Chapter One: Anger Issue's

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Hello there SasuHina readers/lovers! So I happily present to you a present from me. This is a new story that I'll be working on along side with 'You've Fallen For Me' (which I have NOT given up on) Just wanted to create this story for my intense love for SasuHina!:))

Well then, I don't own the following Naruto characters mentioned in this story, Kishimoto is the rightful owner. I'm just simply a fan, with a crazy love for SasuHina. I hope you enjoy, not much SasuHina involved in this chapter. Most definitely until Chapter 3 so stay tuned!:)

Tsuande, speaking softly while massaging her temple took a deep breath. Her hazel and light eyes staring upon Sasuke, and Hinata. They stood unsurely in front of her, more than two feet's away from each other.

"That's it for now" She confirmed, standing up from her green chair. Walking towards the two ninjas, with her arms crossed over her bosom. She kept her eyes on them, observing their expressions and movement's. Mainly Sasuke, who at the moment held a deep frown. His eyes displaying the irritation from the sudden news.

"Any questions?" Asking softly, her eyes shifted from Hinata to Sasuke. Remaining silent, Hinata nod her head. While the rolling of Sasuke's eyes made Tsuande let a small sigh escape her light pink lips. "Alright then, your dismiss" Making her way back to her desk, in a slow pace she continued to question herself if this was a good idea. She felt fear for Hinata Hyuga, and knew she'll be receiving disproving words from the Hyuga family. She braced herself for her upcoming headache.

Taking it as a sign to leave, Hinata bowed. Her shy figure held hesistaion, as bowed towards Sasuke Uchiha as well. She could feel his displeasure and fury. So she bit her lip, and sighed softly.

"I'll take my leave, Tsunade-sama, Uchiha-san" Pushing aside her anxiety, she let a small and hardly noticable smile appear. Receiving a small response from Tsunade and silence from Sasuke. Walking to the door, Hinata bowed one last time and with a small click the door opened and closed right behind her. As her presence disappeared silence filled the room. Except for the occasional bird sounds from the open window near a book shelf.

"I take it your not fund of this mission, Uchiha" Tsuande cut through the silence. Coming out as more than a statment than a question, Tsuande tapped her fingers against her desk. Awaiting for the outburt of rage and displeasure. She kept her eyes on the stack of papers and silently waited.

Sasuke, remained silent. Standing still like a statue, frozen in one spot. His eyes glared openly at the blonde Hokage in front of him. "May I know your reasons?" Manicured hands took a hold of a document, her eyes scanned the paper. Words stare back at her, and she let a sound of displeasure escape her lips. She drop the document, and she leaned further on the chair. Her yes now on the raven Uchiha.

"She'll only get in the way" He said without much emotion, his eyes shifting to meet her hazel eyes. "If it's a simple mission as you say it is, let me go by myself" Sasuke said with raising eyebrows. Exhaling profoundly, she shook her head in denial.

"No," No hesitation could be heard lingering in her tone.

"Why not!" He yelled angrily, clenching his fist.

"Well for starters your on probation. You can't leave the village without a guard to guard you and-" Cutting her off, Sasuke stalk his way towards the blonde Hokage.

"Do you actually think that she's strong enough to guard me, much less fight me?!" Shouting angrily, his fist came in contact with her brown desk. "She's completely useless, she wouldn't stand a chance. She's pathetic!" He hollered, his eyes burning with rage. His voice husky and deep. He absolutely refused to take someone as weak as Hinata Hyuga with him,

"She won't need to fight you, because this is a simple mission" Tsuande declared firmly. "She's going because she's-"

"My babysitter?" He asked livid.

"Yes," Answering in a plain and blunt manner, Tsunade nod. "She's only going because I asked her to."

