Love. (Hiccup and Astrid's POV)

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(Astrid's POV) 

I slowly opened my eyes.

"Astrid!" I heard Hiccup say happily.

I sat up and felt his hands suddenly wrap around my waist and neck. I felt a pair of lips slam themselves into mine. I froze, letting my eyes go wide. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him and kissed back. We stayed like that for twenty minutes until we heard somebody clear their throat. We pulled away and I turned to the door. Heather, Gothi...And... Stoick stood in the doorway.

"H-hey dad! H-how are you?" Hiccup asked letting go of me, running his hand through his hair.

I looked at Stoick, who was fuming. Heather and Gothi just stood there, blinking.

"Son. A word. Now!" Stoick​ demanded, waking Toothless up.

He shot up and jumped over me and the bed taking a fighting stance, but when he realized it was Stoick, he stood down.

"Sure..." Hiccup said. 

He stood and walked out the door. He closed it.

"What was that?!?" Heather asked.

"Um..." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"OH MY THOR! YES! HICCTRID! ITS SAILED!" She screamed happily running up to me hugging me.

"OW!" I screamed in pain. 

I fell onto the bed. Losing conscious. 

(Hiccup's POV)

I shut the door and turned to face my dad.

"WHAT IN THOR'S NAME?!?" He asked.

I backed up and Toothless growled.


"Dad, Merida is fine with it! She told me!" I objected. 

"Oh, did she now?!?" 

"Yes. She said that we can have our own love interest until we are married, but when we get married, we stay loyal." I said.

"Fine. But if I catch you and Astird kissing after your married to Merida, you will regret it." He said walking away. 

I fell to my knees. My heart pounding. Toothless nudged me.

"I know bud. Thanks." I said.

(Astrid's POV)

I woke up. Gothi took a step back and wrote something in the dirt that she had sprinkled on the floor.

"She says to get plenty of rest, food, and water. Change the bandages three a day, clean it before bed and when you wake up. You should be good in a mouth." Heather translated.

Gothi backhanded her.

"OW! Sorry. Month. Not mouth. Oh, she's happy that you and Hiccup are now a thing. She's always shipped you two." She finished rubbing her head.

I blushed.

"Thank you, Gothi." I said.

The old lady nodded and left. Heather stared at me.

" HICCUP KISSED YOU!" She screamed.

"SHH!!" I said covering her mouth.

"Yes, he did..."I whispered blushing.

She smiled and hugged me.

"Wait... Wheres Stormfly?" I asked.

I heard Stormfly squawk loudly. 

"Stormfly!" I said running out the door.

"Astrid! Wait! Stop!" Heather called to me.

I ran to the landing pad, Stormfly was throwing a fit. Spewing fire, shooting her spines. Everyone was screaming and running around. She had Hiccup and Merida cornered.

 I ran in front of them.

"Astrid?!?" They asked.

"Stormfly! No!" I said holding out my hands.

She didn't stop.

"No! Stop! Snap out of it!" I cried. 

I grabbed Hiccups arm. Merida was clutching his hand.

"Huh?" He asked.

With all the strength I had, I threw him and Merida away.

"ASTRID!" The gang yelled.

"Stormfly! Stop!" I cried.

She kept advancing. I felt my back pressing against the cold metal doors of the stable. She opened her mouth. I saw fire.

"NO! STORMFLY! STOP! ITS ME! ASTIRD! WHAT'S WRONG?!?" I screamed trying not to cry.

She stopped for a millisecond, but continued to advance.

"NO! PLEASE!" I asked felling tears leave my eyes.

She fired. But I dove out the way and rolled. I stood and saw a hunter arrow sticking out of her side.

"Sorry girl." I muttered.

I ran to her . I did a front flip and grabbed the arrow, pulling it out of her side landing.

She froze and fell over on her side.

"Stormfly!" I said rushing over to her.

(Hiccup's POV.)

I ran to Astrid's side with Merida. She knelt infront of her dragon. Tears falling from her eyes. I didn't say anything. I just knelt knelt next to her and let her sob into my chest. Heather ran up to us and knelt on her other side and rubbed her back. Merida hugged her from the side.

Astrid pulled away and put her hand in Stormfly's snout.

"Please wake up Stormfly. Please." She whispered. 

She put her head on her dragons and silently sobbed.

After a while, Stormfly opened her eyes.

"Stormfly!" Astrid said happily.

She hugged her dragon. I smiled and hugged her from behind. 

(Time skip.)

It was now dinner. Merida was getting along great with the gang. Even though I kissed Astrid, and we were engaged, they got along pretty well. I started to notice the Merida and Snoutlout were spending quite some time together. I smirked at the thought.

Astrid came up to me and sat next to me.

"Hey Ash. How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"Kinda sore, but otherwise, I'm good." She said smiling at me.

"Hey! Let's play Truth or Dare!" Merida suggested.

"Ok!" We all agreed.

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