Chapter 1 - Operation: Gather Info

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Adams's POV

"Dude this shit is not right. We'll get in so much trouble for this." Freddy said as he gave a nervous  look. 

"It will be fun. I got all the information I need in order to get it." I said as I pull out our 'employees' badges. 

"Where you got these?" He asked me.

"I had Tim from computer lab to make us one exactly like the original."

"Where you got an original copy?

"Google, of course." I said with a little smirk.

"You have this so planned out. Anyway, when do we go in?" He asked, taking the fake employee badge from my hand. 

"Right now." I said, as I wrapped the badge strap around my neck, closing my car, making sure it is locked, then slowly walked towards the entrance of this highly guarded government facility. 

"I'm so scared, dude." Freddy said, doing the same with the fake badge and anxiously bit his nails as he walked besides me.

"Don't worry, buddy. We won't get caught. Tim is a pro."

"I hope you're right man. I can't go to prison."

"Shh, shush." I said to him softly as we approached the entrance where a security guard is checking the badges of other people. 

"Badge, please." The tall, muscular guy dressed in black said to us in a rather deep voice. I swallowed and removed the strap from around my neck, handing the badge to him. He looked at me weirdly then scanned the badge, handing it back to me. "You're new here it seems."

"Y-Yeah.. Yeah! Me and him." I said referring to Freddy. 

"Go right in." He said to me. I thanked him and walked through the gate, a beep of approval sounding as I walk through. I stood waiting for Freddy to pass through. Just as I thought we got through, three beeps sounded as he walked through the gate. "Step right here and empty your pockets please." The security guard said to him. He nodded and did so. "Ah, next time keep your fancy watches in your car." The security guard said laughing. Freddy nervously chuckling back. "See you both again." The guard said.

"Thank you. See you!" I said waving to the guard. 

"Dude I can't believe we got through." Freddy said with another nervous laugh. 

"I told you.... Tim knows what he is doing when it comes to these tech shit." I said laughing. 

We walked to the lobby where I saw a receptionist desk. We walked towards it and began speaking with the receptionist. 

"Hi, how can I help you?" He said to me.

"Hi, we're looking for the..." I paused looking down at the name of the lab from my phone. ".... Medical Lab for... unknown species." I said looking up at her after.

"May I see your ID's?" He asked me.

"Of course." I said, handing him my badge, he again scans it, then does the same to Freddy's badge. 

"Okay. You can go in the elevator, it's on the 3rd floor. When you get out on that floor, walk straight ahead, then you'd see the door name on the right." He said smiling at me. 

"Thank you so much, Sir."

"You are truly welcome." He said smiling again, looking at me as Freddy and I head towards the elevator lift. 

As we entered, Freddy pressed the button to the third floor, then joked about the receptionist having a crush on me. I laughed along and shook my head at his silliness. The elevator dinged, signalling our arrival at the third floor. 

"Okay so straight ahead and..." I said as we walk down the hall. "... on the left...AHAH! There it is." I said excitingly.

"Are we going in?" Freddy asked.

"Well of course. I'd like to see this shit going on in here." I said softly. 

I swiped the badge, unlocking the door.  As we walked inside, shock over came me immediately. The room was filled weird animals that were in cages and workers all around the room tending to the animals. What shocked me was a horrid scream that sounded loudly in the room, the sound bouncing off the walls and back into our ears. I looked at my side, to see Freddy with a horrified expression on his face. We walked closer to the the group of workers that seemed to be surrounding the thing or person that made that noise. 

"Adam, isn't that the same scream from the fucking audio?" Freddy whispered, blowing my mind completely. 

"Oh shit! Yes. Oh my God." I said as we walked closer to the group of employees. As I managed to see what was making such noise, my eyes widen in complete shock at what it was. It was a human. Then my eyes connected with such weird features this human hold. Ears on top of his head, a furry tail that seemed to be pushed in between his legs. All cat like features. Pale looking skin and what seems like fangs when he screams and cry. I moved away, as well does Freddy and we rushed out of the room, standing in the hallway with shock all over our faces.

"Dude! That's messed up. So fucking messed up." Freddy said, walking up and down in front of me. 

"Completely messed up." I said in agreement.

"We need to do something. We need to get him out of there."

"We can't make him escape with us, Freddy. That seems so hard to do." I said.

"We can't leave a living human in there!"

"Well.. Technically he's not a human."

"I don't fucking care. We need to do something about it." He said.

"Fine. Jeez." I agreed, a little shocked by his change of attitude towards the situation. "So, what is your plan?" I asked him.

"We'll wait it out, until they are finish in there. I doubt they'd stay there forever. Then we'll find someway to get away with the boy in there." He said, biting his nails, completely anxious. 

"Alright, well let's just go sit in the lobby or whatever."


