Stan wants the tea

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We were both collapsed, both a little exhausted, in Kyle's massive Emperor sized bed, kissing and giggling as I found we do on so many evenings. The pillows and blankets were deliciously soft and the evening was rolling by perfectly with the evening's sun lazily shining in through the bedroom windows.

All was well, that is, until I rolled onto my back to stare resignedly at the bed's decadent canopy. Kyle got up on one arm and looked over at me, concerned, his curly red hair sticky out in all directions as it always does when he's hatless.

"Stan? Is something wrong?" he asked, his voice gentle and soothing as usual.

"What? No, no," I lied not wanting to upset or worry him; he has enough on his plate.

"Stan, you know you can tell me anything. I tell you everything," he said, sporting a dejected expression on his face and an upset tone to his voice. I mentally groaned. Now I have to explain or he's going to be depressed until I do.

"Well, it's just that, you know how we're both sixteen now," Kyle gave me an uncertain nod. "And we've been together for about four years-"

"Are you, do you want to break up with me?" interrupted Kyle sounding like I'd just trodden on his heart. His expression looked distraught, and I was willing to do anything to fix it.

"No! No, no, no, no, no," I said frantically, feeling like I'd just murdered ten puppies. I shuffled quickly over to Kyle and wrapped my arms around him tightly. Then, a horrifying thought occurred to me. "Do you?!"

"No!" responded Kyle, sounding outraged at the suggestion and wrapping his arms around me in response as if I'd leave if he loosened his grip even slightly. "No, Stan, I'm sorry; just please tell me what's up."

I took in a deep breath. "Well, it's just, all we've ever done is kiss, and, I don't know, it's stupid, but sometimes I worry you find me unattractive or I'm unappealing in some way-" Kyle was as bright red as a radish and was rapidly shaking his head in disagreement.

He then wriggled out of my grasp and hid his head under a pillow. "No, Stan, it's not like that at all," he said his voice muffled by the pillow. I patiently waited for him to elaborate. He sighed, "I should have explained this a long time ago. But, honestly, I'm a little confused as to what you're talking about. Elves don't really reproduce until we're about thirty. Do humans do it younger?" Kyle asked tentatively sounding like he was about to combust from embarrassment.

"I wasn't talking about having a child!" I said currently the completion of a radish myself. "Don't elves have sex for fun?"

"I, um, maybe?" replied Kyle, slowly emerging from under the pillow. I gave him a sympathetic look; after his parents died he'd had no one to look explain this stuff to him. I wouldn't have had it myself if my dad hadn't ranted about it at inappropriate times during my childhood.

"Well, how about we give it a go now?" I asked.

"Don't, don't humans want their first time to be special?" he asked timidly.

"If it's with you that's all the special I need."

Kyle jabbed my side with his fingers. "Do you have to be such a dork?"

"To get you to smile like that, yeah, I do," I replied smugly. Kyle stuck his tongue out at me defiantly and I just laughed.

The two of us giggled and smiled for a couple seconds, getting a little lost in one another's eyes, until Kyle gave me a more serious look.

"If you want to do it now, I'm very happy to."

"You sure?" I asked and Kyle resolutely nodded.

Slower, and probably softer than usual, I leaned over to Kyle and placed my lips gently against his. Pressing one hand gently against his shoulder as he lay back against the bed. I always feel like I could kiss Kyle for hours and hours and hours. The actual action of kissing isn't that important in of itself; it's the person you do it with that matters, and being able to be this intimate with Kyle? Nothing else really makes me much happier.

The two of us gradually became more and more eager, pressing our lips harder and harder against one another. Kyle opened his mouth wider letting me in, used to this game, except maybe with less passion. Our tongue's danced around one another in some kind of complex tango. There was a fire to our actions. A heat which wasn't usually apparent.

I moved away from Kyle's lips and let my kisses journey across his cheek and down to his neck. I smiled up at him before I started kissing and gently sucking on his neck. I honestly had no idea what I was doing but Kyle was moaning softly above me so something must have been correct.

I moved to pull at Kyle's shirt, but that seems to pull him out of his lust filled haze. He scrambled away from me.

"Stan... what are you doing?"

"Are you, was that too far Kyle?"

"Too far? Stan, I don't understand what you're doing!" said Kyle, a brighter shade of red than before, and moving to cover himself with pillows.

Puzzled, I looked at Kyle's scared and confused expression and wondered if Kyle actually knew what was going on.

"Kyle, do you know what I'm trying to do?"

"Well, I thought I did!" Kyle, at this point, just seemed upset and a bit angry. I really just wanted to give him a hug and tend to his every need until he had a smile on his face again. But that wasn't really what was needed right now.

