Stoick's fail (Hiccup and Astrid's POV)

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(Hiccup's POV)
We had woken up at dawn. The dragons were ready to go and a ship had left early this morning. One to the edge with our stuff and Merida's​ the other with the Berkians.

Astrid was feeding Stormfly​, not looking at me without crying. Merida hugged her father and her brothers. She had a stare off with her mother for a little while like she was trying to be mad at her. But they suddenly hugged each other. She pet her horse, Angus, goodbye and came up to me.

"Ok... How are we getting to the edge?" She asked me.

"By Dragon." I said.

Her eyes widened.

"Um...Is it....Safe?" She asked.

"If you know what your doing." I said taking her hand. 

I let it hover above Toothless's​ snout. Her face filled with panic and fear.

"What?!? What are you doing?!?" She asked horrified.

"It's ok. It's ok. He won't hurt you." I assured her.

She calmed down a bit. And nodded. I place her hand on his snout and she smiled.

"He's.... Amazing...." She whispered petting him.

He cooed. As if to say I like this girl. I helped her on Toothless and hopped on. My dad and Skullcrsher walked up to us.

"Dad?" I asked​.

"I'm coming with you." He said.

I smirked and we took off.

"This is amazing!" Merida laughed.

I laughed​.

(Time skip.)

We were halfway to the edge. Everyone was talking and laughing with Merida. Except for one. Merida tapped my shoulder. I glanced at her. She pointed to Astrid, who was looking down, frowning.

"Hold on." I told Merida.

She grabbed my waist and Toothless backflipped. Suddenly we were flying upside down in front of Astrid.

"Good day Astrid." I said. 

Merida giggled as she looked up slightly. She smirked and then looked back down.

"Ash, are you ok?" Merida and I asked at the same time.

"Yeah... How's the happy...Endangered couple...?" She asked slowly.

"Endangered?" We asked.

"Endangered...As in TOOTHLESS MOVE!" She yelled. 

He barrel rolled away and Merida fell off.

"AH! HICCUP! ASTRID!" She screamed.

Astrid dove after her and caught her. 

"ASTRID LOOK OUT!" Heather and I screamed at her.

A net shot up and entangled Stormfly, causing them to free fall. Merida started to scream while Astrid drew her axe and cut a whole section off. Stormfly zoomed out. A arrow zoomed in front of Astrid's face. She grabbed it and handed it to Merida who fired it, right into a guys chest.

Astrid suddenly forced Merida's​ head down, a grappling hook caught her arm and she was pulled off. Stormfly freaked and accidentally threw off Merida.

"ASTRID! MERIDA!" All of us screamed.

I went after Astrid and Snoutlout went for Merida.

"No. Hiccup, you get Merida, Snoutlout get Astird." My dad said.

"No dad! He's closer to Merida than me!" I said reaching out to Astrid as she fell.

"DO IT NOW!" He yelled. 

I groaned and reluctantly pulled away and went for Merida, feeling my heart shatter seeing the fear in Astrid's eyes. Snoutlout dove for her. I caught Merida in my lap.

"ASTIRD!" She screamed tears rolling down her face.

I looked.

"NO!" I screamed holding back tears as she hit the water.

Snoutlout flew up to us, tears falling from his eyes.

"Hiccup... I'm sorry..." He whispered.

I felt myself fill with rage.

"DAD! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?" I yelled turning to him.

His face was pale, full of sorrow, regret, and fear.

"Son... I'm sorry..." He whispered.

"DONT LET HER GET AWAY!" We heard Ryker yell.

(Astrid's POV)

I felt myself being pulled onto the ship. I pretend to be knocked out. I felt a hunter grab me by the shoulders and put my axe next to my neck.

"Hiccup and the riders will never, ever forget this day!" I heard Ryker say joyfully.

I elbowed the guy in the gut hard and brought my fist down on his... Soft spot... He yelled in pain. I took my axe from him and punched him in the face, running for it.

"DON'T LET HER GET AWAY!" Ryker yelled.

I jumped over some hunters and kicked them in the back. I made my way up the stairs to the top deck and jumped. Stormfly caught me in her claws.

"Better luck next time!" I laughed.

I saw a hunter aim a crossbow at  Hiccups back. 

"Stormfly!" I ordered. 

She zoomed high above Hiccup.

"Get ready to catch me girl." I said.

He fired.

"NOW!" I ordered. 

She dropped me. I grabbed Merida's bow, her hands flew to her back. Just as the arrow impaled it's self in my side. I screamed in pain, pulled it out, knocked it, and fired, hitting the guy in the head. Stormfly caught me in her saddle and flew me up to Hiccup.

(Hiccup's POV)

Stormfly flew up to us with Astrid on her back.

"Astrid!" We said happily.

She handed Merida her bow.

"How did you... Astrid!" Merida started as she slipped off Stormflys back.

"ASTRID!" We yelled 

Heather zoomed after her and caught her in her lap.

"HICCUP! WE GOT TO GET TO THE EDGE!" She screamed flying up to me.

I saw blood gushing out of Astrid's side.

"Everyone! Back to the edge! Now!" I ordered.

We all zoomed off and Merida silently sobbed on my back.

"She...She's going to be ok... Right?" she asked me.

I couldn't say anything. I felt a few tears fall from my eyes.

"Heather! Give Astrid to Hiccup. I'll ride with you!" Merida said.

Heather nodded and gently passed me Astrid and Merida jumped onto Windshear.

I looked at Astrid. Her face was paling  and she was limp.

"Come on Ash. Stay with us. Stay with me..." I whispered holding her hand.

She didn't even stir and we flew off for the edge.

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