"Hinata calm down!" Sasuke ordered,

"M-M-My legs hurt alot" Hinata whimpered. "E-E-Everthing does" She yelp, feeling a jabbing pain on her shoulder, as soon as she moved her arm.

"I'll go get the anitodes."

So there it is! Did you like it? Am I rushing the story? Is it too slow? I just hope I'll be able to finish this chapter in less than twenty chapters. Any suggestions??? I hope you'll continued to support my story! Thank you for reading and please continue to do so!:) Please vote, comment and reviews/feedbacks are always appreciated it. So please do it. Until next chapter!!:))✌

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