Chapter Two: Departure

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Hello there, well here is Chapter two of my new story called 'The Trip' I hope you enjoy it. I don't own Naruto or the following characters, Kishimoto is the owner.


"The food is in there incase your hungry, I'll be leaving now" She mumbles lightly, brushing pass my shoulder as she herself exit my apartment. The kitchen itself was a disaster, with flour and pieces of rice on the floor, and surprising on the wall. Growling in annoyance, my eyes danced around the messy room, the thought of cleaning after someone else made me grunt. Much less packing for a child like mission. With a wet towel, a broom, and a mop I cleaned my kitchen. Heading to my bedroom, were I begin to pack for my mission.

Stnading in front of Konoha gates, both Sasuke and Naruto stood gazing ahead the road.

"Oi Teme, make sure to bring Hinata-chan back and safe" Naruto voiced with a bit of worry yet assuring in his tone. His blue eyes met Sasuke in a bored stare. He grunt, looking away from Naruto.

"I'm not her guard," Sasuke declared, crossing his arms in front of chest. Naruto sigh deeply, shaking his head.

"Sasuke, just do it. Alright?" Naruto tried again, his voice a bit softer. Sasuke rolling his eyes, took a step forward. Sensing a similar chakra near by.

"I have to go" Sasuke said, taking his bag from the ground.

"Oi! Don't ignore me you bas-"

"Ohayo, Naruto-kun, and Uchiha-san" Hinata's soft voice yells out. Running towards them, with a soft smile displaying on her features. Naruto, closed his mouth shut a small shade of pink spreading across his cheeks. Sasuke noticed.

"O-O-Ohayo, Hinata-chan" Naruto stuttered out, scratching the back of his neck. Sasuke, now entirely curious focused his attention on the blonde. Observing him carefully.

"W-W-What are you doing here, Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked gently, standing near him.

"I-I-I was just, coming to s-s-send you guys off" Naruto explained, his voice cracking. Hinata noticing his odd behavior, grew concern.

"A-A-Are you okay, Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked. Coming near his burning face. "Y-Y-Your really pink, almost red" Hinata asked, observing his face. Naruto's shifted from left to right, trying to dodge her opal eyes.

"I-I-I'm just-" Sasuke cut him off, clearing his throat.

"Let's go, Hyuga" Sasuke voiced, turning around from both of them. His brown poncho facing the two ninjas as they stare at him. Hinata, smiling softly nod her head.

"S-S- Sayōnara, Naruto-Kun." Hinata said gently. Stepping away from him. "I-I-I hope you feel better" Turning away from him, Hinata and Sasuke made there way out of Konhoa village and outside the gates. Taking off.

I'm an idiot! Naruto thought shamefully, kicking a rock near by. His tan skin filled with warmth under the sun, taking in the fresh air. A deep rumble from the pit of his stomach went off. He was hungry. So with a small smile, he made his trip to the only place that will be bring him comfort. Ichiraku place.


Running in great speed, both Sasuke and Hinata jumped from tree to tree. Pass two river banks and a huge mountain. Heading to the land of moon. We'll probably get there in a week or so, Hinata thought silently. Looking around her surroundings. A passing my rabbit catching her attention. He was limping, and bleeding slightly from one leg. This concerned her, when she saw badly injured the animal was.


The sounds of a loud crash, echoed throughout the forest. Startling the birds in the trees who at this point flew away. Hinata, with her back against something warm and her head leaning against something soft but not completely grew confused. Slowly, Hinata opened her pale opal eyes. Blinking at the sight in front of her. She saw a tall Mongolia tree, and a passing by butterfly. She blinked confusingly. Then she heard someone clear their throat.

"Your really stupid aren't you, Hyuga?" Sasuke voiced, eyeing the girl leaning against him. His arms secured around her small body. "You obviously need to watch were your running into next time" He uttered with annoyance. His hold on her loosen.

"G-G-Gomen'nasai, U-U-Uchiha-san!" Hinata voiced loudly, stepping away from Sasuke. Stumbling on her own feet. Sasuke grunt, rolling his eyes. Hinata, blushing deeply from the embarrassment bowed. "G-G-Gomen, I d-d-didn't mean to cause you a-a-any trouble!" Hinata stumble against her own words. Taking two steps back, her eyes never leaving the ground.

"Listen to me, Hyuga" Sasuke spoke, eyeing the girl in front of him. "I don't need someone weak and pathetic like you to guard me, much less accompany me to a child like mission" Sasuke declared harshly. "You'll only get in the way just like you did just now. So I suggest you-"

Apologizing before hand, Hinata bowed. "G-G-Gomen, but we should g-g-get going if we want to make it a week f-f-from now" Hinata said hastily, walking away. He stare after her, noticing her wrong direction. He growled, as she ran off, deep inside the forest. Leaving Sasuke with his words in his mouth.

