Warning/ Prologue

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Warning: This story contains scenes of abuse,  sexual scenes, and rape scenes. This is a story that will begin sad but will end with happiness. It is also a boyxboy (Gay) story. If you have a problem with it, then why are you even here reading this? 

Hope you enjoy. Vote and Comment if you like. Thanks. 



In a cold dark room filled with scientist and government officials, a body laying flat down on a blanket which was placed on top of a metal table in the middle of the room. Their eyes staring at the unknown creature that they caught in the middle of a forest in Alaska, near a lake. The body of human features, skin, feet, head, everything  a human would have, however the body held features the startled the people in the room. Aside from it's human appearance, there seemed to furry like ears on top of it's head as well as a very noticeable tail connected to it's lower back, just above it's buttocks. 

Puzzled by the creature they've been monitoring for months in the Tongass Forest of Alaska, no one was expecting to see such creature. It's body was pale, it's hair was a whitish grey colour, as well as it's weirdly catlike ears and tail. One of the female scientist took a shining silver pair of scissors and began to put the dirty, busted shorts the creature was wearing. As doing so, she disposed of the shorts by giving it to another of the officials who threw it in the bin. 

According to the team of scientists who managed to capture it, the creature died as it was captured. The female official, under orders, took the silver scalpel and proceeded to pressing it against the creatures body. As soon as blood escaped from it's stomach, and the female official pressing the scalpel harder, while beginning to drag it down the stomach of the male creature, a loud scream of pain pounded the ears of all twenty officials in the quiet room. The woman immediately stopped and stared at the male creature as it rushed off the metal table and scrambled to the corner of the room, behind another table, hiding from the humans. The creature trembled in fear, and whimpered in pain. 

Whispers filled the room as they were completely unaware that the creature was even alive in the first place. The female official walked closer to the creature, trying to locate where it was, as the little creature curled up into a ball, shivering and whimpering, completely afraid of the humans.

"Come on little guy. We weren't hurt you." Said the female employee as she slowly went closer and closer to the sound of whimpering, hoping to find the creature. 

Moving a metal chair out of the way as well as a metal table, the female official went down to her knees, her hands going towards the creature. The creature hissed at the lady, warning her not to come closer, which she ignored. The creature's nails attached to the skin of the female, scratching her slightly. 

"Ow!" She said softly. "Pass the that needle there." She said to one of her colleagues, whom obeyed her instructions and handed her the needed that was placed on top of a tray. "Thank you." She said. She held the arm of the creature and stabbed the needle into its arm. Another scream, just as loud as before echoed the room, soon quieting down as the unknown creature fell into a deep sleep. 

A male official was instructed to carry the creature back to the table, which he did. They wrapped him in a blanket, and carried its light weighted body into another room, the other employees and government officials following behind.  

"I thought you guys said that thing was dead?" A man whispered to the ear of the head female official. 

"That is what I was told, Sir. I had no idea we..."

"Do you know the crap we'd get from the President's staff if they hear about this shit." He said softly, trying not to make the argument aware to the others whoa re surrounding the creature, who's laying still.

"Sir I..."

"All of these people say what happened and any one of them could spill. I want you to get that thing, whatever it is, get it inspected by a doctor or vet, I don't care, clothed if it can wear clothes and you guys need to have a work with it. See if it can talk or something. Just get something good out of this. This stays inside of this lab, make sure everyone knows that." The man, who seems to be the one in charge told her, then walked away angrily. 

"Y-Yes, Sir." She said as he walked away.


"What's your name? Do you have a name?" The male doctor asked the creature who was sitting in front of him, clothed, with widen eyes as he trembled in fair from the human in front of him. "Can you at least nod or shake your head to answer my questions?" He asked hopping for some sense of understanding from the male creature in front of him. To his surprise, he got what he wanted as he watch the creature nod yes in front of him slowly, as it looks up at him. 

"Okay great! So you do understand me?" He asked. The male creature nodded again making some type of excitement go through the doctor's head. 

"Do you have a name?" He asked, again the creature nodded. "Can you tell me your name?" The creature nodded again and looked up at the doctor. 

"M-Matthew." He said softly as he looked at the doctor, with fright in his eyes.

"Well Matthew can you stay here for me while I go get someone?" The doctor said, waiting for a response from Matthew. Matthew soon nodded, which made the doctor exit the room.

He rushed down the hallway of the lab, stopping and opening the door of an office. "It..I mean he talks!" 

"Yes! What have you learn so far?"

"His name is Matthew and he can understand what we speak and that's all." He said looking at his boss.

"See what more you find out about it please." She said, picking up her phone to make a call.

"Yes, Ma'am."


"Alright, class is dismissed. Don't forget to get papers done by Monday." The teacher said as he started to pack his desk up. "Enjoy your weekend!" He added. 

Adam rushed out of the classroom, while zipping his back pack to close it. He made his way to his locker, where he unlocked it, took out his phone, and his other books that he has assignments written in them that he needs to complete by Monday for his other classes as well. After doing so, he closed it and made his way to the front door of the school. He looked around, trying to locate his boyfriend, Mark. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, read the time, then place it back into his pants pocket. He sighed and began walking towards his car, when he heard a loud annoying scream coming from behind him. He recognized the scream instantly, which made him turn around to see his lovely boyfriend, Mark. Mark attached his body towards the 6'2 Adam. Mark stood at 5'9, still shorter than his boyfriend. 

"Hey, baby." Mark said, stressing on the ending of the word.

"Hey, how was your lessons?" Adam asked him.

"I didn't go to them." Mark said laughing like a fool, as him and Adam walk closer to Adam's car.

"Why not? You know you'll fail your courses right?" Adam said annoyed, and tired of lecturing his boyfriend about the horrors that can come from skipping his college classes.

"I had something to do, plus the class is so boring." Mark said.

Adam shook his head in disappointment as he unlocked his car, then got into it, waiting for his boyfriend to come in. As Mark got into the car, Adam started the car and then drove out of the school's parking lot. Ignoring every word that escapes his boyfriend's mouth, who was gossiping about school drama, something Adam had no interest in. So he simply nodded and hummed in response to his boyfriend's rambles.


Sitting on the floor of his room, papers scrambled all over, he passed his hand through his hair and turned towards the television where he got distracted by a current news story. 

"The unknown male sent audio recordings of what seems to be screams of someone or something, and the voices of  "government" officials discussing what they thought was a dead creature. To hear more on this, feel free to visit our website at www.Fbcnews.com/currentstories. I'm Vanessa Peele, and this is FBC news." 

Humming and thinking of what was said on the news, Adam went to the website, where he began reading the article and listened to the audio sent in. His interest for this grew, as he decided to use this topic and news story as part of his journalism paper for his class. 

"Hey, babe. Did you see the news story?" Adam asks his boyfriend, who was on the bed. 

"Meh. Prob some fake crap someone sent in to them." Mark said as he continue scrolling through his social media pages.

"You don't.....Yeah." Adam started but finished, not trying to explain anything to his stubborn, ignorant boyfriend.

Adam dug in more and more into the story finding information of where the location of where they have said creature at, number, and whether or not the audio was real or fake, which turned out to be real. He quickly wrote down the information he needed and mentally planned to visit this establishment. 


This is my new story. I hope you enjoy. And leave your thoughts on it. Thank you. <3

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