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We reached the fifth island. Hiccup jumped off Toothless and helped .
Merida down. He then came over to me as I landed and helped me down.
"Hiccup, thank you, but I can get down by myself now." I said.

He smirked.
"Oh really?"
"What about last night when you tried to jump off of Stormfly but your skirt got caught?"

I blushed.
"Ok fine." I sighed.

Everyone laughed. Snoutlout jumped off Hookfang and laied face down on the grass.
"Oh yes! Grass. Oh, nice soft grass." He mumbled

We all giggled. Tuffnut came up to us with a snake. He slowly made his way to Snoutlout. The snake squirmed and hissed softly​, but he didnt make it to freedom.

I realized what Tuff was about to do. I put both hands over my mouth and tried not to laugh.
"Nice soft grass." Snoutlout mumbled.

Tuffnut laughed evilly. He let go of the snake, and it bit Snoutlout on the... on the butt.

He screamed, jumped up and ran around.
"AH! GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!" He screamed.

Hookfang rolled his eyes and shot the snake. It caught fire and fell to the ground, and dissolved, leaving not trace. No fire.
"Ah. Huh? AH! HOOKFANG​!" Snoutlout yelled jumping off the island.

Steam Rose from where he jumped. We laughed as he climbed back up. He spit out water.
"Oh yeah, haha very funny. He Astrid, Babe, you want to help me up?" He asked

I rolled my eyes. As I made my way over to him, I glanced at Hiccup and Merida out of the corner of my eye. Merida was looking​ down, so was Hiccup​, fist clenthed.

I took Snoutlout's hand and helped him up. He but both of his hands over mine. I caressed his cheek with my other hand. He leaned in. So did I.

I brought my leg around behind his knee, and swept him off his feet. He fell and grunted. Everyone laughed.
I smiled.

"Don't ever do that agian." I said helping him up.

He laughed.
"Ok, ok, you win." He said as I helped him up.

(Time skip.)
It was now night. Hiccup and I were standing at a cliff,alone. Staring at the moon.
"Astrid...about last night..." He said.
"What? Oh. Oh! Um...w-what about it?" I asked.

He's on to me... I thought.
"Um...w-when we were about"
" did you... Why did you p-pull away?"
" wouldn't​ be fair."
"It wasn't fair! It wasn't right! Why? Why did we almost kiss? Why? Then we would start dating. But then you would have to turn around and break my heart, why? Because you are engaged to Merida! To a princess! Why would you want me? When you have her?" I asked, tears running down my cheeks.

I turned away from him. He reached out and held my hand. 
"Astrid... you and I have been through everything together. And you probably don't remember... but you don't think we can handle this? Astrid, you have me, no matter what. Okay, whatever that means, whatever you want it to mean. I am with you. There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid. Always..." He siad turning me, holding both of my hands.

We both leaned in.
"Astrid...don't fight it..." He whispered.

I could feel his hot breath. I didn't fight it. Our lips met and we kissed. I felt like I was I Vallhalla.
"Hiccup." We heard a voice call.

We pulled away. Reconizing the voice, we let each other go and backed up.

Queen Eleolnore burst through the bushes, dragging Merida with her.
"Queen Eleolnore? What-" Hiccup started.
"Astrid. Snoutlout wishes to have a word with you." Elenore said

I nodded and ran off.

(Hiccup's POV)
"I've had enough of this." Elenore said throwing Merida into me.
"Ah!" Merida shouted.

I caught her and pulled her into me, shielding her from her mother.
"What? Enough of what?" I asked.
"The wedding will be next week on Friday. Everything is planned. I need proof." Elonore said
"Proof... That we are in.lobe with each other..." Merida whispered.
"Either that or both you and my daughter will be thrown in the dungeon and Berk shall pay." Elenore said.
"You want proof? Fine. Here's your proof." I said.
(Astrid's POV)
I was half way back to the camp when someone grabbed my hand and pulled me behind a tree.
"Snoutlout?" I ask.
"Do you know what Elenore wants with Merida?" He asked
" Why? What's wrong?" I asked.
"She appeared out of nowhere, grabbed Merida and went to where you and Hiccup were."
"Oh...I'll go check on them."
"Thanks. Ill wait here."