"Listen here you!-"

"She's going! Your going! This is a Sasuke and Hinata mission!" Yelling furiously, Tsuande bit her lower lip harshly. Her brown eyes gazing directly at Sasuke's charcoal black eyes. "Don't make this harder than it has be, Uchiha" She whispered almost venomously. The room now completely silent. The air was tensed, and uncomfortable. Tsuande and Sasuke glaring daggers at one another.

"Fine," Backing away, Sasuke smirked almost evilly. "Just don't expect her to come back in one piece" He declared angrily, rolling his eyes at the blonde women.

Without much words left to say, Sasuke made his way out of the Hokage's room. Slamming the door shut, with enough force to leave the whole room shaking. Tsunade, taking a deep breath leaned on her chair. Her eyes wandering around the room. Shizune, her assistant came waltzing inside the room. Her features displaying worry.

"Tsunade, What happen?" Asking, she approached the Hokage. Carrying the pink pig in her arms. Tsuande, biting her lips answered.

"I think I just send one of my kunochi on a suicide mission"


I growled angrily, my fist clenched hardly beside me. Walking down one of the main roads of Konhoa village. The morning air, slapping my face as I fasten my pace. My anger took the best of me.

It was a matter of time before I commenced running from the roads on Konoha, to the top of Konoha's buildings. Passing by Naruto's apartment complex, along the way. He must be pigging out on ramen in Ichiraku place

Stumbling on the edge of a rooftop, Sasuke jumped down from the building. Falling in front of a creamy colored apartment complex.

Approaching a red wooden door, with the number 3 on it. He didn't knock, nor did he use keys. Simply twisting the door handle, he made his way inside his empty and cold apartment. The smell of green tea, hitting his face. Sighing deeply, he kicked off his Konoha shoes and set them aside. Not bothering to put his black slippers on, he advanced to his kitchen. Passing by a green Bonsai and Mongolia tree. Walking pass his clean living room, decorated with a simple black couch, brown table, two table stands, and a small book shelve. Turning left on the end of the living room, and walking down the long hallway until he stood in front of a white island table connected to the wall.

"Get out, Saku-" I stop, expecting to find a certain pinkette girl with green jade eyes. Instead my wandering eyes landed on a blonde haired girl with light blue eyes. Turning around, Ino faced me.

"Oh, Sasuke-kun I'm glad your back" She says softly, with a hint of excitement in her voice. I grunt. "I thought you'll like some green tea" Grabbing the tea kettle in one hand, and on the other a tea cup she poured the liquid. The steam from the hot liquid, evaporating in the cold air.

Raising an eyebrow, I eyed her as she hand me a tea cup. Smiling slightly, appearing to bite the inside of her cheek. "I don't want it, I hate tea" I say emotionless. Eyeing her retrieving figure, as she set the cup aside.

"Alright, would you like-"

"I don't need anything from you, or anyone else. So get out!" I utter with irritation in my voice. Making sure to speak loud and clear. Ino, nod her head. Breathing in deeply, as she took a spoon in her hand.

"Would you like some rice and-"

"Don't make me repeat myself" I threaten, glaring at her as she stubbornly chose to stay. Clearing her throat, she also set the spoon aside.

"Sakura asked me to-"

"Get Out!"I yelled angrily, mentally burning her alive. The image of her enlighten with dark and black flames, made me smirk in amusement. Holding a murderous look, that she seemed to notice. Taking her purple grocery bag in her hand, she bowed.

"The food is in there incase your hungry, I'll be leaving now" She mumbles lightly, brushing pass my shoulder as she herself exit my apartment. The kitchen itself was a disaster, with flour and pieces of rice on the floor, and surprising on the wall. Growling in annoyance, my eyes danced around the messy room, the thought of cleaning after someone else made me grunt. Much less packing for a child like mission. With a wet towel, a broom, and a mop I cleaned my kitchen. Heading to my bedroom, were I begin to pack for my mission.

So that was the ending of Chapter One, I hope you like it and will continue to support me on this story. Please vote and comment! Thank you and until then, bye.:)

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