Night of prep

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"Tropical federation has a huge army force of wolves..

No one would dare go against it,"..said Vidya

Vidya was not a normal person, she had a big role in the formation of tropical federation, but it was hidden from all.. So that she could have an inconspicuous and peaceful life,

She sent mails to many villages, asking for a trusted member from each village to represent the forest public in the court,

* South Savannah*

"Don't worry mom, I'll prove the potential of  lions.. and even Jess (lioness) is coming along.. I won't be lonely, ".. The lion consoled his mother..

Mother replied with sorrow, " We never know when is the last moment we get to share with the family.. "

Lion's courageous eyes turned soft, he sighed, " Mom!, don't worry... I will come back as soon as possible "..

All the lions bid farewell for their representatives, 


Even though it was nature's law that lions are meant to eat animals like deer for survival, this time their forest was being threatened.. and all animals had to unite at all cost to stop this degrading change from happening,

Aditi, the spotted deer joined with the lions for a noble cause,

All three started their journey towards Ramken city,

This was the first time for them to visit it, it's said to be filled with huge treehouses and wooden buildings.. a very civilized place in the whole Bhumija forest,

" You know? , we are not allowed to go hunting in the city"... Informed Jess as if giving a lowkey warning,

"This ain't fair!!... What are we supposed to eat then?? "... Cried the lion,

Meanwhile their conversation was no less than live horror for Aditi (deer),

" Ahem.. ", Aditi coughed,

Diverting their attention to her, " Ramken city has market areas for you both to buy food "... She said trembling,

" Haha, don't worry lil deer we won't harm you.. you are our companion " Laughed the lion,

Aditi started walking lil faster after giving a fearful fake smile to the lions,

" That's the wrong way you are heading to... It leads to Vasuki van! "
... Said Jess to Aditi while she was taking wrong path in hurry,

"There are more creepy animals than us out there.. better you stick along with us", the lion teased,

" Don't underestimate my sharp horns ".. said Aditi while getting back on the right path,


*Nilkanth mountain ranges*

The higher ranges always had the terror of snow leopards,

The reindeers and other herbivores were usually too terrified of getting hunt down by them,

Whereas the lower ranges had the inevitable horror of Siberian tigers/Amur tigers,

Though today the things were different, rather than fear, all animals inhabiting the mountains were looking to the representative leopard and tigress with pride,

They were going to protect the laws of Bhumija forest...

"It feels so good to see love in their eyes than fear, isn't it? " Asked leopard to tigress,

" I agree, let's enjoy it... Though it's not like they actually adore us, but the honor feels good "... Replied tigress,

Leopard gave a sarcastic nod with a  smile,

both started running towards the South  direction which was of city ,

" Has anyone been recruited from Vasuki van? ".. a random old reindeer asked the other,

" Oh that forest full of secret and unknown creatures?... I don't think so, that van has blessing of Lord Shiva to stay unassailable , I doubt if any mail can be sent inside"... Replied the other reindeer,


*Lake Saraswati*

The flock of swans was too excited about their species being recruited as one of the representative by the tropical federation,

Mrinalini, the chosen swan was more than awkward to get the greetings from each an every swan today,

She had all the spotlight,

She started her journey straight towards the city,

But she was soon joined by Emma, the chosen flamingo,

Both lived in the same lake, but different flock.. both flocks shared a lowkey enmity for each other,

Though thankfully the chosen ones were friends so didn't let that enmity get imbibed in them,

They were flying together to city, but soon a bird overtook their speed and crossed them, it was Riya the vulture,

Riya returned back to them flying,

" How slow people?.. Cmon guys we need to speed up" ... Riya hurried,

"Relax, there is enough time for first trial", replied swan,

" We have  lot of people's trust upon us, we won't do anything that will make us lose" .. Assured flamingo,

" Haha, in my case it's just my family members, we don't live in flocks ", said vulture,

"And in my case, I  had relatives approaching me claiming to be my childhood caretakers... Though I highly doubt that It wasn't my first time meeting them".. Said swan in sarcasm,


All the defenders reached the location given in the mail,

It was a hill station,

All the birds, felines and the deer were welcomed and greeted by the elephant there,