I nodded and ran back. I pushed a branch out of my way and stepped out of the forest.

Hiccup moved Merida infront of him and kissed her. She kissed back. My hands flew over my mouth, tears falling rapidly. Elenore saw me, walked up to me and hugged me.
"I'm so sorry lass." She whispered.

She pulled away and I ran. Snoutlout grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind the tree.

"What ha- what's wrong?" He asked noticing I was crying.
"They kissed... In front of me... Right after he kissed me." I sobbed.

He blinked. Obviously hurt. He pulled me into a hug and I sobbed into his chest.
"You liked him. Didn't you?" He asked.

I nodded.
"I understand. I liked Merida." He said.

I pulled away. For some reason we leaned into each other.
"This​ is wrong..." I whispered.
"We shouldnt do this..."

But we did. We kissed.
(Hiccup's POV)

I saw Astrid run into the forest after I pulled away from Merida. We ran after her. We rounded a corner and stopped. Tears stung my eyes. So did Meridas.

Astrid and Snoutlout were... kissing. We walked past them not even taking notice as they pulled away.
(Astrid's POV)

We made our way back to the camp sight. Heather ran up to us.
"Astrid! Snoutlout! You guys are ok!" She said hugging me.
"Yeah..." I whispered hugging her back.

She pulled away and looked at us.
"Physically... Let's scoop out the island..." She said

We nodded and walked off. We went west. We saw our destination. Gaurds were every where.
"Ok. What happened?" Heather asked us.

We told her everything. She hugged us.
"Ok. Now that the mushy stuff is over, let's plan how we'll get in this place." Snoutlout said.

"Ok. We'll sneak around back and land their. I'll sneak inside alone and pinpoint the dragon eyes location. After, I'll come and get you guys. Well grab the Dragon eye and leave." I said.

They smiled.
"And she's back! In a way..." Heather said.

I turned away.
"Why can't I just remember anything?" I asked.
"Astrid... we'll get your memories back. Trust me." Snoutlout said taking my hand.

I smiled and turned to him. Heather took my other hand.

Hiccup appeared behind us.
"Um..what's this?" He asked.

We all let go and scowled at him.
"Astrid. A word." He said

I followed​ him. Snoutlout squeezed my hand. I smiled and continued to follow him.

"Care to explain?" He asked
"Explain what?"
" The little scean Merida and I saw on the way back to the camp. What in Thor's name was that?"
"I could say the same thing about the scean with you and Merida. You kissed her right after you kissed me?"
"And you did the same with Snoutlout!"
"That was an accident! So it's ok for you to kiss girls at whim but it's not for me?"
"The thing with Merida was a-a- um."
"See. You can't even say it was an accident." I said walking away.
(Hiccups POV)
"OH THOR!" I screamed punching a tree.

Toothless came over to me. I dragged my hand down the side of a mountain. My palm caught fire and I screamed in pain. Merida ran to me.
"Hiccup! Are you-all oh gods." She said holding my palm.

She wrapped it. But the blood soaked through my palm.
"I take it it didn't go so well... Same with Snoutlout." She said.

We helped each other up and made our way back to camp. Astrid was standing in front of the fire.
"So I get you guys, we grab the Dragon eye, and get out." She said
"And Duager?" Heather asked.
"I'll take care of him. You guys need to get Hiccup and Merida out of there." Astrid said.
"Eye. What going on here?" Merida asked.
"Well if you guys got here earlier you wouldnt have missed-" Ruff started.
"Astrid's awsome-" Snoutlout said
"Smart-" Fishlegs said
"Stealthy-" Heather said
"Loki-y plan!" Tuff finished
"What is it?" I asked.
"Fishlegs. Please fill them in." Astird said.

She sat down with Heather and Snoutlout. Fishlegs restated the plan.
"Snoutlout... please...look at me." Merida pleaded.
He didn't. I tried it with Astrid same result.

"Good night guys." Astrid said falling asleep.

We all fell asleep one by one. I fell asleep last. Wondering why Astrid was so comfortable with risking her life for the dragon eye, when she didn't even remember anything.... An that was all my fault.

Hello everyone this chapter is... 1560 words! I'm so tired now...😂

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