The Truth About Love

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I walked over to Butters and shook him firmly by the hand. The guy looked delighted, if a little terrified, by what he had just done. I felt myself being picked up and spun around. I looked down, and, sure enough, it was Stan. I couldn't help but let a grin fly onto my face. Even in the mist of all the destruction around us; it just seemed that everything was finally going to get better for once.

The human army, like a pet unsure about which of its owners to side with, uncertainly followed Butters out of Elfish territory.

Healers from our side ran around frantically trying to patch up their fallen comrades. I looked around to see Wendy being tended to, and slowly sit up. Thank God she's okay.

"Dude, can I put you down now? You're really fucking heavy." I stuck my tongue out childishly at him in response.

"Dude, fuck off," I replied chuckling, as he lowered me down.

"Hey, dude?" Stan asked in a more serious tone.

"Yeah, Stan?"

"I need to apologise. For everything. You were just trying to do the right thing; save your friend. And I blew it totally out of proportion. I was being selfish, stupid and an asshole and I'm sorry," he said, looking ashamed

"Thanks, but, I was in the wrong too. You're my best friend dude. I should have trusted you. It was a totally stupid and a totally dick move to drug you. I'm meant to include in all my important decisions. I just wasn't thinking clearly at the time. I was so worried about Kenny that it clouded my judgement. And you're totally right; I could have died," I responded, feeling the full weight of the guilt I'd been carrying around since the incident.

"You could have died right now. During the fight we just had with Cartman, I realised that life will always involve danger. Especially for us. I can't protect you from it all the time. And I shouldn't try to keep you away from it if you have a good reason to go towards it. But, what I do want to do is be there by your side, whenever I can be, and help, in whatever way I can."

"I want you to be there too Stan," I replied, staring happily into his eyes for a moment. The army collectively awed behind us.

Stan took a step towards me; I took one towards him. He slowly moved his lips closer to mine, getting impatient, I pressed mine gently against his. It was short. Sweet and chaste. The world seemed to stop moving and in that moment everything seemed perfect. Suddenly, we weren't standing in the midst of a blood soiled battlefield but had instead been transported to somewhere far away from war and death. Somewhere which was safe and calm; somewhere familiar yet completely new.

"Kyle, I think I love you, like, romantically."

"I think I love you too Stan," I replied overjoyed, kissing isn't something elves tend to do, but, after that, I think I could get used to it with Stan. Starry-eyed we just stared at each other, grinning uncontrollably.

"Gay!" yelled Craig, while simultaneously still managing to sound bored. "This is totally gay and cringey. And I hate it."

"Craig! S-Stop ruining the moment!" Tweek jabbed back at him.

"Babe, trust me; no one wanted to carry on listening." His spiky blonde companion continued to glare at him until the ravenet grabbed his hand. "Come on everyone. We're going home now."

"C-Craig, you're not h-head of the army, or of anything! You c-can't make these decisions!" yelled Tweek.

"Watch me," replied Craig as the army started following him away from the border. The two of us just smiled and followed along in suit.


It's been awhile, years in fact. Time seems to pass fast, yet ever so slowly. It's quite a paradox in of itself.

In the human realm, for many years Butters has, surprisingly, been a very successful and popular leader. He's also been getting quite close to Princess Kenny in the process, largely through diplomatic meetings. I wonder if anything will ever blossom there. It keeps seeming like it will, yet never quite does, and honestly if it doesn't soon I will intervene, or it's going to drive me insane. However, with hope always comes hate, which Cartman manages to feed off, like some maggot that refuses to die.

There's been a horrific plague in the Human Realm recently. Hundreds of have people died. This has followed several years of bad harvests and freezing winters. The human population is hungry, cold and depressed. Cartman is feeding off the negative energy, pushing blame onto Butters and growing stronger every day.

The future for our southern neighbour seems uncertain. Cartman's running for president. The next election is coming up fast. Cartman and Butters are neck in neck in the polls. What's worse is Cartman somehow got Kenny into talks with him, probably manipulated her somehow. And the chemistry between them is undeniably still there. It feels like anything could happen. Gossip is constantly flying through the air. The media is having a field day every day to the extent where the media is basically just eternally sitting happily in a field.

Who will Princess Kenny choose? The public clearly care. Her opinion could tip the polls, which makes her nervous. She's unsure if she should even say anything.

The future seems bleak up here in the North too, but it also feels brighter than the past. I'm trying to democratise the country, while natural and man-made disasters hit us practically every day. But I know I can get through this, especially if I have Stan by my side.

See, I've learnt something during my life so far. From the moment Stan first walked into that library, right up until this morning, as he's lying in bed next to me, he's always been all I need. My constant support. My super best friend. My everything.

Sure, we fight. We don't always get along. Sometimes, it seems like we will never get back together. Sometimes, it seems like neither of us want to. But, somehow, we always do. He's always there when I need him, just like I'm always there when he needs me, and that's the truth about love. It's hard work. It's painful. Sometimes, you wonder what the point of it is. Why anyone would bother continuing with it. But, if you can make it work, it's more valuable than the rarest of treasures.

You keep having to work and fight for it. It's constant work and it's a constant fight. But it's also constant support and constant fun. It brightens the darkest days. Gives you purpose; makes you feel needed. You wake up with them right next to you, and you feel invincible.

You wonder how you were ever so lucky. You look into his ocean blue eyes, smile at his messy black hair and when he says your name, with more affection than you thought was possible, you know that this, all of this, is exactly what you need and that this, all of this, is exactly what true love is all about.


Hey guys~ The main story is completed! (the next chapter is just bonus smut - they are aged up - dw) Thank you so much if you made it this far. Every vote and comment really made me sooooo happy, so thank you guys so so so much!

Reading over the final paragraph I was just imagining Cartman yelling: "You guys! He's making a lame speech again! Stop him!" and then Stan either agreeing or whacking him over the head with his sword. I preferred the latter option.

So, I'm starting a new story! The first chapter is out if you feel like checking it out! (shameless self-advertising, I know) It's called 'Shipping Wars' It's basically what I think would happen if the Tweek x Craig episode was extended, and the Asian girls latched onto the four main boys. And then there was a massive shipping war between Style, Kyman and K2. And it obviously contains Creek, because who doesn't love Creek!? It's probably even crazier than you are imaging.

Also, one last thing. I love the picture up above, apart from the fact that Kyle does not have freckles (and neither does Tweek). Seriously! Spread the word! If he did, you would be able to see them in the show. Also, in the episode where Cartman is talking about how evil gingers are it's established that Kyle is a daywalker because he does not have freckles (and also because he's not super pale) I have nothing against freckles. I have freckles myself and they're awesome. But Kyle does not.

Anyways, thanks again for reading! And have the most awesome of days ever!

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