07 │killing time

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Taylor peeks out her living room window and watches as a car passes by her house. Darkness has fallen over her street, and her quiet neighborhood resembles that of a post-apocalyptic world. Her phone beeps and she lifts it up, reading a message from Marc. She ignores it.

"So...?" Cesar leans against Taylor's bedroom door frame.

Morgan stands in the center of the room, next to Riley who spins around childishly in the computer chair. Paige sits on the bed, paying more attention to her phone than anything.

"We're waiting for Julia." Morgan says.

Paige glances up from her phone inbetween texts. "Yeah, she's not coming."

"What? Why not?" Taylor asks, turning away from her window to face the group.

"She said she was meeting a guy or something." She looks down at the bed with a snotty face, uncomfortably adjusting her position on the stiff mattress.

"Typical Julia." Cesar sighs.

Riley uses his foot as a break to stop the chair from spinning. "Guys, what is this about?"

"Paige and I both got letters in our lockers today." Taylor shoots a suspicious glance at Cesar, who catches it. "We think someone knows, and they're messing with us."

Cesar's eyes narrow. "Knows what?"

Before Taylor can speak, Morgan steps forward. "Knows about that night. When we killed the kid."

"We? No, that was all you." Paige snarls.

"Really?" Morgan takes a step toward her. "Cause something tells me that, if you didn't even feel slightly responsible, you would have ran to the cops by now."

Paige glares at him. "I still can. Maybe I should."

"Nah, you wouldn't. You may be a conniving bitch, but you're not stupid. You know you'll be arrested for fleeing the scene."

She doesn't say anything, knowing that it's true. Both the fleeing the scene and the conniving bitch part.

Riley pulls at his hair, letting out a frustrated sigh. "Really, guys? Can we not be in the same damn room for more than five minutes without starting a fight?!" They turn to him as he shakes his head, reaching over Taylor's desk to grab her ball made of rubber bands. He fidgets with it, as he tries to stay calm himself.

"He's right." Taylor shoots a get-your-shit-together face at Morgan. "Assuming that none of us wrote those letters, someone else knows."

"What do the letters say?" Cesar asks curiously, but his expression reads that he might already know.

"Mine said 'Shady Grove', and the one Paige got said to meet up in the gym."

Morgan rolls his eyes. "And it was made to look like I wrote it."

Lifting an eyebrow, Cesar pulls himself off the door frame and stands up straight. He crosses his arms. "Maybe someone is trying to scare you into telling the truth?"

Taylor shakes her head, not buying it. "But if this person knows what happened and wants us to tell the truth, why doesn't he just make an anonymous call to the police station?"

"He probably doesn't have any evidence." Morgan smirks. "Good for us, right?"

"Okay. So, I get the Shady Grove reference." Riley tosses the rubber band ball between his hands. "But why would this guy want to meet Paige in the gym?"

"Umm, because I'm hot." Paige rolls her eyes before turning her attention back to her phone.

Shrugging, Taylor looks down at the floor. "I don't know."

"Unless it was a trap." They all look up at Cesar, who smirks from the doorway. "Now, if you guys don't mind, I have things to take care of." He shakes his head and laughs as he leaves down the hallway.

Paige stares at the open door. "Well, that was creepy. Anyways, I'm out." She reaches down to grab her keys.

"Yeah, I should probably get going too." Riley sets the ball back down on Taylor's desk and stands up.

Trying to hide her worried tone, Taylor clears her throat. "Paige, fill Julia in. And, guys, if you get any more messages that are weird, let us know. Who knows what this guy is capable of."

"Or girl." Paige smiles. "You never know."

Riley squints his eyes. "Touché. After you." He signals for her to walk to the door first and, when she does, he follows her out. "Bye guys."

"Later." Morgan sighs and begins to walk off as well, when he stops to turn to Taylor. "Well, that was a major waste of time."

"At least we know it's not one of us." Taylor's tone is reassuring, but at this point it's unclear whether she's trying to convince Morgan or herself.

He stops and peers at her from the hallway. "Do we?"

The two lock eyes for a brief moment before he turns to make his way to his bedroom. Taylor can hear the front door of their house shut and turns back to the window to see Riley and Paige walking to their cars parked alongside the curb.

The Riverside High gym is pitch black, the only light shooting in from the narrow windows on the double doors that lead outside. That, and the red glare from the 'Exit' sign posted above them.

One of the doors cracks open as someone pulls it outward, revealing several pieces of duck tape covering the locking mechanism to prevent the doors from latching together.

Julia steps inside, holding her gym bag. She looks around the empty gym nervously, not realizing how eerie it could be at night. She scales the wall, which is luckily the only spot the moonlight is cast on, as she makes her way to the locker room. Near the retractable bleachers on the wall ahead of her is a full rack of basketballs.

She slips into the girl's locker room, which is slightly more lit up from the thin strips of windows, composed of glass bricks, hanging right below the ceiling on the wall to her right. She walks past a few rows of lockers and stops at the last set, which is directly across from the showers.

Grabbing the lock, she twists it to put in her combination. Once it's unlocked, she pops open the door and leaves the open lock hanging from the handle. She takes off her shirt and sets it inside the locker. When she does, something inside catches her eye and she smiles as she reaches in to grab it.

Her smile widens as she unfolds the note in her hand to read it. 'MEET ME IN THE GYM AT 8, E.P.'. She giggles as she folds it back up and tosses it on the shelf inside. She glances at her wristwatch to see it is 7:30 PM. She still has some time. She grabs at the watch to unfasten it and sets it inside. Pretty soon all of her clothes are off and shoved into the locker with it, and she turns around to walk over to the showers with her towel.

The door to the locker room slowly opens.

♫ ᴋɪʟʟɪɴɢ ᴛɪᴍᴇ / ᴄɪᴛʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏʟᴏᴜʀ ♫

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