Sasuke, followed after her. He went pass five trees and two light green bushes. Finding the kunochi, bent on her knees. Nursing a injured rabbit in her arms.

Her hands found their way inside her bag, reaching inside to take out a white cloth. Setting the rabbit aside, she used the cloth to tie it around the rabbit's bleeding leg. Her soft slender hands, tying a knot. Softly, she begin to hum a soft tune. Her warm eyes observing the small creature.

Sasuke eyed the sitting girl, as she took the rabbit in her arms. Petting its fur, as she smiled gently down at it. Slowly she stood up, taking her bag with her only available hand.

"Your not planning on taking that thing along for the ride are you?" Sasuke coldly ask, annoyed with her kindness. She seemed to flinch upon hearing his voice, because she turned to face. Her soft and warm eyes met his hard and cold eyes.

"W-W-Would that be a p-p-problem?" Hinata asked softly, concern written all over her face.

"Yes it will be" Sasuke hastily said, not bothering to explain why. Hinata's eyes seem to widen at his answer. She lowered her head, securing the rabbit in her hold.

"I-I-I'll take care of him, and I-I-I promise that-" Cutting her off, Sasuke turned around.

"Leave it here, You don't need such pity distraction. Let nature run its course" He said.

"A-A-And what would that be?" She asked softly, Sasuke turned around. Facing her once again. His eyes harden.

"Letting it die"


Stopping for their well needed break, Sasuke and Hinata made camp near a river bank covered with tall trees. Sasuke went off to find wood, and gather water. While Hinata set up camp and setting their beds.

Not long after, Sasuke returned. With a stack of woods on his arms, and two bottles filled with water. Hinata smiling softly, making her way to him. Offering her hands, to help him. Only for them to be shoved away by him, as he pushed by her. Walking to the center of their bed. Ten feet away from their beds, was where he placed the stack of woods. Not bothering to line them up nicely, he set them on fire.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" Sasuke hollered, as the wood caught on fire. The smell of burning wood, made Hinata cough. The sudden smell caught inside her lungs. She inhaled and exhaled deeply, taking in the air in a slower pace.

Sasuke set the bottles of water near by, careful not to set them to close to the fire. Hinata, making her way towards her bag, took out two bento boxes. A deep purple and a dark navy blue one. Taking them in her small hands, she walked towards the raven haired boy. Taking a seat two feet away from, with her legs crossed.

Slowly Hinata took the deep navy blue one, turning around to face Sasuke. Biting her lower lip, she took a deep breath.

"U-U-Uchiha-san?" Hinata asked softly. Sasuke, turning away from his sword, faced the timid girl. She offered him the bento box, her head low. "I-I-I made this f-f-for you, I thought you'll b-b-be hungry so-"

"I don't want it" Sasuke voiced harshly. Standing up from the grassy ground, he eyed her. "I'll go scout the area" He said, walking away west from their camp's location.


Packing her things inside her bag, and the untouched bento box. Hinata sip her bag, hanging it over her arms. Taking the curled light grey rabbit in her arms very gently. It was early in the morning, no sight of sunlight appearing before the grey clouds. The air was chilly, and her hair blew against the wind. Shivering slightly, Hinata held the warm rabbit in her arms closer than before.

"Let's go" Sasuke cut through the chilly air, walking before her. She observed his back, his dark raven hair blowing slightly. The way he wore an oversized brown poncho with black training pants. A dark purple obi tied around his head, keeping his hair from his usual hair style. And the way he always held that cold personality.

She walked. Walking behind his figure, picking up her pace. Noticing the huge gap between them. Her barely covered legs, trembled from the icy weather.

As soon as they got on track to their destination, Hinata and Sasuke jumped on top of the trees. Taking off, from tree to tree. Rushing by the cold and icy air.

Well I hope you enjoyed Chapter 2 of The Trip. I know it's short, but hopefully the next will be longer. I sorta of have an idea for the next chapter, but I still need to work with it. So maybe the third Chapter will be out in four maybe even three days. Well then, vote and comment! Reviews will always be welcomed, and if you'll like to suggest a special event, you absolutely can (through private message) it'll help alot with this story. I'll definitely give you the credit for the idea of course, and will be dedicated to you as well. Well that is it for now, and until Chapter three, good bye!:))

***Reader's who are currently reading You've Fallen For Me should know that Chapter 13 Festival Part.2 will be uploaded today, just need to fix some scenes and all should be good. :)) Thank you for reading!!!

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