I moved about half a foot away from Kyle, giving him some space, then asked, "What did you think was going to happen?"

"Usually when elves are trying to have a child they do it through the bond. I thought we were just going to do that recreationally."

The bond? What? "Right, well, that's not really how humans do things," I said, trying to explain.

"I guess I kind of knew that; I just didn't really know what to expect." Slowly, I moved back over to Kyle and I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"We don't have to do this now or ever," I said stroking his hair.

"No, I want to," said Kyle, crossing his arms and furrowing his brows.

"Right, but do you only want to because I want to or-" Kyle placed a hand over my mouth.

"Stan, will you stop worrying about what I want for once? Besides, I want this; whatever the human way is. I want to know all about you and your people." I smiled at Kyle's cute and determined face and slowly nodded.

Slowly, I took Kyle's shirt and pulled it up over his head. Hesitantly, Kyle did the same to me. For a moment, I just sat happily and admired Kyle. Whenever we went swimming, I'd almost feel bad staring, as if Kyle was something so pure it was wrong of me to stare lustily at him for too long. But in this moment, I allowed my eyes to skate over him, admiring his strong arms and chest. I could tell he was doing the same which made me feel proud and glad for all the training I constantly put myself through. As stupid as it sounds, one approving glance from Kyle made it all worth it.

I slowly pulled off Kyle's pyjama bottoms and was surprised to find his dick already hard. I looked up at Kyle who was resolutely looking anywhere but me. Pulling down his underwear I grasped his exposed cock in my hand and started pumping, using strong hard motions with my hand, the same way I would jack off myself. Kyle was mewling and moaning below me and I just marvelled at the scene, smiling at how strong our bond of trust is. No one else in the entire kingdom gets to see Kyle this way – vulnerable, exposed. It's because he trusts me that I get to see him this way. The thought almost hurts my heart and I bring my lips back to Kyle's to kiss him, gratefully. To try and show with my actions instead of words how lucky I feel to have him in my life.

"Ngh, Stan I-" was all Kyle managed to say before he came all over my hand. I happily sat by him as he came down from his high.

Flushed and breathing heavily, Kyle slowly sat up and started glaring at my pyjama bottoms. Chuckling a little, I pulled them off, along with my own underwear. Kyle, looking a little out of his comfort zone, but determined none the less, stared intently at my naked form.

Just as I was starting to feel self-conscious, my dick suddenly felt incredibly hot and aroused, like I'd just reached orgasm, but more intense and prolonged. As if I'd been zapped by some energy beam. I fell on top of Kyle a complete moaning mess. Then, the feeling was gone. 

"How, how did you do that?" I said, eventually managing to compose myself.

"I just, I used our link, you picked up, and I just imagined you writhing and happy. It wouldn't work if you didn't consent," he said bright red.

"Can you, keep doing it?" I asked, red now myself.

Kyle nodded gingerly. The intense feeling returned, but this time, Kyle started uncertainly rubbing my shaft with his hand. I could barely concentrate on anything. My vision was blurring. All I could feel was an intense pleasure. I didn't even realise I'd come over Kyle's hand until I came down from my high and observed him studying the viscous liquid, playing with it in his hands.

"Kyle! Stop that!" I said, radiating a red colour and wiping his hands on the bed sheets.

Kyle just gave me a toothy grin. "So is that how humans reproduce?" he questioned.

"Well, they do other stuff too..."

"Like what?" asked Kyle giving me a seductive yet innocent smirk that was about to drive me insane.

"Like... I don't really know," I admitted, feeling embarrassed.

"Well, how about you go do some research and get back to me?" suggested Kyle with a little smirk on his face.

"Maybe I will," I said, playing along and bringing Kyle's lips back to mine for another kiss.

Eventually, Kyle pulled away. "Stan, that, this evening, was amazing," said Kyle, cuddled up next to me.

"You're telling me," I replied, feeling pretty mind blown myself.

"It seems like mixing up human and elf traditions truly is the best thing to do," decided Kyle.

"Yeah," I answered, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Kyle?"

"Yeah, Stan?"

"Thanks for existing, and for accepting me," I said sincerely. All my insecurities and doubts had been washed away. I found myself wishing I'd just asked him about it all sooner.

"Thanks for doing those things too Stan," he replied sweetly. He gave me a last chaste kiss on the lips until the two of drifted off to sleep, even more exhausted than usual.


Hey guys~ So this was requested by clickwazboard over on my one shot book. What did you guys think? Please leave some criticism or whatever.

Also, the video up top is one of national pride - best thing my country ever made. It's funny and it teaches consent. With most British teenagers if you tell them 'unconscious people don't want tea' chances are they'll know what you're on about. 

Anyways, have an awesome day guys~

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