We slowly walked back to the mysterious room, where we were before that holds all those animals and the human like boy. I entered first, peeking inside the room, making sure no one was there. I was right, the room was empty, besides the animals and the human like boy I assume. I signaled Freddy to follow behind me, as we scanned the room looking for the boy. The sound of whimpering made me look to my right as we were walking further in the room. On the floor laid a large short cage, and in it was a trembling pale, thin, small body. 

"That's him." I whispered to Freddy. 

"How do we do this?" He asked me, whispering back.

"Let's try to unlock the cage and then go from there." I said, unsure of our plan.

He nodded and we both knelt down to the cage, trying to locate the lock to the cage. When we found it, I slide the latch out of the cage off, unlocking the cage. I opened the little entrance and slowly placed my hand in. A soft whimper, followed by a hiss was heard, an then a sharp feeling connected to my hand. I quickly pull it away, looking at the small cut on my palm. 

"He bit you?" Freddy asked.

"No, but he clawed at me." I said.

"What type of thing is this." He asked.

"We'll find out soon I hope." I said. "Can you look around and see if you can get something to put him to sleep or something. I don't know just something to calm him down and prevent him from clawing at me." He nodded and went around the room, opening cabinets and drawers, searching for something to help calm what ever is wrong with this human like thing in the cage.

"I got this needle that tranquilizes him, I also found something with his face on it so I think that can be useful."

"Alright, hold on to the folder and give me the needle." He handed me the needle and I removed the cap of it and quickly pushed the needle into whatever part it entered on the boy. A hiss was heard again, then after about a minute, silence filled the cage. "Alright umm, I need help here. How are we getting him out?" I asked.

"We can use the cage. There's an emergency door, we can go through there to prevent anything."

"Smart, smart. Let's do that then. Hold onto that folder but I still need help here." I said, sliding the latch back in place, locking the cage again. I lifted the cage, with ease. "Never mind, this is light as fuck." I said with a small chuckle. 

"I'll open the door, and lead the way." Freddy said. He opened the door with the ID, and held it open for me to go. He then locked the door back, scanning the fake ID and the went in front of me, leading the way down a ton of stairs. Fatigue got greater and greater walking down the pile of stairs. 

Finally making it down the stairs. We seemed to be in an underground packing lot. The packing lot wasn't occupied much, just a few cars scattered in random parking spaces. We looked around, then saw the exit to of the parking lot, which we walked through. That took us right back to the main entrance that we first came into the building with. I couldn't be anymore thankful that we actually might get away with this. We walked to my car cautiously, keeping look out of any signs of security guards or employees from the facility. I gave Freddy the key to unlock the car, which he did, then he open one of the back seat doors, allowing me to place the cage in. He then got into the passenger seat up front, making me do the same, getting into the driver's seat. He handed me the key back, I took it and then started the car, driving out of the facility's ground, and away from it. Halfway home, Freddy decided to speak up and ask a few questions.

"Do you think there's cameras or something?" He asked.

"I thought of that before we came here so I got Tim to kind of disable the cameras until tomorrow morning." I said.

"Well you really did thought this out." He said. "Wait!  Where is it.. he staying?" 

"Well I was wondering if you can keep him at your place since I doubt I'd be able to keep him at my apartment."

"Yeah, alright. I guess he can stay at my place. But I won't know what to do so you need to like stay the night in case he wakes up or something, which he will." He said. I nodded in agreement, and continued driving. 


"Alright, I think he's waking up." I said. The boy moved about in the cage. 

"Unlock it." Freddy urged me.

I removed the latch and unlocked the cage. The boy shockingly came out of the cage and say in front of it looking down. He pushed his hand forward, showing his whole arm, like he's waiting for something. 

"What are you doing that for?" I asked him. I got no response in return. "Answer me please." I asked again. 

"You.. Medicine?" He spoke. The voice that spoke was completely soft, and sweet, yet filled with fear. 

"What does he mean?" Freddy asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked the boy.

"You give needle in arm." He said.

"I think he's waiting for you to inject him."


"I think they did that, hes probably accustomed to it. Poor thing." Freddy said.

"Bring the folder for me." I asked. He handed me the folder. I opened it and began to read. 

Subject's First Name: Matthew     Last Name: Unknown

Location Found: Alaskan Forest

Species Type: Neko (Catlike features)

Age: Unknown

Experiments Performed: Filled in 'Experiments'

I finished read the little paper and looked at the boy. 

"It says he's something called a 'Neko', a species with cat likes features and he was found in some forest in Alaska." 

"That is so weird to see something like this."

"I don't think we can keep him here Freddy. We should take him back."

"P-Please don't take Matthew Back." The Neko spoke up, making Freddy and I look at each other.


Thanks for reading. Leave your thoughts please. Should I continue it or no? <3

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