Chapter 2 - Something's in The Air

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Adam's POV


"It says he's something called a 'Neko', a species with cat likes features and he was found in some forest in Alaska."

"That is so weird to see something like this."

"I don't think we can keep him here Freddy. We should take him back."

"P-Please don't take Matthew Back." The Neko spoke up, making Freddy and I look at each other.

I turned my face back to face the creature or Neko, as it spoke...he spoke up. His voice was soft, clear, and angelic. I ran my hand through my hair, as I look back at Freddy.

"We can't take him back." I exclaimed. "We are not taking him back to that place, you saw what they did to other creatures or whatever there."

"He can't stay here though." He argued.

"Why the hell not?" I asked in a harsh tone, which surprised me, as well as Freddy.

"What if someone sees him, dude!" He argued back.

"No one is going to see him, he needs to be taken care of." I said loudly at him.

"Someone will find him and you and I will get into lots of trouble and he'll be taken back in that place. I'm not going to fucking jail, Adam!"

Before I could have answered his remarks, a small whimper came from the Neko. We both turned our heads to where he was. His ears were flattened on his head, and his body was trembling. I wasn't sure if it was fear or just he was really cold.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him. I got no answer, which made me ask him again. "Matthew, are you hungry?" I ask a little louder.

"Hungry." He said softly. I nodded and headed to wards the kitchen, where I opened the cupboards and fridge searching for something the cat boy can eat.

"He's a cat of some sort so fish?" I ask myself. I groan in frustration and grab left over fish sandwich from the refrigerator, then placed it into the microwave, where I started to heat it up. The smell made me want to gag in disgust. I somewhat felt bad that I was feeding him this but there isn't anything in the house and I think he will enjoy it.

The sound of the microwave beeping noise, stopped me from my moment of focus. I opened the microwave door and removed the sandwich, where I placed it on the table. I then opened the refrigerator again and pulled out the bottle of orange juice, and a glass from the cupboard. Just as I was about to wash my hands, I heard a loud scream coming from the living room, making me run out of the kitchen. I slammed into a body of a person, whom turned out to belonged to Freddy. He hung onto me like a scared child.

"What the fuck happened?!" I asked him, completely bewildered as to why he blared out loudly then came running into the kitchen where I am.

"He bit me! That's what the fuck happened." He roared at me.

I snickered and shook my head. "What did you do?"

"I tried to touch his ears and he bit me!"

"Well that is your fault."

"How is it my fault! I just wanted to feel his ears!"

"Well we just kidnapped him from a fucking government facility, who knows what hell we went through, and you decide to touch his ears. It's your fault now stay here." I told him as I walk back into the living room looking for Matthew.

I heard a scratching sound just as I entered. I looked to my left seeing that the boy was on the sofa trying to hide. Smiling, I shook my head and walked over to the Neko gradually. "Hey Matthew, come here. There's something for you to eat in the kitchen."Just as I said that, his ears spread open, and his head peeked up. I placed my hand out for him, which he surprisingly grabbed. I watch as he wrapped his arms and legs around my waist tightly, shaking slightly, yet hiding his face into my side. We walked to the kitchen, with him latched onto my side as I pulled him off cautiously, setting him onto the chair. "You can eat." I said as I pushed the plate with the fish sandwich towards him. He quickly grabbed it started to eat it, the sounds of him purring filling the room.

"He seems to like you already." Freddy said sitting next to me. I laughed and reach out to scratch the Neko's ear.

"Oww! Fuck." I muttered under my breath when I felt his nails against my arm. I pulled away and grabbed a tissue, to clean the blood.

"I guess I was wrong." Freddy said laughing loudly.

"I think he doesn't like it when we touch his ears, or when people in general touch his ears or something." I said. "Your arm still hurts?" I ask him.

"Like hell." He expressed, showing me the teeth park, followed by dry blood.

A whimper came from the Neko, as he sat on top of the table in front of Freddy. Freddy flinched and was about to move away when the Neko grabbed his arm easily, bringing it up to his mouth, where he licked the bite mark.

"The fuck!" Freddy verbalized, pushing the boy away from him, making him slip off the table and onto the chairs slightly. "That's weird!"

"Fred, you don't push him. He's probably been through enough already and you pushed him fro just licking you!" I exclaimed. Freddy remained silent as he tried to calm down his unexpected annoyance.

Matthew hid under the table when I walked around the table to where he fell. I knelt down to the table height, seeing him trembling in fear under the table. I sighed under my breath and moved my hand towards the boy. He grabbed it to my surprise again and licked it. I allowed him to do it as it felt somewhat good. When he finished, he released my hand and look back down, still trembling a little.

"Not real! Wow." I testified in shock, looking at my arm.

"What?" Freddy spoke up.

"Dude, my cut healed, he licked my arm where he scratched me and it fucking healed!" I said in shock and amusement. Freddy moved towards me checking my arm where he was in complete shock, like I was. "Your arm... it's healed too." I said pointing to his arm where Matthew bit him.

"I feel guilty now."

"You should. He was just maybe trying to clean it for you and heal you or something and you pushed him." I said shaking my head in disappointment.

"I feel really shitty now."


After Fred left to go to his dorm, I was laying in bed watching as the Neko rested on the floor in my room making me think about where he slept while in that facility. I got up and picked him up with ease and settled him on the bed. He didn't protest which made me smile at the small boy. I loaned him my shirt and it was so big on him. The shirt showed his body as he moved about on the bed, his feminine frame showing off, his smooth skin and I just feel like....

What am I thinking? I mentally face palm myself and lay down back next to him. After about ten minutes I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close to me, feeling his warmth. His tail swayed over my legs, and stayed there on my legs. I can tell he was asleep as purrs escaped from him as his warmth felt rather comfortable. This made me feel someway. A way that I can't explain, but I was alright with it. But there's something definitely in the air that's making me feel this way for a Neko.


Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. <3

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