"Greetings everyone, nice to meet you all".. Said the elephant with a smile,

"Hello!, are you the orphanage owner? ".. Asked the deer,

" Nah, I am a defender like you all, I live here in the city, natively from South Savannah ".. Replied elephant in a jolly manner,

The elephant guided their path to the orphanage,

*Kalpvriksh orphanage*

" Grandma they arrived!! ".. Pointed Moon, the granddaughter koala,

Everyone in the orphanage shifted their attention to the entrance,

All the recruited animals came inside,

" Welcome sweet people ".. Adored grandma koala in her old voice,

" I was told that Ramken city was full of buildings and malls and markets!!... Where are they grandma? " ... Asked the lioness watching the orphanage children,

She gave her a smile and said, " My orphanage is made on the outskirts of city, see I don't want chaos for my children "

Lioness nodded in an okay,

They all meet other defenders there, the rabbit, the koala, the kangaroo , the horse, the peahen, the cobra...

"Wait!! ... a cobra?!?.... ", panicked the swan,

animals that just came to orphanage hurriedly got in a protective position,

" Snakes live in vasuki van, how can you be here? ".. Said the confused tigress ,

" Relax everyone!, he is Shivam, he is a defender like u all, he is an ally"... Explained Vidya,

Animals still not convinced , randomly had there eyes shifting to the snake and Vidya.. Almost simultaneously,

" *sigh* , he is not from Vasuki van, he was raised here by me ".. Said Vidya,

" you mean you got him as a baby? " Asked flamingo,

" Yes, and he very well understands how to live along with all other animals, he won't bite anyone ".. Explained Vidya,

They all had a long gossip after Vidya prepared snacks for all,

She said sipping her tea, " Enjoy as much as you want to for today, tomorrow you all will have  to face the court processions ",

" Sure, that's what we are here for, " Said the deer smiling,

"As you all must already be knowing that the former king burnt the Western Hills, and his son, the prince has put forth the trial in tropical federation hall to remove the statue of Lord Ram from the city garden, ".. Said Vidya..

" I live on higher region of western Hills, how can I forget the brutal genocide of innocent monkeys ".. Said vulture in a low, sorrowful voice,

She said.." No matter what happens, you all have to do your best to save the statue or it's demolition will mark as the first step in ascendence of the prince's tyranny ,but I urge you all to behave calm in front of the court and only debate on logic and reasoning,"

"But grandma, we need to have scientific backup too, it will be more helpful".. Suggested the koala,

Vidya patted moon's head and went straight to her table, took out few rolled papers,

Distributed one to each,

That night after having dinner, everyone was busy reading their books and the given papers,

Lion and jess were sitting on the backyard bench, " See, according to the survey of economy department, the garden and the beautiful statue there invites averagely a 1000 tourists to the city  per week",

All the birds sitting near the bonfire were discussing , " We gotta be sure, the statues require yearly maintenance of nearly 50 gold coins "... Said swan,

" Yup, but it yields to income of 500 gold coins a month, " Countered vulture,

Deer , rabbit and koala were reading the past allegational trials on the statue that thankfully failed,

Leopard ,elephat,kangaroo and Tigress were going through the history of building those statues,

"they say it was built by a cultural collab NGO even before there was a garden made in surrounding"... Said tigress,

" Yeah but it's a good opportunity to present these statues as our cultural heritage ", suggested the elephant,

" I suggest we all should make a list of possible allegations ", said the horse,

Snake and peahen agree upon helping the horse on it...

And so went the night of preparation for all the defenders... They have been preparing for the trial since many nights, finally tomorrow was the day ...


Author's note (A/N) :- everyone please get prepared for the debate ASAP, I'm thinking of conducting it today itself... But can be done tomorrow if majority wants so... Nobody needs to hurry , please honestly put the votes according to the time you need for getting ready for the debate , now that the topic is given... It will definitely go to questioning the actions of Lord Ram... So please vote in my mb today itself...

Have a great time everyone..

moonsdarktales Ramayana_lover Jessica1310_ Twiheart46 Mochis4lifeq52627 Shivam030291 Anuradha_1213 Swarnaprabha987_ArreyyYaar goxrua bts_sakhi KRISHNABEHEN Riyarohan01 Bloominginmythology VISHAKHAKonde nishadueevedi

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