Astrid/Elenore knows best

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Hiccup and I were out scouting. We were at the third island. We had flown all day today. Everyone else was setting up camp.
"So...Astrid... you..." Hiccup stuttered.
"Hiccup are you ok?" I asked.
"D-do" He stuttered looking​ at Toothless who nodded​ in encouragement.
"Do you...have any questions about what your life was like?" He asked.

Toothless huffed and narrowed his eyes on annoynce.
"Useless reptile." Hiccup muttered.

I laughed.
"No...not really..." I said.

We didn't realize it, but we were leaning towards each other. Soon we were pressed up against one another. He caressed my cheek.

We leaned into one another.
Merida... Engaged... Astrid!

I hugged him. He seemed taken aback, and sad. But he hugged back. We pulled away.
"I-Im going to go get more f-fire wood..." He said.

I nodded and he ran off.  I sighed happily and watched him go.
"Well! I thought he'd never leave!" A voice said.
"Elenore?" I asked turning around.

A hooded stranger pulled down their hood.
"Hello dear." She said coming towards me
"I-I don't understand...h-how did you find us?" I asked
"Oh, it was easy really. I just heard the sound of complet and utter betrayal and future war and followed that."

I sighed
The marriage... I thought
"Your coming with me Astrid."
"You don't understand! I've been on this mission and learned so many things and experienced alot of old instinct...and...I like someone..."
"Yes, the son of the chief of Berk, Merida's futer husband. I'm so proud. Come on Astrid."
"Elenore wait! I think...I think he likes me..." I said happily.

Likes you? Please Astird​, that's demented!
But Elenore I-
This is why you shouldn't have left! Dear this whole romace that you've invented just proves, that your to naîve to be here.
Why would her like you when he has Merida, come on now really.
Look at you!
You think that he's impressed?
Don't be  a dummy
Come with would be mummy.
No? Oh. I see how it is.
Astrid knows best
Astrid's so mature now
Such a clever, grown-up miss
Astrid knows best
Fine, if you're so sure now
Go ahead then, give him this

She pulled out my satchle.
How did you?
This is why he's here
She said pulling out he dragon eye. She threw it at me.
Don't let him deceive you
Give it to him, watch, you'll see
I will.
Trust me, my dear
That's how fast he'll leave you
I won't say I told you so
No, Astrid  knows best
So if he's such a dreamboat
Go and put him to the test
If he's lying
Don't come crying
Elenore  knows best

Then, just like that, she was gone.
"Ok Astrid." I heard Hiccup say.

I gasped and quickly placed the Dragon eye in the satchle and closed it.
"So we should head...on...back...are you  ok?" He asked.
"Hm? Oh. Oh! Yes...just...lost I thought I gusse." I said.

He nodded and we walked back to camp seeing our dragons were to tired.
"Hey... that's Viggo's igsinia...why is it on your satchle?!?" He asked.
"Oh. Yeah. Johan stole it from the man who took the dragon eye. It has the where abouts of the dragon eye."
"Really?!? Let me see!" He said reaching for the satchle.
"NO!" I siad stepping away.

His eyes widened.
"Um...he...he only wants me to see them..." I said

He nodded and we came back to the camp
"Ok gang. Tomorrow we head for the fifith island!" Hiccup said.

Everyone cheered.

Give it to him, watch, you'll see.
Trust me my dear, that's how fast he'll leave you... I thought...

Stormfly nudged me.
"She couldn't be right girl... Right?" I asked.

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